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##Crack ##Recreational (Very Strong) ##30 Minutes ## ##Its a purified form of ##cocaine.

Are you ready ##for the next level? The ## effects are produced i ##n minutes, are intensel ##y euphoric, and last be ##tween 20 and 30 minutes ## upon completion of the ## dose. The intense, sho ##rt high is followed by ##a rapid and intense hig ##h that lasts about 5 to ## 7 minutes. There will ##first be euphoria with ##delusions and possible ##hallucinations. Get thr ##ough the bump, though, ##and fall into bliss, wi ##th some jarring revelat ##ions, and a sometimes h ##arsh comedown over the ##30 minutes past mark. Not for the inexperienced. -SE step: pink/20 100+9/80 temperal: pink/40 200+17/60 peak: pink/50 200+20/50 alloff: NOW +00:02:00 +00:03:00 +00:10:00 +00:15:00 +00:29:00 +00:30:00 step step -> temperal temperal -> peak peak -> alloff

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