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Meeting Minutes

April 17th, 2006

Board members present: Tommy Taylor, David Steiner, Kris Meek and Rose Klein. Member
present: Myrna Coleman.

The Egg Hunt was held last Saturday. This is what we learned from this year’s egg hunt: NO
chocolate candy! Make sure we have the loud speaker and all supplies for the hunt at least
the day before the hunt. Make signs for the different areas and make sure we have more
people to help so that all the groups of kids don’t all go at once. The egg toss is for 5th grade
on up. Not for little kids who are eligible for the egg hunt.

Mike Christ is storing the plastic eggs for us during the year. We had to wash all the eggs
after the hunt because of melted chocolate all over them. Jeff Eckley is storing the posts that
we used to mark off the areas.

Myrna Coleman was elected as a director by the board members who were present. Myrna
helped with the egg hunt and has expressed an interest in keeping the neighborhood
association going.

The Spring Garage Sales are May 18-20. Tommy Taylor will put the ad in the Journal from
Wednesday through Saturday of that week. David Steiner will put people’s ads on the website
and will put them on the map. A lady from Fallbrook neighborhood asked us to put her ad on
our website but we declined.

The Block Party day and Pool Party will be held on Saturday, July 29th. The Pool Party is
scheduled for the Highlands Pool from 6-7:30. Tommy will see about extending it to 8 p.m. like
it was last year. Sigsbee’s Barbeque which supplied barbeque sandwiches and chips for a
nominal price has gone out of business. We will have to look for new vendors.

Rose Klein said she would look into getting plastic saw horses to make signs to notify
Highland’s residents of the meetings. Kris Meek is familiar with a sign company that could
make the signs.

The next meeting is Monday, May 15th at 7:30 at Fredstrom School. The Northwest team of
the police department may be there to talk about safety issues. Tommy Taylor has talked to
Captain Jon Sundermeyer at 441-6555 to set up the visit.

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