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Gardens at Greenview Crossing Board of Directors Meeting June 27, 2012 The Board of Directors met on Wednesday, June

27, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. at Sue Clark Ral Estate in Clive, IA. Present: Michele Kohrs, Dick Spencer, Carl Baker, Dennis Pingel , Ray Wee and Sue Clark, association manager. Minutes of the May 30, 2012 meeting were approved. Treasurers Report Dick Spencer gave a review of the 2012 year-to date actual costs versus 2012 budget year-to-date. As reported in the May minutes, the snow removal and the maintenance and repair line item expenditures are less than budgeted year-to-date. That will change dramatically after cement work is completed and hedge trimming is paid. Total surplus as of May 31st is $136,072. This leaves funding for future obligations. Expenditures for May were also reviewed by the board. Discussion was held on CD renewal rates. It was noted they are very low at this point, however, Sue will check several sources to secure the highest CD rate. Owner Call Report Carl Baker reviewed the call report. The Gardens is keeping current with requests by homeowners. Old Business 1. The board has secured estimates and approved drainage improvements for 5 properties. This is the second year the Gardens has improved properties to reduce icing on sidewalks. 2. There was discussion on the irrigation systemit appears the system is running correctly. All lawns are in good condition and green. The City of Ankeny will repair the irrigations systems on the properties which adjoin new road construction on Delaware and 36th Street. 3. It was noted that two trees have been planted in the large grassy area between Sycamore and Cottonwood. Michele Kohrs stated that the master had the entry areas trimmed as well as the trimming of trees in the walking area to the west of Sycamore and Cottonwood.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted,

Ray Wee, Secretary

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