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Cellular Respiration

Definition of Cellular
 Transferring of energy from glucose to a
more usable form of energy
 This energy is stored as Adenosine
Triphosphate, or ATP
There are two (2) forms of
Cellular Respiration
 Aerobic Respiration
 Requires oxygen
 Produces 36 ATP
 Anaerobic Respiration
 Occurs when oxygen is not present
 Produces 4 ATP (but only a net of 2 ATP)
Aerobic Respiration

 Enzymes for this reaction are located in the

 More effective than anaerobic respiration
because the glucose is more completely
broken down.
 The equation is the exact opposite of
C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2  6CO2 + 12H2O
Anaerobic Respiration

 Enzymes for this reaction are found in the

 End result is CO2 as well as lactic acid
 Anaerobic respiration with yeast produces
 Also known as fermentation
How do we use ATP?
 To get energy from ATP:

Water + ATP  ADP + P + Energy


 To Store energy
Dehydration Synthesis

ADP + P + Energy  water + ATP


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