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Term 3 Week 4

direct ring serve child desert increase history cost maybe business separate approximate

estimate associate certificate navigation convert emperor circumnavigation cartographer colony Prime Minister Premier Governor General

1. Rule up correctly and copy these words into your spelling book. Remember date and title your work. 2. Alphabetical Order. Put the first 10 words into alphabetical order. 3. Write each of the words in the second column in syllables. 4. Find two words that rhyme for each of these words. Spelling maybe different but the words need to have the same sound. ring, child, cost, direct, history 5. List the words in the list that end with ate. AND write an amazing sentence for each one of these words. 6. List the words that are related to our SOSE topic AND write a definition for each one. 7. Write these sentences correctly in your spelling book. a. My parents are in a bisness that designs navigasion equipment. b. The cartografer wanted to sicumnavigate the globe to prove that his map designs were accurate. c. The asociate professor recieved a sertificate in honour of his history study on the Chinese emperer.

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