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by severityCONCEPT

>> Just a simple introduction

>> Charactertic
>> Classification
>> the role of fungi in life >> Type of fungi symbiosis

Just a simple introduction

Damage by fungi

Types of hyphae

Forms of fungi
Yeast unicell fungi Ex: Saccharomyces Molds Small multicellular fungi Ex: Rhizopus Mushrooms Big multicellular fungi Ex:Ganoderma

Adapted to liquids unicellular - most reproduction is asexual and takes place by cell fission or budding ferment carbohydrates produce ethanol as byproduct



Rapidly growth Asexual spores Many human importances
Food spoilage Food products Antibiotics, etc.

Noble Rot - Botrytis Antibiotic activity

Reproduction of fungi
Unicell fungi: a. asexual : division, buding, asexual spore b. sexual : sexual spore Multicell fungi : a. asexual : - fragmentation - zoospora - konidia b. sexual : - conjugation - sexual spore

Fungal Ecology
Heterotrophic (decomposer, parasite, symbiotic) Saprobes
Decomposers Mostly of plants, some animals

Harm host Mostly on plants, some animals

Lichens symbiosis fungus + alga or cyanobacteria Mycorrhizas symbiosis fungus + root plant

> > > > > Eukaryotic Have no chloroplast and amylum Fungi are made of hyphae Hypha - filamentous body - forming mycelial Multicellular mycelium with cell wall composed of chitin > Mycelial forming fruiting body > Fruiting body thalus > On paracyte fungi hyphae can modified into haustoria (food absorber)

>> divison Zygomycota >> divison Ascomycota >> divison Basidiomycota >> form divison Deuteromycota

Chytridiomycota chytrids
Simple fungi Produce motile spores Mostly saprobes and parasites in aquatic habitats Could just as well be Protists
Chytridium growing on spores

Zygomycota zygote fungi

Hyphae has no partition (aseptate) 3 types of hyphae : a. rhizoid b. stolon c. sporangiofor have sporangium Reproduction: a. sexual : conjugation zygospora

b. asexual : sporangiofor

Rhizopus stoloniferus

tempe and tape yeasts.

Rhizopus oryzae tempe producer

Rhizopus on strawberries

Hypha is partitioned (septate) Haploid nucleus Reproduction :
sexual : ascospore that formed by ascus, a group of ascus forming fruiting body (askokarp)

The ascocarp carries asci within cups

asexual : Multicell fungus : conidia/ conidiospore Unicell fungus : buding (blastospora) produced by konidiofor,

Some have mutualistic relationships with cyanophyte to form Lichenes

1. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Unicelluar Called yeast Have no main body Asexual reproduction by blastospore bud Used in the making of tape, alcohol, bread, and beer

2. Neurospora crassa and N. sitophila

Oncom making

3. Penicillium sp.
P. requeforti and
P. camemberti making Cheese

P. notatum and P. chrysogenum penicillin making

4. Aspergillus sp.
A. wentii sake, kecap, tauco, citrate acid making A. niger remove oxygen and purify fruit extarct A. oryzae bread making A. flafus produce aflatoksin (cause liver cancer) A. nidulans ear disease (automikosis) A. fumigatus paracyte on birds lungs.

5. Trichoderma
Produce sellulose enzym Cell wall consist of sellulose

6. Xylaria
They have multiple cell structures with long and round conidia. They are little black organisms that can be foung on a rotten tree stem.

7. Nectri tabarina
Kayu Manis Paracyte

They are multiple cell organisms. Their myceliums are at their substrate of live. They have segmented hypha with one or two nuclei. Each of them performs a fruit bag that is called basidiocarps, which are the places for basidium. Production. Each basidium has 4 basidiosphores. Try to compare the differences between ascus and basidium. The fruit bag size is large with many kinds of shapes. They have vegetative reproduction by means of conidia or fragmentation and generative reproduction by creating basidiosphores.

Non-eatable Basidiomycota
Amanita muscaria
Live in animal waste Poisonous cause hallucination Produce fly poison muskarin

Amanita phalloides
Called kampegnon fungi Poisonous and deadly if eaten Produce fly poison phalin

Puccinia graminis

(carat fungi) parasite on Graminae family like corn and wheat Have no basidiokarp Parasite on fruity plan stalk and rubber stalk Parasite on sugar cane

Corticium salmonella Ustilago scitaminea

Eatable Basidiomycota
Volvariella volvaceae have umbrella like fruit bag shapes. They grow at cellulose medium, such as dry rice straw. They are often called rice straw mushroom. Auricularia polytricha (yellow mushroom), they have fruit bag shapes like the ones on ear mushroom. They grow at died stems. Lentinus endodes (shitake) that being grew widely on China and Japan. They grow at wood stem lump Pleurotes with fan like shape fruit bag. They grow on ligneous and cellulous substrate, such as saw grain.

They are multiple cell organism with segmented hypha. It is rarely that they have fruit bag. Their vegetative reproductions are by means of conidia, and their generative ones are not known yet. They are called as imperfect fungi. Some kinds of Deuteromycota are: Epydermophyton floocossum, athlete feet disease initiates Microsporum and Trighophyton, ringworm disease initiates. Sclerothium rolfsie, rotten disease of cultivation crops initiates Candida albicans, look like yeast and live parasitically. They can cause infection on the vagina. Chladosporium Curvularia Monilia sitophyla (oncom fungi). Formerly, they are grouped as Deuteromycota, but after finding their sexual reproduction that is by ascuis, they are then grouped at Ascmocota by name of Neurospora crassa.

Type of fungi symbiosis Myccorrhiza

Mycorrhiza is a kind of symbiosis type of fungi and plant root.

Ectomycorrhiza is a kind of mycorrhiza symbiosis procces, with fungi hypha perforation do not reach cortex, but reach epidermis only. For examples, pines and belinjo tree symbiosis with a certain fungi of Basidiomycota division.

Endomycorrhiza is a kind mycorrhiza symbiosis process, with fungi hypha perforation capable of reaching the cortex part of plant. For examples, vegetables plants, such as cabbage, symbiosis with a certain fungi of Zygomycota division.

Lichens are kinds of symbiosis of algae and fungi. The fungi obtain food from the alga photosynthesis products. The algae obtain water and mineral from the fungi.

Parmelia sp.
They live at stem skin, look like a grey crust.

Graphis sp.
They are also called as line lichens, with a shaper of smaal sketches. They live epiphytically at plant stem skin.

Usnea sp.
They are also called as beard lichens. The ends of their bodies are like hanging thread on the air. They stick on the plant stem, especially on mountainous plants. They produce antibiotics, usnin acid and bioticum tuberculoses, so they are used as drugs.

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