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Hotseat2 Notes (Tyler portion) Most important thing from the entire hot seat is leverage. Its actually going out and applying this shit. After the hot seat, there is nothing else to buy aside from boot camp. It has everything in it. EVERYTHING. The frame is you spent $3000 on this shit. You sacrificed you're money for it. Early in the community. I had to sit in a room with a bunch of weirdoes for two fucking days to learn this shit. Thats two days I'll never get back. I must brainwash myself into knowing this. $3000 weekend. Gotta make it happen. Clarity of INTENT is my thoughts words and actions Aligning all my goals on the three levels: 1. Higher Consciousness 2. Medium Consciousness 3. Lower Consciousness Biggest thing to take from this is that everyone is cut from the same cloth. If Tyler can do it, I can do it. All that shit Tyler did I can do. Getting out of intermediate level involves knowing what to focus on and where to move to, what to work on, changing approaches that don't work. Newbies constantly lack control. Hoping the girl likes here where the man fucking walks in and demands that attention. NEWBIE VS PRO: Newbie is walking a tight rope and if he falls off he starts again (to getting laid) where a pro has a solid bridge he can walk across at his own speed to get laid. Demand attention with "HEY, FOCUS, LOOK HERE, HEY! EH! EH", etc. (this is field tested, re: the make out at cheval) Don't game with a fuckin camera anymore. You'll have to relearn game. It took 9 months and thousands of hours of editing to make the hot seat... Think of the VALUE you've gotten.

Keep the future in the future. Deal with the present. Go in, worry about logistics afterwards. Be present and don't think too far ahead. There is NO end goal.
3 things you need: 1. Intent -- Clarity in thoughts, words, actions... RE: Brad talking shit in the club (women are thinking who's this guy? Whats he about?) <-- congruence tests and whatever... o Putting my personality on the line o Girls viewing me like a guy they want to fuck vs. a friend. o RE: Millionaire to Millionaire communication where I'm not going in to suck value o CLEAR IN INTENT SO THE GIRLS KNOW WHATS UP THEY KNOW *WHY* I'm there. o DONT DELAY INTENT. Let them know ASAP. Tyler, Julian, etc. they're never friend to friend. Always intent. Every time. Get past this by not giving a fuck. Go for it. CONSTANTLY. Unless you need more friends. o Its impossible to fail shit tests if you are authentic. 2. Be the BUYER, not the seller (best buy TV analogy where you're checking out TVs before you're buying... Looking to buy, money still in pocket.) o Get girls down from the fucking pedestal, treat em all the same. Approach everyone. o Quit excessive value scanning because it puts a higher value on women. o Draw in *ALL* women. Attract all and select. o Don't place value on external shit (i.e. looks, etc.) o View the world from my own eyes. When I viewed the world from my own eyes, all that external value shit doesn't matter. RE: What Tyler does. o Why place her on a pedestal? o Don't get sucked into the environment, fuck the environment's values. You can't live up to them. You can live up to your own values though. 3. Level of entitlement

o o o

View the world through my own eyes and values. I become the TEN, the cool guy girls want to know about Girls are on my side when I go in there rooting for me like "I hope this guy is cool, I hope this guy is cool".

*IMPORTANT* Pickup turns into self-fulfilling prophecies

Have positive assumptions (for example) o She's going to like me. o I'm a cool guy o women respond to me very well o women are attracted to me for me

BE AT EASE while going in, talking up space, being sexual, etc. Be a SEXUAL threat.
Be clear in intent (RE: Tyler in with the sports illustrated swim suit model and him not taking up her space). INTENT like wanting the girl but not emotionally needing her. Intent is like a general vibe with strong eye contact, taking up her space, etc. You can open as many sets as you want. There is no limit... RE: Steve Wynn giving you infinite chips and you not sure what game you want to play. Just keep opening. You don't LOSE anything by approaching. You don't LOSE anything at all. Don't stress on the approach. Assume its on. Make it fun. SETH (EWW) *INTENT*: Pulling her in vs. drawing her in, slow steady control (instead of trying to throw her in, let her go in naturally) 80% of pickup is normal textbook shit. Eyes, lips, push.

