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Hazrat Asma (RA)

Q. What happened when Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakr? would know. At this Abu Jehl slapped on her face. Q. Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafah worried? with him. He had left nothing for the children to eat. Q. How did Hazrat Asma console her grandfather? to place his money and jewels. She covered it with a piece of cloth. Then she requested her grandfather to look that her father had left all for them. Q. Who was Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair? bin AL-Awwam. Q. Which incident in the story showed Hazrat Asmas love and respect for the Holy Prophet. Ans: Hazrat Asma made necessary arrangements for the journey of emigration. She cooked food. She tied it on the camel back with her own belt when nothing else could be found. She would daily carry food to the cave of Thawr under the constant fear of being chased. Q. Which incident in the story tells about the generosity of Hazrat Asma? Ans: Hazrat Asma inherited a garden after the death of Hazrat Ayesha. She sold it and gave away all the money among the poor and the needy. Q. What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma? cause of Islam. We should help the poor and the needy. We should live the life of bravery, piety, generosity and patience. Q. She lived a life of harshipds but never swerved. Comment. right path. Ans: She had to undergo so many hardships. She never complained nor left the Ans: We get the lesson that we should be true Muslims. We should work for the Ans: Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair was the son of Hazrat Asma and Hazrat Zubair Ans: Hazrat Asma gathered some pebbles. She put them where her father used Ans: Abu Quhafah was worried that Hazrat Abu Bakr had taken all the wealth Ans: When Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Asma said how she

The Ever changing Environment of Computers

Q. What led the author into designing web pages and graphics? How was it beneficial for him? Ans: The authors first computer to small network of home, personal computers led him to designing web pages and graphics. Later on, t opened a gateway to computer knowledge for him. Q. What has helped the author to gain valuable commercial experience? Ans: Developing programme of web applications for the e-commerce company has helped the author to gain valuable commercial experience. Q. Q. What was the authors inspiration for his painting? How is playing cricket a welcome break from normal study for the author? Ans: Playing cricket is a welcome break from normal study for the author. It allows him to exercise which relieves his stress. Q. Which activity helped the author use his communication skills? the children. The helped him use his communication skills. Q. Why is it important to keep balance between curricular and cocurricular activities? Ans: It is because too much attention to only one activity renders student incomplete. So it is important to keep balance between curricular and cocurricular activities. Q. How are co-curricular activities helpful in learning life skills? They build the character and prepare for practical life. Ans: Co-curricular activities refresh and embolden the student for further study. Ans: The author had to demonstrate building of a balloon boat and supervise Ans: The authors college trip no Northern areas was inspiration for his painting.

Media and Its impact


What is the most important function that media performs? information with the audience.

Ans: Media is the most powerful mode of communication. It shares news and Q. What are the two major means of communication? Media and Print Media are the two major means of communication. Q. How does media provide entertainment? quiz programmes, books, magazines, and newspapers. Q. What happens when media is allowed to play its role unchecked? personal ends. Thus media creates unrest. Q. Give three reasons in support of your favourite TV programme. news. It keeps me in touch with the world. It educates me. Ans: PTV Date Line Pakistan is my favourite TV programme. IT gives me latest Ans: It is misled in the hands of a few wealthy people, They use it for their own Ans: Media entertains us through news, information, films, dramas, comedies,

Ans: Electronic


Do you think the recognition of the festival by the UN General Assembly is of any significance?

Ans: Yes I think so. It is because the festival is expected to be celebrated all over the world now. Q. What is the role of festivals in promoting brotherhood, peace and harmony among the people? Ans: Festivals bring the people of different regions, areas and countries closer. They promote brotherhood, peace and harmony among the people.

Nauroz Q. Which countries celebrate Nauroz and why it is celebrated? some groups in Balkan celebrate Nouroz. They want to create brother hood, peace and harmony.

Ans: Iran, Central Asia, South Asia, North Western China, Crimea, Caucasus and

Q. Q.

How do people begin this festival? When do people exchange gifts? arrival fo the spring. At that time, they exchange gifts.

Ans: People clean their houses. They buy new clothes to wear on the New Year. Ans: On the first day, the members of the family gather. They wait for the Q. How do festivals promote peace and harmony? good wishes. In this way, festivals promote peace and harmony. Q. How do people spend Nauroz holidays? relatives, friends and neighbours. Senior family members are visited first. Then the elders visit the young. On 13th day, they go out for picnic. Ans: During Nauroz holidays, people put on new clothes. They visit their

