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What Is the Industrial Revolution?: (Dani.

C) The industrial revolution was divided into two stages: the first from 1750 to 1840 and the second from 1880-1940, which ends with the start of the First World War. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemicals manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiency of water power the increasing use of steam power and development of machine tools.

Stages: (Kevin.G) So how Dani said, the industrial revolution is divided in two stages, the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution, whose characteristics are the following: The first industrial revolution was powered by the steam engine, which made the work easier and faster. In the second industrial revolution it began to use the internal combustion engine which was fuelled by fossil fuels like petroleum. And factories like the chemical or the electrical were created.

Important Facts: (Dani.C) The most important facts of the industrial revolution are the following. Invention of the steam engine the steam engine was invited by James Watt un 1781 and is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam and is working fluids. The capitalism. The capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production. Bank loans The bank begins to give credits, because the society becomes consumerist. Creation of the steel Use of coal, and other fossils fuels

Consequences and causes: (Edgar.R) Live: Significant increase of workers wages, because increasing production. How they have more money they can buy more food. Live expectancy had increased because the people have more food. Reduction in the price of food. Living in precarious conditions, in small houses were many people lived. As people didnt work in village, they choose to go in live in the city.

Working conditions: Worked long hours, (ten or twelve hrs) and child labour. Economic: The people became consumerist. Where created communications routes and transport, enabling trade between the nations. Appeared bank loans and advertising.

Conclusion: (Kevin.G) If we have to give a conclusion we would say that, for us, the conclusion of the industrial Revolution is that its a big change, not only for the way to manufacture but too for the society. And we think that the ways we have to do the things today is by the advances of the Industrial revolution.

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