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Villas at Woodland Lake Annual Meeting Minutes October 18, 2012 Twenty two units were represented either

in person or by Proxy. Sue Clark, Property Manager, called meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Quorum was established at 6:05 PM. Introductions of board and audience members conducted. Reading of the 2011 Annual Meeting was waived. The minutes were approved as written. Annual Report 1) Sue discussed the operating budget for the current year discussion followed regarding the need to build the reserve funds for future replacements (roof replacement, foreclosure, etc.) 2) As of 9/30/12 there is $167,524.63 in funds of which $155,000 is designated reserve. 3) There was discussion regarding homeowner communications. Trying to go paperless and send out mass emails to communicate current events. 4) Laura Rosenberger, President reviewed the past years activities More email communication to owners Sewer Caps repaired/replaced Dead trees removed Tree trimming Algae on units facing north were power washed Extensive concrete replacement Irrigation system being reviewed and updated Roofing engineer inspected roofs Spring walk around inspecting units

Election of Board Members (each member elected for a two-year term) 2 director positions were open. Following were nominated to serve the 2 year term: Nicole Cannon Laura Rosenberger

There were no further nominations. There was a unanimous vote to elect the nominees to the Board. New business/audience questions The members reiterated their desire for more communication. The Board also commented that the trees and lawns will be the main focus for 2013. One owner indicated a community picnic would be nice. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.

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