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Questionnaire for Educational Technology and Multisensory Approaches Multiple Choice 1.

The most widely used teaching aid even when other aids are readily available a. Personal Computers b. Textbook c. Television d. Diorama 2. The rationale for using technology in the classroom a. Fad: to keep updated about latest trends b. Entertainment: to keep students from getting bored c. Technical expertise: to make teaching impressive d. Motivation: to engage the learner through production work 3. The teacher makes use of the chalkboard for the following purposes except a. To write lectures b. To illustrate diagrams c. To write key points d. To cite examples 4. The teacher who makes use of the multimedia approaches is considered more a. Techie, sophisticated and cool to his students b. More advanced, knowledgeable, and at ease with teaching c. More professional, better prepared and more credible to her target clientele d. Better equipped, more effective in teaching 5. In the usage of technology and multisensory materials, it is important that a. Instructional resources should dictate teachers. b. Instructional resources DO NOT replace teachers. c. Expect to use all the instructional resources available. d. One instructional resource is superior to others. Identification 6. A combination of the processes and tools involved in addressing educational needs and problems, with an emphasis on applying the most current tools: computers and their related technologies (Educational Technology) 7. A small object usually built to scale that represents some existing object. (Model) 8. It refers to the use of an integrated format of audio-video and information applications to create a multi-sensory teaching and learning situation. (Multimedia Approach) 9. A tool for presenting information allowing for the incorporation of sound, images and film, providing a more interactive approach to presenting (Power point presentation) 10. 11. Classification of Instructional Resources (Still visuals & non-projected materials, technological aids) 11. 14. Use of film and video (show science/history, watch current events, hear and observe music performances) 15. 17. Examples of Technological Aids (OHP, LCD Projectors, Tape Recorders) 18. 20. Usage of computers and internet (Find and gather information, Resource for research, Form of communication

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