No end goal with escalation. RE: Tyler and the Asian looking girl with the glasses where he just started making noses and kissed her. Its part of the fun, he doesn't need it though. -- Don't try to get to the future. An example of this is watching the last 5 minutes of the movie. The girl wants the entire movie and not just the last 5 minutes (i.e. sex at the end). Leading but not needy (in the same set above, Tyler has already kissed her and established that). Make positive assumptions. Enjoy the whole movie.

Think of women as sex crazed nymphos who just want to fuck and fuck more.
You want to have selected blind spots like the above and use these beliefs to your advantage:

Unselected blind spots are bad. Selected blind spots are very good (i.e. knowing how much women love sex and how awesome you are). -- I am the best match EVER.

Julian's plans in pulling: A -- B -- C

A is the simple plan (seats over there, grabs her hand to go) B is the more complex plan (ok, lets relax and sit over there) C is the more complex plan (lets go over there and chat and whatever, etc.) adding to it. Be simple, if it doesn't work, complicate it.

There is never a better moment to go in.

fuckin girl. B-line it right for her, engage the friends afterwards. When you're asked to buy drinks or whatever: "I don't do social work", "I don't drink".

Women at parties always have something going on. Go straight for the


I'm not going to hold you here I don't do social work LOOK! FOCUS! I'm sober


If your wing and his girl are slowing down or dying, switch people, get the friend going, and switch back *very important* When a wing is approaching, he should approach the girl who's already hooked, and then approach the friend afterwards so the friend knows he's cool *subtle but very important* re: Tyler VS Julian video.

Dictating the Rhythm (like the basketball teams where on team is scoring and the other team is scrambling):

You always want the girl reacting, re: Tyler always leading Don't react to her Calling it as it is IMPOSING YOURSELF. Always impose yourself, cut up her space, and be sexual. BE THE DOER Act as if nothing happened if you escalate and don't get it, don't react.


Lower your reaction time, the quicker the better.

Opening: Dictate!

See the girl, go right in, and draw a straight line with your feet and go. Throw yourself in, calibrate after the fact. Always give it 100% intent No predicting the future or how the set might go Opening is the LEAST important part of the interaction. Girls usually don't remember what you said to open up. My approach isn't what gets me laid, my sub communications are Think of it as landing the plane (the approach) where its all bumpy and shit but it gets you to the ground.

Get in close, get physical. During twilight, bounce ASAP. Remember a girl doesn't want to talk in the street for 4 hours, she wants to bounce. Be very quick on the way point. "Who are your friends, how do you know them?" Between sets, self-amuse, get in state, etc... Tyler was always doing that where he was clapping, singing, etc. A self-monologue of "Im going in, next one, Im going in, etc." Fuck the James bond smooth shit. Approaches are sloppy. Don't wait for that perfect approach. Just fucking go in. Keep interaction going and going and going. Don't eject. If she wants to find her friends, go with her and LEAD. AA comes from a fear of death. From the caveman brain. I am not going to die from an approach! Breaking a girl out of the HAZE: Attractive girls are in a haze from all the positivity, environment, validation, etc., You break her out and bring her to the surface by saying fucked up shit (i.e. I HATE YOU, I LOVE YOU, etc. You have to make a DENT in her reality (re: Tyler telling a girl to kill herself) When you're gaming a girl she forgets about where she is and the environment so you can really go in. Its okay for me to open. Positive assumption.

Keep harassing until you get a reaction or something clicks (an example is the Tyler video where he's chasing the girl down talking shit in the street and stops her). No wash, rinse, repeat with openers, if it doesn't work, move on, don't keep doing the same things over and over again (remember the Swiss guy in the game for 7 years who sucked balls?) Give her the opportunity to get drawn in not 1 try, 1 shot.

