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##Heroin ##Recreational (VERY STRONG) ##30 Minutes ## ##For a much stronger dose ## than our popular OPIUM ##,

here is Heroin. We ge ##t constant reports of f ##eeling a surge of eupho ##ria rush accompanied by ## a warm flushing of the ## skin, a dry mouth, and ## heavy extremities. Fol ##lowing this initial eup ##horia, the user goes on ## the nod, an alternatel ##y wakeful and drowsy st ##ate. You will dream whi ##le awake, and be awake ##while you dream. Unlike ## any dose we have. If y ##ou have tried our opium ## dose, times it by ten ##and you are close. Just ## like the real thing, w ##ithout the instant addi ##ction and horrific side ## effects, but still str ##ong beyond belief. New ##users please try Opium. ## Experts and those wish ##ing to push the limits, we wish you luck. You'll need it. -SE alpha10: pink/10 150+10/90 opiate: pink/5 150+2.5/95 euphoria: pink/0 150+.9/100 alloff: NOW alpha10 +00:05:00 alpha10 -> +00:07:00 opiate +00:20:00 opiate -> +00:22:00 euphoria +00:29:00 euphoria -> +00:30:00 alloff

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