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PART A Q1- How many hours a day do you watch TV?

1. 2. 3. 4.

Less than 1 hour 1 2 hours 2 3 hours More than 3 hours

Q2- What do you like to watch on TV? 1. Cartoons 2. Reality shows 3. Movies 4. TV serials 5. Song based programmes 6. Others_________________ Q3- From the following confectionary products which is your favorite product/s? 1. Biscuits 2. Wafers 3. Chocolates 4. Sauces 5. Noodles 6. Health Drinks (i.e. Bournvita, Complain, Boost, etc.) Q4- You are familiar with advertisements of which of the following confectionary products? 1. Biscuits 2. Sauces 3. Wafers 4. Noodles 5. Chocolates 6. Health Drinks (i.e. Bournvita, Complain, Boost, etc) Q5- After watching ad of any confectionary products, have you ever tried to purchase that product? 1. Yes 2. No Q6- If yes then which confectionary product you have tried to purchase? 1. Biscuit Sauce 2. Wafer Noodle 3. Chocolate Health Drink (i.e. Bournvita, Complain, Boost, etc) Q7- Do you like to watch ad of confectionary products on which media? 1. TV 2. Magazine 3. Newspaper 4. Hoardings

Q8- You buy that confectionary product because......... 1. It gives free tattoo or any other thing 2. Your friend has that product 3. Your favorite cartoon character/favorite celebrity is associated with it 4. You want to be like the character of that ad.
Q9PART B Q1- How often advertisements of confectionary products influence purchase decision of your children? 1. Often Rarely 2. Sometimes Not at all Q2- How often does your child insist you to purchase any confectionary product after watching ad of the same? 1. Often Rarely 2. Sometimes Not at all Q3 -How do you react to your child when he/she insist you to buy any confectionary product after watching its ad? 1. Mostly agree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Mostly disagree


Name: Mother/Father Name: Age: Std.: - 4th School:Medium of Study: HINDI English 5th 6



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