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Facilitators Instructions (Purpose Activity) Activity objective Provide stimulation to coworkers that will produce thoughtful responses to assist

Missionaries in evolving NBB's purpose statement to include our connection to our consumers. As facilitator, pose the questions probe further when needed allow voices to be heard capture themes, areas of agreement and individual statements in their own words. Jenn will introduce the activity on stage. Posse will pass out sentence stem sheets to be passed down each row. Each coworker will fill the one stem (like Mad Libs). Each facilitator will collect these to be turned in post activity to Drea. This will be a fast timed event to spur first reaction and get the mind juices flowing. After this activity, facilitators will lead their groups out into the grounds for the discussion groups. Jenn will facilitate you leaving. Everyone will convene in the pavilion after you have worked as a group. You will send your representative from your group to the stage. Each person will read their groups proposed evolved purpose statement. Upon completion, all materials from the groups will be gathered. Jenny then will take stage to introduce how we are handling lunch. Current Purpose statement: To operate a profitable brewery which makes our love and talent manifest. Key Points: Questions:

Facilitators sit at the ends of the rows to allow for easy departure with your group You will choose your discussion location on the grounds Discuss questions provided below Assign a time keeper reconvene in Pavilion at noon

Groups will debrief on homework & discuss: What did they learn from their homework observations? What words came to mind when completing the sentence stems? What talent will you deepen to further our (NBB's) connection to the consumer? What do you want NBB to be known for? What do we (NBB) want to be when we are all "grown up"

2. Read aloud the sentence stems to create a sample revised purpose statement. Discuss and alter to craft a version to present to all staff Keep makes our love and talent manifest think to what end or what we bring We will reconvene in the pavilion and have a representative read their groups purpose statement. 2. Notes Coworkers capture their thoughts in notebooks. Facilitators delegate a note taker or have individuals papers turned in to them. Please turn in all paper to Drea

Core Values & Beliefs Remembering that we are incredibly lucky to create something fine that enhances peoples lives while surpassing our consumers expectations. Producing world-class beers Promoting beer culture and the responsible enjoyment of beer. Kindling social, environmental and cultural change as a business role model of sustainable business. Environmental stewardship; honoring nature at every turn of the business. Cultivating potential through learning, high involvement culture and the pursuit of opportunities. Balancing the myriad needs of the company, our coworkers and our families. Trusting each other and committing to authentic relationships and communications. Continuous, innovative quality and efficiency improvements. Having Fun

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