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Affordable hydrogen supply pathways for fuel cell vehicles

C.E. Thomas I.F. Kuhn Jr, B.D. James, F.D. Lomax Jr, G.N. Baum
Directed Technologies, Inc., 4001 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 775, Arlington, Virginia 22203, U.S.A., How to Cite or Link Using DOI Permissions & Reprints

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Fuel cell vehicles can be powered directly by hydrogen stored on the vehicle, or indirectly by extracting hydrogen from onboard liquid fuels such as methanol or gasoline. The direct hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is preferred, since it would be less complex, have better fuel economy, lower greenhouse gas emissions, greater oil import reductions and would lead to a sustainable transportation system once renewable energy was used to produce hydrogen. The two oft-cited concerns with direct hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are onboard hydrogen storage and the lack of hydrogen supply options. Directed Technologies, Inc., working with the Ford Motor Company under a Department of Energy cost shared contract to develop direct hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, has addressed both perceived roadblocks to direct hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. We describe realistic, cost effective options for both onboard hydrogen storage and for economically viable hydrogen infrastructure development.

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