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Lesson plan Model

Date: Level: 1rst Grade High School

Skill:oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
To learn and apply vocabulary about people, hobbies and family
To recognize and learn simple tense and personal pronouns

Resources: whiteboard, markers, pen and paper.

Time Comments

Introduction 10’ Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Explain students what thee teacher is going to do in this

Core of the class

10’ The teacher introduces herself as an example the
Introduce myself following activity. She explains students they will do the
same, giving a model in the board with useful vocabulary.

Introducing students 15’ Each student writes on their copybooks their own
Theirselves presentation following the board model.

15’ In pairs, students introduce themselves each other.

Teacher correct pronunciation and grammar.

Comparing answers 15’ Teacher asks students about their task and she writes
keywords in the board from their answers. She asks
students write the list on their copybooks.
Sharing opinions 15’ Teacher asks the class about their hobbies, interact with
them, and trying all the answers would be in English.

Looking for information 10’ The teacher asks as a homework students look for
information about their family: jobs, free time, hobbies, etc.

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