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THE MAKING PLAN = la gamme de fabrication

1) definition: It is the instruction for how each product part will be assembled (= put together). It is also the basis for calculating the labour cost per item. It shows : what is to be made how it will be made with what equipment (= required equipment) in what time (= expected job time) by whom (= operatives or work group) Each step is described in the proper/ correct order. 2) Gamme de fabrication de la jupe: document du dossier technique = the making plan of the skirt: a document from the technical package:

rechercher l'ordre de montage de la jupe = look for the contruction order of the skirt. Operations (= procedures): for ex: repasser plis poches = pressing pockets pleats surfiler ceinture = oversew the belt frquence = frequency = once, twice, 3 times etc.

renseignements = information : plier aux crans = fold at notches coucher coutures vers les devants = lay the seams to the fronts.

Matriel = equipment : table de repassage = ironing board machine coudre = sewing machine

Avant de commencer la ralisation de la jupe: il faut rgler le nombre de points au cm ( ex: 4 points/cm) sur un morceau de tissu ou chantillon & rgler la temprature du fer. = before you start making the skirt you must adjust the number of stitches per cm (for ex: 4st/cm) on a piece of fabric or a sample; you must also adjust the temperature of the iron.

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