Tyler's very important subtle shit:

Tyler doesn't wait for feedback he just keeps going and going. Tyler: Goes in physical and leads, no friendly shit EVER. Tyler: THE RAGE. Tyler: Indifferent to the environment, he goes for it. Tyler: Trashes chodes (you're going with these fags?) Tyler: Constantly saying over the top stuff. Tyler: "I don't drink alcohol" Tyler: "I am a nice man" Tyler: "Just some idiot" Tyler: Tension like when Tyler is almost leaving. Tyler owns everything he says and doesn't justify anything, just changes the subject. Tyler just keeps talking. Tyler verbally pummels the girl it just comes out bang bang bang bang bang. Tyler: I'm OLD Tyler: "Stay with me" Tyler: "Talk to me like a normal person" Tyler: "Look me in the eye!"

*IMPORTANT* Seth is shameless + unapologetic Emotions are not what I'm saying but behind it? Boring shit + tension (?) Misinterpret what she says into something sexual. re: Jeffy.

Tell her what you want. Pull her in and pretend stuff never happens. Talk after hand, get reaction, and try again. Command, impose and be un-reactive to the no-go. Be un-reactive to the BF, etc. Being fully at ease and having everything bounce off you. Push pull on the eye contact too much vs. not enough and calibrating. LAZER EYE CONTACT. Women go where the value is.


No such thing. I was just not in the zone. Rejections don't change who I am. Its never ACTUALLY over. Play to win. Go hard. No judgment. No one gives a fuck. Completely out of my control (maybe girl had a bad day, parents died, etc.) Rejection to pump state. Take no responsibly, never ever.


Stepping into a cool swimming pool Building on getting into the zone Turn it WAY up. Make this game fun. Getting into state Unwinding (as Alex calls it) Mind wants proof not promises (YouTube this shit). Yell when you get into the venue to establish that you can do what you want. Gathering proof. Positive looking for reasons to approach (vs. having none and not wanting to go in) Don't force state. It will creep in from you taking action. Macro-momentum (happens over days, weeks, months, from going out) Amount of entitlement and permission. Hit everything in sight.


Vibing vs getting to the future. The more she cares, the better. Covering all the exits: "Real kiss, not a fake one", "You'll never see me again", etc...

Slow down, no pressure, nothing to prove. Congruent expanding over the edge, like the cliff or something. Minimize the time in-between sets. Jack off theory. No breaks. Commit 100%.


Not (something), just intent. Emotions are there to hold me back, hold me in my comfort zone. Emotions will fuck with action. Talk to escalate. Re: Tyler saying stupid shit and escalating. Matrix Shit

When pulling a two set, put a random dude on the other chick. Do whatever to get him on her. Block the view of others while you're escalating Shoving people into spectator mode.

Stay unreactive and blahzay BF Freak outs are not so bad. Stay un reactive.

Personality develops around whatever state you're in the most.

Stay unreactive. Maintaining state, not needy -- Holding the close (?), call to hangout. While Tyler was out with the crazy girl he was calling her out on her shit. Establishing man to woman (that of a potential sex partner and not simply a friend because one of your sticking points is to be friendly). If I and this girl were transported into a room with a bed, would we be having sex? IF not. Friendshit ;o Interrupt autopilot shit with "Anyway..." or "Interesting..." Julian: Always go in hard, always lead. Find any reason to go to the girl's place.


Day game:

hard cuz theres no alcohol more time between sets Harder to get into state. Anything you can do in night game can do it in day game. If you feel like getting physical, get physical. Works due to congruence (?) Its easier to get attention No one to really compete with "What are you doing?" vs. going for the number. Always find out what the logistics are.

The fury, the big baby. Tyler keeps asking questions.

They all say "LOVE, LOVE!" before escalating or whatever. Impose yourself. Tyler talks about Being non-needy is like a religion Just for fun and self-dialogue. Doesn't care about phone, get the phone off. Sober.

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