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##Marijuana ##Recreational (VERY Strong) ##45 Minutes ## ##All the effects of that ##sticky-icky leaf, witho ##ut the

smoke! The main ##active chemical in mari ##juana is THC (delta-9-t ##etrahydrocannabinol). T ##he membranes of certain ## nerve cells in the bra ##in contain protein rece ##ptors that bind to THC. ## Once securely in place ##, THC kicks off a serie ##s of cellular reactions ## that ultimately lead t ##o the high that users e ##xperience when they smo ##ke marijuana. That is E ##XACLTLY what we tried t ##o emulate with this dos ##e, to GREAT effect: moo ##d lift, philosophical o ##r deep thinking, increa ##sed appreciation of mus ##ic, pleasant body feel, ## and that HIGH that onl ##y THC could bring... un ##til now! One of our most "complicated" doses, over a year in the making! -SE alpha10: pink/70 300+10/30 somatic6: pink/60 300+6/40 somatic9: pink/50 300+9.6/50 creative6: pink/40 300+6/60 creative10: pink/30 300+10/70 euphoria15: pink/20 300+15/80 euphoria24: pink/10 300+24/90 marijuana30: pink/0 300+30/100 alloff: NOW alpha10 +00:02:00 alpha10 -> +00:04:00 somatic6 +00:09:00 somatic6 -> +00:10:00 somatic9 +00:15:00 somatic9 -> +00:16:00 creative6 +00:21:00 creative6 -> +00:22:00 creative10 +00:27:00 creative10 -> +00:28:00 euphoria15 +00:33:00 euphoria15 -> +00:34:00 euphoria24 +00:39:00 euphoria24 -> +00:40:00 marijuana30

+00:44:00 marijuana30 -> +00:45:00 alloff

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