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Group :- 2 Nirmal Patel 091232. Chandramauli Sharma 091212. Ankur Maheshwari 091207. Sukreet Banerjee 091253.

Nupur Shah 091233. Anisha Gupta 091205.

Sampling Plan:Sample size: - 100 People. Sampling Age Group: - 15 to 45 years. Target Customers: - Present Customers of coffee Shops, Collage Students, Working executives. Survey equipment: - Questionnaire (Self Assessment). Scale: - Likerts Scale (Few questions). If there is some data missing then we will conduct a Telephonic interview.


1. How many times a month do you visit a coffee shop? A) Less than 5 times. B) 5-10 times. x C) More than 10 times.

2. Rate the following features of a Coffee shop according to your preference (Higher to lower).1 to lowest and 4 to highest

A) Taste.4 B) Ambience.2 C) Service.1 D) Price.3

3. Do you follow Sports? A) Yes. B) No.x

4. Which Sport do you like to watch? (tick all those apply) A) Cricket. B) Football.x C) Basketball. D) Tennis. E) F1. F) Others. (Please specify).

5. How do you prefer to watch a match? A) Alone. B) Group.x

6. Would you like to have coffee while watching the match? A) Yes.x B) No.

7. Would you like to visit a sports Theme based coffee shop? A) Yes.x B) No.

8. Which activities would you like to include enhancing your experience of the coffee shop? A) Indoor Sports.x B) Books.x C) Computer games.

9. Would you think this kind of sports theme based coffee shop would work in Ahmadabad? Give 5 if you are sure, 4 for mostly sure,3 for neutral,2 for almost unsure,1 for fairly unsure A) 4

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