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Criteria Research

Identified rainforest and outlined some information, demonstrating a sound knowledge and understanding. Able to navigate simply throughout webquest and used some to minimal references to gather information. Contains clear organisation patterns, ideas are simple and presented well. Contains simple opinions, ideas and perspectives, including few persuasive ideas and few high modality words.

Identified rainforest only. Demonstrating a developing knowledge and understanding. Unable to navigate in a sequenced manner throughout webquest and no references used to gather information. Contains no organisation patterns, ideas are unclear in a poorly developed presentation. Contains minimal to no opinions and ideas, including no persuasive ideas and no high modality words.


Identified rainforest and outlined key issues and information, demonstrating a clear knowledge and understanding. Able to ICT Skills navigate in a sequenced manner throughout webquest and used all references to gather information. Presentation Contains clear organisation patterns, ideas are succinct and specific in a well-developed presentation. Contains clear Writing: Perspectives opinions, ideas and perspectives, including persuasive ideas and high modality words.

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