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How to Make: Healthy Homemade Popsicles

Getting Ready: Juice or fruit punch in desired flavour Chunks of desired fruit (optional) Freezer Popsicle mould, ice cube tray, or paper cups Popsicle sticks

Step by Step: 1. Place your mould on a flat surface 2. Fill each mould full with your desired juice 3. If using fruit, drop in a few chunks of fruit in (optional) 4. Place in freezer for 1 hour (or until SURFACE has slush on it) 5. Take out of the freezer and place a popsicle stick in the center of each mould 6. Place back in the freezer until fully frozen (approximately 3-4 hours) 7. Remove popsicles as desired and enjoy!

Tips: Once the popsicles are in the freezer with the popsicle sticks in them, check the popsicle sticks every 30-45 minutes to adjust them in case they fall over

If using fruit, freeze the popsicles for about 10 minutes and then add fruit chunks (in case fruit all sinks to the bottom)

If looking to make small popsicles, use an ice cube tray for best results

By: Erica Younger

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