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1) Do you have the habit of drinking soft drinks? Yes 2) How often do you drink soft drinks? Never Rarely Often Sometimes No

(Adjust the scale so that it increases in degree of favourability or unfavourability i.e. Never Rarely Sometimes Often )
3) What kind of soft drinks do you prefer? Coca cola Pepsi Sprite 7 up Mirinda Fanta Slice Maaza Minute maid Tropicana

(Ask them to rank in order of preference)

4) Why do you prefer this product? Rank accordingly 5 = Agree totally 4 = Agree 3 = Neither (Neutral) 2 = Agree partially 1 = Do not agree at all 5 Price Taste Bottle design Brand name Advertisement Lifestyle Slogan 4 3 2 1

Why cant u merge the 3rd and the 4th question? U can ask the customers to rate the features of each product and the product in the same question. For example Rate the features of the soft drinks given below based on the scale 1 Excellent 2 Very good 3- No Opinion 4- Bad 5- Very bad
Features Product name Pepsi Coke Price Taste Bottle Design Brand Name Ads etc Overall rating (rank)

5) You fall under the age group? 0-16 16-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50 and above

6) How much do you spent per week on coca cola products? Rs 0-30 Rs 31-50 Rs 50-100 Rs 100 and above

7) How do you think the products of coca cola are priced? Extremely overpriced Appropriately priced slightly overpriced Low priced

8) Please mention some products ok coca cola that you know?

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