Ans: Peop0le exchange gifts on festivals. They visit one another. They express

Daffodils Q. What is the central idea of the poem? impresses upon us that nature has a healing power. A lovely scene of nature can make us forget our worries for the time being and transport us to the world of fancies. Whenever he feels sad, he recalls the scene of daffodils and his worries are suspended for the time being. Q. What do the daffodils represent in the poem? delight and relieves s of the tension and strain of life. Q. What Wealth do memories of the scene give to the poet? ecstasy. Whenever, he recalls the scene, he is transported to that world of nature. His heart begins to dance in delight with daffodils. Q. List the words that heighten the sound effect in the poem. show, flash, bliss, pleasure, fills, jocund company. Q. How has the poet heightened the impact of the poem by using her figurative language? Ans: The poet has used similes and metaphors in this poem. These figures of speech enhance they beauty and charm of the poem. The figurative Ans: Fluttering, dancing, stretched, tossing, waves, sparkling, sound, gaze, Ans: Memories of the sceen give to the poet the wealth of happiness and Ans: Daffodils in the poem represent the agent or source that provides us

Ans: The poet sess daffodils on the bank of a lake and feels overjoyed. He

language is as, they stretched in never ending line and ten thousand saw I at a glance. Quaids vision and Pakistan Q. How much confidence did Quaid-e-Azam have in his nation? are made of sterling material and second to none. Q. What was Quaids concept of our nation? lingual, ethnic, sectarian or provincial identities and prejudices, He wished us to become one compact whole and work collectively. Q. What was the ideology of Quaid-e-Azam based on? that the Muslims are an independent nation. Any attempt to merge their national and political identity will be strongly resisted. Q. What can be the possible solution to our present problem? present problem. Q. What would Quaid feel to see the present condition of the country and the nation? Ans: The Quaid would have been grief-stricken to see his nation falling prey to fatal diseases like disunity, disharmony and disintegration. Q. How can we become a strong nation? individual and provincial differences. Q. What does love of our country demand from us? work with strong determination for a bright future. Ans: Love of our country demands us to rectify our mistakes, look forward and Ans: We can become a strong nation if we observe national unity and overcome Ans: Unity in our ranks and working together can be the possible solution to our Ans: The ideology of Quaid-e-Azam was based on the fundamental principle Ans: Quaid-e-Azam conceived of our nation to think beyond personal, local,

Ans: Quaid-e-Azam had great confidence in his nation. He said in a speech You

Sultan Ahmad Mosque

Q. Why is Sultan Ahmad Mosque also known as Blue Mosque? blue tiles that embellish its interior. Q. Who was appointed as the architect of the mosque? Ans: Sultan Ahmad Mosque is also known as Blue Mosque. It is because of the

Ans: The royal architect Sedefhar Mehmat Aga was appointed the architect of the mosque. Q. Why was a heavy chain hung in the upper part of the court entrance? Ans: A heavy chain was hung at the court entrance. It made Sultan lower his head every time he entered the court in order not to get hit. It also indicated the humility of the ruler in the face of the divine. Q. How does the interior of t he mosque look? ceramic tiles in more than 50 different tulip designs. At gallery, there are designs of flowers, fruit and cypresses. The upper level is adorned with blue paint. Two hundred glass windows and chandeliers illuminate it. Most important is the mehrab finely carved with marble. Q. What does royal Kiosk mean? drinks etc are sold. At present, the word Kiosk is used to refer to old Ottoman style of building. It is made of wood and clad with stones. It is built for a wealthy person. TI si set in a garden and used for recreation. Here it means an open tent or heat chamber know in Turkey and Iran. Q. Why do you think madrassa and hospice was a part of the mosque? Ans: It was custom at the time to build mosque which comprised a tomb of the founder, a madrassa and a hospice. So, they are considered the part of the mosque. Q. Who constructed mosque Hagia Sophia? 537 by the Byzanbtine Emperor. In 1453, the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantinople. He converted the building into a mosque. He added mihrab minar and four minarets to it. It was closed for public for four years in 1031 and was re-opened in 1935 as a museum. Q. Why was a separate royal room attached to the mosque? stately discussion, addresses and hearing complaints. Ans: A separate royal room was attached to the mosque. It was meant for Ans: In the beginning, this building was constructed as a church between 532Ans: Literally it means a shop or store open at the front where newspapers, Ans: The interior ta the lower level is lined with more than 20,000 hand made

Stopping by Woods on a snowy Evening

Q. Q. Who is the speaker in the poem? Whom does the speaker refer to in the first stanza of the poem? stanza of the poem. Q. Why does the speaker stop in the darkest evening of the year? feet and prevents him from moving. Q. Why does the horse impatiently await the next move of his master? Ans: The horse thinks it a mistake to stop by the woods where thee is no farmhouse. So, it impatiently awaits the next move of his master. Q. The speaker in the poem is captivated by the beauty of nature. Why doesnt he stop for long to enjoy natures beauty? Ans: The speaker is captivated by the beauty of nature. This is the world of his imagination. He is to perform the obligations of life. SO he goes not stop for long t enjoy the beauty of nature. All is not lost Q. Why did the nurse ask Hiras sister to come and talk to her? that the voice of a near and dear one might activate the nearly dead neurons. Q. Why did the nurse disagree with the doctors point of views? unattended as a hopeless case. It did not seem right to her. She wanted to give her a chance to recover. She believed that her full attention would make her recover. Ans: The nurse disagreed to the doctor the doctors advice to leave Hira Ans: The poet is fascinated by the beauty of nature spread around. It chains his

