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An automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator programmable in three or more axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications is called an industrial robot.

Reprogrammable: whose programmed motions or auxiliary functions may be changed without physical alterations; Multipurpose: capable of being adapted to a different application with physical alterations; Physical alterations: alteration of the mechanical structure or control system except for changes of programming cassettes, ROMs, etc.; Axis: direction used to specify the robot motion in a linear or rotary mode.

The term robot was coined by Czech author Karel Capek in 1921 in his play titled R.U.R. (Czech: Rosumovi Umeli Roboti).

Isaac Asimov in his collection of science-fiction stories I, Robot (1950) gave the Laws of Robotics. Initially, these laws only applied to literary robots, but now modern industrial robots are also programmed in accordance with these laws. The first industrial robot, Unimate was integrated into a production line at General Motors(Trenton, USA) in 1962.




A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Robots in Commerce Retail, Services, Fields, Robots in the home Maids, Washing Car, Mowing the Lawn, Robots in Security Guards, Guard Dogs, Bomb Sniffers, Bomb Squads, Robots to the Rescue Earthquake, Hurricanes, Wild Fires Robots in Transportation Cars, Aircraft Robots in Distribution Trains, Warehouses Robotic Androids Assistants, Mentors, Educators

Tool Handling (approx. 45% of all robot systems) Workpiece Handling (approx. 43%) Assembly (approx. 12%)

Robots cannot react to changes.

This is very relative statement. It depends how many senses they are equipped with. Moreover, robots work more efficiently throughout the entire work sequence.

Robots cannot do that

There are almost no applications left in industrial production that cannot be carried out by

Robots are too complicated

Robots are easier to master than widely-used PC software. Robots are too expensive Most robots are used in series production and small batch production. Here, they usually pay for themselves within 1-2 years. Wherever robots can be used, they usually bring cost advantages compared with manual production.

Robots are job-killers

Robot often relieve human workers of strenuous, dangerous or harmful tasks and open up new fields of employment.

So we can clearly see that there is more work to be done hence a good scope in the future. Till now we have seen how promising the robotics industry is but what will make you get a piece of the cake? Though its said that there is not much in store for a career in robotics in India its not true! There are companies looking to develop Robotics in India. Even the recent Boom in automobile industry has bought many production line automation robots to India, also there are indicant companies trying to explore the field of robotics. I would therefore say its currently a growing industry and needs some professionals and their commitment to jumpstart into Robotics which is a good thing for us!

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