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##NitrousQH ##Recreational (STRONG) ##5 Minutes ## ##NitrousQH is the QuickHi ##t version of our Nitrou ##s dose.

It is designed ##to give you optimum eff ##ects in the least amoun ##t of time. Just like th ##e real deal: the effect ##s come on quickly, and ##are gone just as fast. ##They don't call it Hipp ##y Crack for nothing. Ch ##eck our results: Total ##Duration 1-5 mins. Onse ##t 0 - 1 mins. Coming Up ## 15 - 30 secs. Plateau ##1 - 5 mins. Coming Down ## 10 mins. After Effects ## 15 - 30 mins. What doe ##s this mean? We have cr ##eated the perfect quick ##-high dose that will me ##ss you up real fast, an ##d leave you as good as ##new in no time. Don't h ##ave time for our longer ##-lasting doses and just ## want a quickie? Here i ##t is! Effects include: ##Giggling, Euphoria, Exh ##ilaration, Sound Distor ##tion, Reduction of Exte ##rnal Stimuli, Clumsiness, Loss of Dexterity, and Loss of Balance. -SE superhit: pink/20 200+12.2/70 alloff: NOW superhit +00:04:00 superhit -> +00:05:00 alloff

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