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Why the vast majority of people are sheep?


It seems that many people do not have their own opinion and they do what others do without questioning anything. That is why it is correct to say that the vast majority of people are sheep.

1. Sheep: the symbol of obedience, subservience. They always follow their shepherd and seem defenceless when facing their predator, for example, the wolf.

2. Why the vast majority of people in the world are sheep? Too lazy to think and create, too scared to take risks. Have other people to fall back on, to blame for their mistakes or wrongdoing. They do not need to take any responsibility for their action. Maybe in the way they are brought up: challenging the norm or convention is unacceptable. For example, in some classes in Vietnam, students who question what their teachers say are deemed rude and likely to be punished.


Sheep people are who do not disagree or object to their peers. In other words, they will do whatever most people do. This can result in the lack of originality. Creativity is not appreciated, or even worse: disapproved. No one is unique. In the film Tomorrow, the main character is ostracized for being different from others. He dares to suggest a change in the government. After that, he is imprisoned. Then the country is invaded and there is no one brave enough to stand up and fight back. In the end, their empire collapses. This movie proves why sheep people are a great harm to the society.

4. Sheep people tend to feel lost being on their own. Since they are used to be dependent on others, they usually do not know what to do or what to say in situation that demands individual ideas.


It is truly an alarming problem that the vast majority of people are sheep since it can stifle creativity and individuality and prevent people from being responsible for what they do. Children should be taught the importance of originality and encouraged to defend their own opinion but not stubbornly so.

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