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Penny Leventis Period 1 Held- Lyons 6 January 2012

I chose the quote Its the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. I think this quote is a truism because, when a person has a dream they constantly think about it and what the outcome might be. I relate to this quote because I have a dream of traveling. I dream of exploring different cultures and living in various places and never quiet settling down. Having this dream makes my life interesting because I regularly think of where I want to travel and what I would experience in different places. When I have a bad day I fantasize about how someday I will live and explore a new place. Having this vision keeps me working towards my goal in life. Having this dream makes my life more interesting because it gives me something to look forward to. Paulo Coelho most likely used this quote to show that dreaming is what makes life interesting. For example the crystal merchant has a dream of going to Mecca and completing the Haj. The merchant has the money and the time to go on his ultimate quest but chooses not to. The merchant believes that fantasizing about his goal is what make his life worth living and if he were to ever accomplish his goal he will have nothing else to look forward to in life. I believe that Coelho uses this quote to impact the fact that some people are just scared of accomplishing their dreams because they think once they do they will have nothing else to look forward to in coming years.

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