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May 2006


OPTGEN Hydrological Scenarios Generating Program

1 2 3 OBJECTIVE.....................................................................................................................................3 EXECUTION....................................................................................................................................3 HYDGEN.DAT FILE DESCRIPTION.........................................................................................5


OPTGEN Hydrological Scenarios Generating Program


This report describes the program that generates the OPTGEN inflow scenarios, that means, it generates the DATHISC.CSV and DATHINFXX.CSV data files using the SDDP inflow data files, ARQ.USI and ARQ.ASC. The program, called HYDGEN, reads the following SDDP files:

The OPTGEN files:


And the control data file:


And generates the following OPTGEN files:



The hydro inflow scenarios generation, using the SDDP inflow data files, is performed from the OPTGEN interface by pressing the button New in the hydro inflow scenarios screen as shown in the following picture:


OPTGEN Hydrological Scenarios Generating Program

The scenario generation screen is shown in the following picture:

This screen allows selecting the SDDP inflow data file which contains the historical that may be compatible with the OPTGEN study data files. After defining the historical file directory, the following fields must be filled in: Number of scenarios Number of years of the scenario(s) Initial year of each inflow scenario in the historical file Occurrence Probability of each scenario

In addiction, the following options are also available: Include MLT scenario (Mean Long Term) In this case it is calculated the inflow monthly average for all years of the longest complete data interval of the historical file. The obtained values are repeated for each one of the years of the scenarios. Turn the negative inflows null


OPTGEN Hydrological Scenarios Generating Program


This file contains the data of the inflow scenarios that will be generated by the program. The file format is: Record type 1 Field 1 2 3 Column 1-11 13-16 18-21 Type A11 I4 I4 Description # SCENARIOS Number of scenarios (NS) Identifier to turn the negative inflow null (0=keep negative; 1=turn null)

Record type 2 Field 1 2 Column 1-11 13-16 Type A11 I4 Description # YEARS Number of years of the scenarios

OBS: This is an optional record. If this field is not informed then the program will consider as a default value the number of years of the study (DATPARM.CSV file).

Record type 3 This record is a header.

Record type 4 For each one of the NS inflow scenarios: Field 1 2 3 4 Column 1-4 6-17 19-22 24-31 Type I4 A12 A4 F8.0 Description Scenario code Scenario Name Initial year of the scenario in the historical file Occurrence probability of the scenario

OBS: In the field INITIAL YEAR OF THE SCENARIO two type of data are accepted: An integer number representing the initial year of the scenario in the historical file; A key-word MLT representing the option of generating a scenario constituted by the inflow monthly mean of each hydrosite for the longest complete data interval of the historical file.

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