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##!RAVE! ##Recreational (Very Strong) ##30 Minutes ## ##Party all night!

The lig ##hts, the waves of bliss ## that cover over your e ##ntire body, the euphori ##a that streams through ##your veins, pumping mus ##ic, non-stop dance, the ## way every single littl ##e touch or look hits yo ##u with such force that ##the world is completely ## inside you, around you ##, over and under you, o ##ne with you. Perfect fo ##r a night out dancing, ##going to a rave, being ##with friends or lovers, ## and good for overall e ##nhancement. This dose w ##as modeled after that o ##h-so-popular rave drug ##and let us tell you: it ## comes VERY close: warm ##-hearted, connected a ##nd a very powerful emot ##ional release! Experienced users only, please! Ecstasy! FINALLY! -SE alpha10: pink/10 300+10/90 rush: pink/10 300+14/90 euphoria: pink/10 300+.9/90 alloff: NOW alpha10 +00:05:00 alpha10 -> +00:09:00 rush +00:16:00 rush -> +00:20:00 euphoria +00:29:00 euphoria -> +00:30:00 alloff

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