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Interview with MUN-Director Diana Gombos

I: Is this your first MUN? DG: I have attended other MUNs before but this is my first MUNOB and also the first time Im participating as a MUN-Director. I: What do you think about the MUN project? DG: Its very well organized and I think its something that is very welcome to students, especially with the great results they obtain makes them much more open to considering a career in both politics and diplomacy. I: What do you feel are the benefits of this project for students? DG: I feel that participating in MUN is a great way for students to familiarize themselves with the world of diplomacy, teaching them in depth about the workings behind the worlds political system. It also greatly improves their ability to successfully analyze and approach an issue, even on a global scale, and come up with a suitable solution. I: Has participating in MUN made you more open to global issues? DG: Certainly! MUN opens your eyes to the depth these issues have on our community, and also makes you aware of how these problems might affect you, even if the country they are happening in is not directly in contact with yours.

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