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Arellano University 2600 Legarda St.

, Metro Manila
SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Respondents We, the BSBA students enrolled in the subject Business Research, would like to gather information about our Feasibility Study entitled: Custom Motorcycle Creations. In this regard, we would like you to answer the following questions. Rest assured that all information given will be kept confidential. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully yours, The Researcher ______________________________________________________________________

Name: ___________________________________ (optional) PART I. Direction: Please put a check Date: ______________

mark the space that corresponds to your answer.

What is the demographic profile of the correspondents in terms of the following: AGE 20 Yrs. Old Below ( ) 21 35 Yrs. Old ( ) 36 Yrs. Old Above ( ) GENDER Male ( ) Female ( )

PROFESSION Student ( ) Employed / Self-employed ( Unemployed ( ) MONTHLY INCOME 30,000 Below ( ) 30,000 - 50,000 ( ) 51,000 100,000 ( )

CIVIL STATUS Single ( ) Married ( )

PART II. Customizing motorcycle boosts the ego of the motorcycle rider. 5 - Strongly agree 4 - Agree 3 -Undecided 2 -Disagree 1 Strongly disagree

Questions 2.1 Being aware on the latest update about motorcycles accessories makes me feel more ahead than other riders.

Arellano University 2600 Legarda St., Metro Manila 2.2 Everyone will acknowledge me if my motorcycle is customized. 2.3 I can influence other riders to customize their motorcycle. 2.4 I am willing to patronize the latest update about motorcycle accessories 2.5 Newly customized motorcycle can make me feel satisfied and happy. PART III. Sources of creating awareness about motorcycle customizing services. Questions 3.1 Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and other social network can be great source of influencing riders. 3.2 Fliers, Brochures and other catalogues can be a means of catching attention. 3.3 Word of mouth from a satisfied rider can influence other rider to customize their motorcycle. PART IV. I am willing to customize my motorcycle? _____Willing _____Unwilling _____Undecided 5 4 3 2 1

4.1 If willing, what type of customization service do you want for your motorcycle? _____Exterior _____Performance _____Over all Customization

4.2 If youre willing, how much amount will you spend for this service? _____ 10,000 below _____ 30,000 _____ 20,000 _____ 40,000 above PART V. Where do you want to customize your motorcycle that will give value for your money? _____ Deka _____ SpeedLine _____ Hans and Aurie _____ CMC (Custom Motorcycle Motorcycle accessories Creations) and parts Other Shops: ______________________________

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