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=4, and 30 forth, oot loser high stele = absorb envy hic lover shale ~ Celesses erg NEILS BOHR MODEL OF THE ATOM - SOLAR SYSTEM MODEL OF THE ATOM wg ‘Atomic Emission Spactrum (line spectrum) is @ spectrum that contains only @ few colors, or wavelengths. An atomic emission spectrum of an element is a kind of atomic fingerprint that is ‘extremely useful in identifying elements. Example: yellow light is produced by sodium; hydrogen and eon give off red ght: nitrogen emissions orange; mercury emission i Bue. ' | Electromagnetic Spectrum (increasing energy frequency), decreasing wavelength) Gira |X eon, 9 | ME Tiare | Rod [ Oras | Yolow | Gren | Be [mao | vow [UHR | Fs wave | wave | T Fe RE t ae BOHR MODEL: (HYDROGEN ATOM) Pits” proton have a quanta of oF gi. energy hich enables oe Absorption ot eneray adn photo 10 contin K bertain cont: of energy. violet Might cies electcons ran, mck? creepy j resteihed Rom being released nor absorbs. ~ Dedions are “aaanta A Merry | constant cmd 4250 sib, emission ot ight F—4 Tred Whey it dopsy, UL FaNN nto the yulless a al ney Ground State (sabe) Electrons at excited state won't ttlease. Colors (in the Flame test when ype buct a malel acd 9 colors <3 hhyens) = UA the coloer APP when eledtcons go fom higher by To explain hydrogen spectral lines, Bohr proposed that when radaton (energy) is absorbed. an 5, electron jumps from the ground state to an excited state. This period of excitation is very brief and the ste ‘electron soon jumps back to a lower energy level, not necessarily the ground state, along with the lemission of light of spectic wavelength. This wavelength corresponds to @ characteristic color. The > definite energy levels of the atom incicate two properties: ‘ 1) the electron can move only at certain distance from the nucious 2). the electrons can move only a certain speeds Bohr's theory states that electron do not give off energy when stay at their levels. The energy is given off wen the electron goes to a lower energy level. This helps explain why the electrons in an atom do ‘not lose energy nor fall into the nucleus and causes the atom to collapse. ‘Tho Bohr model of the atom, however, failed to account forthe emission spectra of ther elements, Even for the hydrogen atom ithas marked limitations. The idea of quantized (definite) energy sels for ‘electrons in atoms represents an important inal step in the development of the current model for electronic structure, ‘THE HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE Inthe macroscopic world, a moving particle has a defirite location at any instant, whereas a wave is spread out in space. If an electron has the properties of both wave and @ particle, what can we determine about its position in the atom? In 1927, the German physicist Werner Heisenberg postulated the uncertainty principle which states that i is impossible fo know simultaneously the exact ;positionflocation and momentum of a particle. QUANTUM THEORY CLASSICAL THEORY ‘+ Matters partculate and massive + Energy is continuous wavetke “Since matter is discontinuous and particulate, perhaps energy is discontinuous and particulate Inference(s) i | ery is quanized only ceiain values allowed there ae fundamental estriction en the amount of enery that an object emits or absorbs (quanta) Blackbody radiation | Max Planck — | Ew | where | | ‘Observation |= energy = Planck's constant (6 62 x 10™4/s) = frequency of the radiation | | Photoclectic Entect Abert Einstein | Lah has pariculte behavior rotons) | Energy of atoms is quantized | Photons emitted when electron changes orbit | | Atomic Line Spectra of HHyarogen, Nelis Bohr ¥ Since energy is wavelike perhaps matter is wavelike [ (Observation Person _ = aal Inference | T Airmatiaravels in waves energy of ator i | Louis de Broglei | Guantized due to wave motion of electrons | (matter waves) : | electron aifraction by metal | crystal Diffraction is the phenomenen in which a wave striking the edge of an object bends around i IRis'a wave passing through a sit as wide as ts wavelength that forms a circular wave, Since energy has mass perhaps matter has mass ‘Observation ae “coud code with an ee Light has a dual nature, possessing the ‘As photon wavelengths | Arthur Compton | res of both particles and waves. increases (momentum eae . | decreas) ater cating | | ass and energy ae equivalent parties Enatan! | wevoert enone ave wavelength and photons have de Brogia ne Person ] Responsible | | | | Mass and energy relationship > Quantum Theory: Energy, same as mater, is particulate, massive and wavelke momentum. +> The quantization of energy led to the ‘present model of the stom which Erwin Schrodinger crystalized in a set of equation. This new model, the quantum-mechanical model, considers an ‘atom as composed of @ heavy nucleus surrounded by clouds of negative electric charge (the electron).

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