Ans: The poet himself may be the speaker tint he poem. Ans: It seems that speaker refers to the owner of the farmhouse in the first

Ans: The nurse asked Hiras sister to come and talk to her because she thought


Why did the nurse ask herself the question; Was it worthwhile to oppose and fight the decision of senior and more qualified surgeons?

Ans: She was a nurse. Her opinion was not considered authentic. Doctors opinion was authentic. She wanted to give her a chance to recover. So, she asked herself such questions. Q. Describe some qualities of the personality of the nurse in the story. Ans: The nurse is very kind-hearted. She has sympathy for her patients. She wishes to save the whole world. She risks her career and gives Hira a chance to recover. Q. Why did the nurse say: Where there is a will there is a way? could be cured if the doctor or nurse is willing to fight a lost battle. If there is no will, there is no way. Ans: She said so because she had proved it practically that a hopleless case


What are the effects of drug addiction? family and health problems.

Ans: Drug addiction causes mental and physical sickness. It causes poverty, Q. What are the causes of rug addiction? circle, bad company and mental tension. Q. What important role do rehabilitation centres play to control drug addiction? Ans: Rehabilitation centres supervise the victim. They provide them medical support and guidance and bring them to normal life. Q. What is the role of counseling in preventing drug addiction. path of life. They save their lives through counseling. Q. Why of families feel reluctant to take the rug victim to drug rehabilitation centres? Ans: The families of the drug addicts feel reluctant to take them to drug rehabilitation centres. It is because they fear of being declared outcast. Ans: The experts in rehabilitation centres guide the drug addicts onto the right

Ans: Drug addiction is caused by genetic, psychological issues, mans social


What are the responsibilities of the families to ensure complete recovery of such patients?

Ans: The responsibility of families are to ensure complete recovery of the patients. They must continue watching and counseling the victims for their motivation and recovery.


How do you define noise pollution? stressful for human communities. Unwarranted honking by drivers is an irritating cause of pollution.

Ans: Noise coming from transport like vehicles, airplanes, trains and ships is


How is construction work a cause of noise pollution? a big source of noise pollution.

Ans: Grilling and piercing sound of the equipments used at construction sites is Q. How is the use of technology causing noise pollution? produce noise and are causing noise pollution. Q. Why is noise hazardous for human health? loss, restlessness, depression, sleeping sickness, anxiety, bad temper and emotional stress. Q. What kind of precautions may reduce noise coming from electronic devices? Ans: The government should ensure smooth traffic flow, block noise emitting vehicles, use noise barriers, expedite construction works and create civic sense among the people. Ans: Noise pollution causes aggression, hypertension, high stress level, hearing

Ans: Mobile phones, electricity generators, loud music on TV or loud volume


Who was Helen Keller? age of 19 months. She was very genius. She wrote books and portrayed the feelings of the deprived people.

Ans: Helen Keller was an American woman. She turned deaf and blind at the


Describe the thought expressed by the author in the first paragraph.

Ans: In the first paragraph, the author has expressed the thought that it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Q. How would Helen Keller like to spend three days of her imaginary sight? Ans: On the first day, she would see people whose kindness made her life worth-living. On the second day, she would see the night transformed into day and beauty of nature. ON the third day, she would greet the dawn which will be a new revelation of beauty. Q. What makes you feel that the author is sad and depressed? nothing in particular. The author is sad and depressed that seeing people see little. Q. How do you get the impression that she was a great admirer of nature? Ans: She likes to feel the delicate leaf, smooth skin, or rough bark of trees, the buds, the texture of a flower, the happy quiver of a bird, cool water of the brook, pine needles and spongy grass. All this shows that she as a great admirer of Nature. Q. What did she want to intor5udce in Universities and Why? Your Eyes to awaken the sluggish and dormant faculties of students. Q. People who are deprived of sight are not devoid of imagination. Discuss, referring to the text. Ans: It is often observed that people deprived of sight are not devoid of imagination. Helen Keller is living example. She can imagine things and get enjoyment from them. Q. To me the pageant of seasons is an unending drama. Comment. scenes. With the end of one season, the other starts. So, the pageant of seasons is an unending drama to her. Ans: In a drama. There are various scenes. Every season also has different Ans: In Universities, she wanted to introduce a compulsory course How to Use Ans: He friend visited the woods. She asked her what she saw. She said that

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