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University of Redlands SCIB 201 Cosmos Field Questions

What are 3 scientific tools used to observe, and measure objects in space 1.Telescopes 2. Radar 3.____________________________________ What are 3 scientific laws or theories related to understanding the universe? 1. Big Bang Theory 2. Hubble's Law of Cosmic Expansion 3. Universal Law of Gravitation Name 3 astronomers that made an impact to the science of astronomy 1.Galieleo 2.Corpernicus 3.Newton How are astronomical observational patterns used to determine the history of the universe?

How is Mt. Wilson used to observe and collect data about space, and why are mountains used? Mt. Wilson is located in an area that is far from smog and the coastal overcast, thus providing excellent visibility. What is the Mission Statement of the Griffith Observatory? Inspiring everyone to observe, ponder, and understand the sky. What are 3 Exhibits that you learned from at the Griffith Observatory: 1. Samuel Oschin Planetarium 2.How to make a meteor (10 extra points) 3.Periodic table of elements Why is studying space important for humans on earth, and do you think human space travel will be worth the risk and costs? I believe that humans must continue to explore and learn from our universe. Primarily because the more we learn about our world and our universe, we have a better quality of life on Earth. The cost of space travel will decrease with new technological discoveries. Also, there are individuals out there who are willing to take on the risk of space travel.

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