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Youmayhavedemineralizationthrutea,coffee,diuretics,citricacidinsodas,pasteurizedlemonadesor citrusjuices,vinegarfoods.Abigsourceofacidinthesystemisexcessproteineatingwhichcreates stomachacidatveryregularintervalsandyourownstomachacidcanthinoutyourbones!Thinner bonesACHE!TakingCalMagisapatchbutthatdepositsplaqueinthearteries.Bestisnotto demineralizeinthefirstplace.

Last bones swell up and ache when you eat allergin foods Unknown to you, there may be body allergies to tomato, potato, eggplant bellpeppers, all the nightshade foods, which cause joints to swell. OUCHEY! Of course the cow eats these foods in the meadow, he drops dead. Lucky you. You don't. You just get arthritis and wish you were dead. And then the PEANUT. Highly allergic to many of us. Or us to the nut.
Last,youmayhaveHEAVYMETALSfromtincans,cookware,dentalamalgam.Theyareallerginstooand allallerginsmakebonesswellup.Lastyoumayhavetoomanyuricacidsforyourkidneystoeliminate. Avoiduricacidfoods,whicharedeadbodies,i.e.fleshfoods(orsimmeryourmeatinflavoredwaterso thatthejuicesofthedeadbodydissipateandcanbegiventoanimalsasconsomme,orusedingarden asfertilizer.UREAisafterall,urineorfertilizer.Samething.Nitrogen.Goodforplants,notgoodfor humans.Simmeringfleshfoodseliminatesalotofuricacid.Whilebakingachickenorpotroastingyour beefwillsadlyallowtheuricacidstostayinthemeat.Itisagelatinouselement.Ifyouhavealotof purinsorureainbody,thenincreasekidneyactionwithwatermelonbetweenmeals.Unfortunately diureticstendtowashmineralsoutofthebodytoo.Bestisavegetariandiet.NoGout,Arthritisthere.

The REGIMEN below cures all of the forms of joint erosion and pain. In fact it creates such superior vitamin processing by the digestive tract that you bounce bogus bacteria back to the Future and you will also lose every other disease you might have been scheduled for. All maladies are cured by going on the BONE REGIMEN! It is a gluten free diet, quitting all grains except a few which have no gluten, quitting all foods with traces of flour hidden in them like soups and then eating a really fine, healthfood diet. And it entails quitting all diuretics as they melt your bones off into the plumbing pipes. Doctors will always give mineral replacement if they have to proscribe a week or two of diuretics yet you go on swilling Coca Colas and other soft drinks with huge amts of citric acid, pasteurized citrus juices, vinegar in dressings and the worst offenders black coffee and all the teas. WHAT IS this enemy called GLUTEN? It's the high protein part of wheat which is very GLUEY! It gets inside you, it occludes the functions of the bowel so that a.) you're constipated, b.) you don't inhale a vitamin out of what you eat. Naturally, you begin to age and fall apart.

The no grain regimen will patch your vitamin deficiencies just because it gets the glue off the intestinal walls. You will develop a renewed ability to get vitamins from your food Then, in addition, take mono meals, huge fruit salads, as one snack, then a HUGE dark green and orange salad along with your protein meal....these are anti-oxidant rich foods (fruits, vegies,) that give you EVEN higher NUTRITION than usual.
LOWGLUTHIGHANTIOXwillendyourARTHRITIS.YourCARTILEGEwillREPAIRitselfandswellingswill abate,mineralizationreturns.Diseasedbonewillregrow!WritethatonyourMIND!Vowtodothe Arthritiscuredietnow.


