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Layout of my Cover.

Autumn Edition

Image of a female, a MCU with head to the side and slightly tilted upwards. The image is going to be placed in front of everything else on the magazine. Poppy Merrick Top selling artist this month

Katy Perry wins Women Of The Year!


1. The editors on tour letter 12. The top 100 songs this week
Photographer: Lindsey Parkes

22. Poppy Merricks Fame Checklist 31. New and upcoming Pop artists 35. Indie artists caught on camera 40. Fancys verdict of Jay-zs new album 45. The weeks best gigs

Here will be one image of a model lying on her back, her head will be under the number of pages and her legs will be going up the left side page.

A long shot of the artist featured on the cover. The backgrounds of this image will be the whole double page spread and the title and text will be placed over it.

Fame Checklist

Fancy magazine met up with the top artist Poppy Merrick this week to ask how she got her self so well known. Here Is what she had to say. Hey, Yeah I started off by going to singing lessons for free in my secondary school but that was mostly to get out of maths class. I then passed all my grades in singing and continued to do this at college. I then formed a band called Finders Keepers but we decided to go our separate ways after a few months. I then went on to singing in pubs where I was scouted. I brought out my single Connection which made it to number 1 and have just bought out my album called secrets Thank you for the interview Fancy!

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