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Name: _______________

Section: ___________ Reading Response Rubric


Outcome Conclude Infer meanings, analyze information and develop valid ideas based on evidence and analysis.

Not Yet ___ Student does not focus on a specific skill/straegy. She may only provide a summary of events. ___ Student is unable to make inferences in her independent reading book. She may state things that are obvious. ___ Student does not provide any supporting details to support her claims and/or the details are irrelevant or illogical.

Meets Standards ___ Student focuses on a specific skill/strategy. ___ Student is able to make basic inferences in her independent reading book. Most of the inferences made are based on more obvious clues from the text and/or are based on a more isolated plot event in the book. ___ Student is able to support all of her claims with at least two specific details from the text. ___ Student may repeat the same skills/strategies in her responses. She does not try to push her thinking by trying more challenging prompts and reading exercises.

Exceeds Standards ___ Student focuses on a specific skill/strategy. ___ Student is able to make more complex and challenging inferences in her independent reading book. Most of the inferences made are based on subtle clues from the text and/or are based on events that span across the entire text.. ___ Student is able to support all of her claims with multiple and specific details from all parts of the text. ___ Student tries different skills/strategies in her responses. She actively pushes her thinking by trying more challenging prompts and reading exercises.

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