I. PLENTY of HEALTHFOODS - Meat, fish, poultry fine if you simmer in water. Never bake, roast or fry as purines stay in them. Lots of vegies, salads when you eat meat as alkaline neutralizes acidityof meat. Between meals fruits. No grains except sprouted, rinsed grains, as found in bible bread or grains properly soaked. SEE THE GOUT DIET. II. AVOID ALL GLUTEN- *(clickable URL) All GRAIN, all pasta, all baked goods have to go. It is the glue in grain, especially dense in wheat, but also found in many OTHER grains which you may eat now --as pasta, bread --- that has aged your body. GLUTEN spreads a thick glue over the interior walls of intestines so that no vitamin-rich FOOD there can get through! Foods VITAL POWERS cannot be inhaled by body! YOU may EAT but your body does NOT! VITAMINOSIS (meaning no vits) creates DISEASE as it starts the demineralization, aging and dying process. THE GLUTEN LIST. (*a second clickable url) There are many grains you can eat though. This list contains that information. CLICK ON anything underlined It's an URL. III. MAKE CERTAIN YOU DIGEST ANIMAL PROTEIN- No cokes or sugar or dessert given with a meat meal. SUGAR and WATER both dilute the fine, useful stomach acid and turns the stomach's high protein contents into a meady ferment. MEAT needs acidity not a sugary mix signalling to the body to start up an alkaline digestion! Your stomach secretes a useful digesting acid the second you smell the scent of cooked meat. LET the stomach do its job of tearing that meat apart. IF YOU THROW protein into an alkaline ferment, that flesh is UNDIGESTED. It goes thru you but what it turns into insults the kidneys. Your kidneys will die. Your face will look like a meat pie, swelling up until you're unrecognizeable which all geriatrics are. How hard is it to have a sip of water during meal, maybe one sip tops, then wait three to six hours and have your juice or your coke or your FRUIT SNACK between meals. SUPPLEMENT! TAKE CALCIUM BORON AND MAGNESIUM. Google up all these words, these supplements to read up on the qualities of each. Hydroxy Apatite Calcium, Alfalfa tablets, burdock, BROTHS rich with delicious celery seed. Make teas with meadowsweet, echinacea, devil's claw, yarrow; licorice, wild yam. Oprah now swears by Green tea as a daily beverage. Supplement with calcium citrate kicked up with trace minerals and Vitamin D: boron, magnesium, cod liver oil for the Vit D, or other fish oils. Take eve primrose oil; kelp, selenium, nettles, hawthorn, prickly ash. Rub aloe, peppermint oil, comfrey, cayenne,

onion, CELERY/ cabbage juice on or put into a poultice, wrap, or the DMSO poultice given below. Get rid of rigid mental attitudes. Aurevedic cure for joint pain, tumeric in hot goat's milk. We eat no cow's milk! Boswillia (from India); When you can get raw, ripe pineapple, you get this magic substance 'bromellian' (Pineapple's active enzyme which is why raw Pineapple cannot go in JELLO!) Eat it on empty stomach, pycnogenol; black cohosh, chapparal, garlic, sarsparilla, desert willow, poke root, meadowsweet, colloidal silver, and MIRACLE ARTHRITIS cure, glucosamine sulfate (or acetyl glucosamine. Also chondroitan sulfate. (Cheap way is to chew knobs of poultry bones really regularly). Leave shaft of bone, take the marrow if you can. but eat the knobs off. A FRIEND WROTE ME THIS: I have a jewel to share with you. I discovered a mineral called BORON from the many searches I did to relieve this aching soreness in my right knee. I suffered with this since Oct of 2006. Well...3mg of boron taken 4 times a day started me on the road to recovery. I can actually walk normally again. I found out this info from a Dr. Rex Newnham. He is in England and he has written lots of papers on the subject of boron. (GOOGLE it.) I have ordered his product and the book about "Healing Arthritis and Healing Osteoporosis." I also picked up the boron tablets from the local health food store. It was 60 tablets for about 4.00 dollars. Most important is Calcium citrate with trace minerals of magnesium, boron, and cod liver oil and Vit D. for absorption of the calcium. Multiple minerals are good in addition as there are many, many minerals. Just supplementing ONE MINERAL, CALCIUM, isn't enough! A tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar might be taken with other, hard-to-break-down forms of calcium other than citrate. Or squeeze some lemon into your glass of water before you down a handful of minerals. Oh, and Use Niacinamide. CHINESE HERBS: Dong Gui, Gou Ji, Siberian Ginseng, Bone Mender, Xo Xian, Eucommia bark, Fo Ti, Disacus Root Mulberry Stem, Dodder Seed, Job's tears. MYCOPLASMA- If you had a bad bronchial infection or purulent pneumonia once, that may mean mycoplasma bacteria is still in your body. It is a bacteria that particularly easily becomes resident. Pets carry it. Pets with lung infections. You may need some minocycline, a non invasive anti biotic to clear it out, although with time and an immune system, your own body can rid itself of resident bacteria. Did your cats ever have a mucusy lung infection, sneeze and give you pneumonia/Flu? CAT LUNG DISEASE. (clickable URL) DRINK MORE WATER! DOUBLE THE AMT. And be sure to eat the cartilege off chicken or beef bones, then you don't have to buy costly chondroitan sulfate. Investigate Beef trachea extract. RED or black cherries in season, DAILY always not combined with other foods for absorption. Use DMSO (vets' shin rub) with freshly squeezed garlic making certain skin and hands are totally clean when you rub garlic on! DMSO is a sulphur which penetrates, i.e. carries anything else with it into the body so no clothing full of detergents when you use it! Swaddle the aching limb in pure, hand washed cotton flannel so the garlic/DMSO doesn't get on sheets or clothes. Go to to read up on this. LAST make your own tiger balm! ESCHEW CITRIC ACID, Tea, diuretics, cokes, soft drinks, pasteurized citrus.

BUY (or MAKE YOUR OWN TIGER BALM) AND RUB ON AREA HARD! First one has to make the Tigerbalm oil. Here are the two recipes: Tigerbalm Oil No.1 Wintergreen Oil 1T + 2t + 10 drops Camphor Oil 2 1/2t + 20 drops Eucalyptus Oil 3/4th Lavender Oil 1/2th tsp + 40 drops Peppermint Oil 1tsp + 44 drops Sweet Almond Oil 3 1/2tsp + 10 drops Tigerbalm Oil No. 2 Peppermint Oil 4 1/2tsp Camphor Oil 2 1/2tsp + 20 drops Wintergreen Oil 3 1/2tsp + 10 drops Lavender Oil 2 1/2tsp + 20 drops Eucalyptus 2 1/2 tsp + 20 drops Jojoba Oil 1 3/4tsp Both recipes yield about 3 ounces of a mild, Tigerbalm oil. But the really powerful stuff is cheaper, still. ANY CHINESE grocery store or pharmacy/herbalist has a 2 oz jar, WONG TO YICK tiger balm oil, menthol, camphor LA distributor is SO's in LA 90033. Couple of bucks. Makes the area GLOW with radiant heat! Wonderful! Buy your tiger balm or Make one of the above recipes. Can be used as is or added to petroleum jelly later on to make a balm. (Use a veggie carrier oil and beeswax to make an un-petroleum jelly.) To make the balm , take 3.5 ounces of petroleum jelly and melt in the top of a double boiler. Once melted, place top of double boiler over a cool bath of water. As soon as the jelly begins to solidify a bit, add 3 1/2t + 10 drops of either Tigerbalm oil recipe . Stir until cool. If desired, add a drop of chlorophyl for color. Place contents in a jar. (Make the un-petro jelly by melting a little beeswax into some carrier oil to equal the 3.5 ounce amount, then proceed with the rest of the directions.) NOW have a strong person rub your arthritic areas as hard as you can take. If you aren't screaming, it's not hard enough. Daily for five minutes. That causes excretion of toxins so drink ripe lemon and water to excrete those toxins through kidneys.

When I got gout in foot, toe, ankle, Yogi Bhajan told me that painful stretches on the nerve would fix the joint. He suggested a magic gout reliever. You do a maximum yogic stretch, done with full lung thru the nose inhale of maximum oxygen which you 'send' to the afflicted joint. HOLD air in a minute, hold the posture too. Have someone else PULL the limb itself (where this painful joint is) to maximum extension. The MAJA MUDRA is best for legs. (Sit on one leg, folded, so heel is in groin, extend other leg to max, toe pointing to sky. The most painful position is that one. Then BEND NOSE down down down to knee. Have someone hold you there for a whole minute. That pull rids the entire leg, knee, ankle, foot big toe of its acids. Find the arm stretch back that is most painful, breathe into it with someone helping you hold it to maximum extension. Yogi Bhajan was right.. I had extreme joint swelling, sensitivity and pain. He said that the cure for gout was the maha mudra, with someone holding you down to max. extension. So it really burns. I had hip joints in pain, also ball of foot, toe, a real classic gout. A few mahas and I was cured and it never returned! His father was an aurevedic doctor, a great old man, most memorable. Looked at my infant son mouth breathing, sound asleep, said to me 'get him off pasteurized milk.' He has adenoids"

LAST, MASSAGE! Most important, have all the poultices, oils, jellies and shin rubs applied by warm, human hands, somebody who's not looking at the clock. Strip the part of body afflicted, naked. No clothing on it. So room must be warm. Lie on sheets set over newspaper so oil doesn't soak through to bed or carpet. Get a lengthy massage to the afflicted joint. Have them concentrate on sending a message to the joint area. GET BETTER. This more than anything works. But one more thing. A CHI LAMP. I have the paper work on it as I own one. Chinese healing college in LA sells them for $245. To replace a bulb is l0$ and it takes years before you need one. Useful for 'backs out' or any problem at all. Charge pals 5$ a treatment you'll make your money back.

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