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Changing and Succeeding Under any ConditiorlS
, "
Changiog Hnd Succeeding Under lIllY Condition:;
Holger Ralngeber
Is Melting
\VItat People Are Saying
"Our Ial>n!l Is is It ... ... that
can a broad It aU the to .u= in a
,,orld, from findin. the .ubstantial issu ... , aliltnin. with a
champion, chartin. the cou,""" buy-in, with th"", who
want no chan.e, and", on. '
_ClIO,. H ... ,""
CmGwn Gw",,- .'-<me",-r y"" Pnm>,,-r
ha\"e [ ",ad a parable in a .... book that took a
issue like chan.e and it down into a s imple .tory
for aU to This is the foUow-<ln to /Ladi"ll and n.,
H=rl of . .... mmt-",ad for anyone dulin. with man1l.&in.

_ RlaI.uI> J.
CAnoou 1mU<><EO--r 0TT1<D.
YAlIOO, l'-.:.
"Our Ial>n!l Is is fantasti c_offbut, but riltht on. We .hould
ma ke in W .. hin.ton, D.C. , ",ad it . '
y"" Pnm>,,-r
"1'\0,,, Dttc, l'-.:.
"I came acrou Our Ial>n!l Is in May, and
. ixty copi ... in J une, its on our chan.e rifor t , and
fi,-e hund"""- mo,"" copi ... in This is a
_ Hmll i:rcG
"""'UlI .....
DD .... nao--ro:r
' This is the ... moot informati" e book [ha" e _no
one of bW ... t ... _ what [don' t
_ a the of a and a
p<n&uin was a .
_ 1llaIAJ<l DDm.ow
D!ucr0>., l'wI>ucrl-iaIr=G
TIP Colc<c.,..,=,,,,,,

' 1 hHe ,,ork for mp<et it use it with
m)" and know its unique to P'Ople and o,..anizatioru
p<r1orm This lat ... t rifort_ this little p<n&uin tale-is, in m)"
opinion, the bnt and moot meful book he has
hoy, . .. s
. .... a mult of the book and m)" .harin& it with a few P"<Ople in the
o,..anization, ,,e hHe qu ickl )" on fron ts. We a",
&al"aniMd to &0 ahud irutud of .tudJ in&, mo", o,.." n"in&, and
'" on. It is makin& a for u .
_ TOll Cc"OlTI
... CEO

' It'> a &",at book. It don an job of rommunicatin& in a . imple
and humorou. wa)" the ke)" ... ofludin& We ClI.n
with the It allow. a discussion of
difficult ;..u ....

.'\110 & Ftoc .. S .. ,"""
[ was a child in Fran"", [ was ti,..t introdu"""," to the F",nch
cl ... ic "", Litlk PM""". [",,,,ad this book while in and
man)" tim .... in"" as an adult. It is a book that me &rowin& and
thinkin&. [can _ Ow- I al>n!l I s Neomin& "'" PM""" for the
t,, t)" -ti,..t ""n tu r)" .
-SITtiI .... 11.1.''''''-
G,,"UAl. .....
Ell Ln.l.T, 8UG"'">I
"M)" dau&hter "'w me ",adin& Ow- /5
and when I left the book in the den, .he be&an to ",ad it . When .he WM
done, m)" wife ",ad it . Mterward, ,,e aU tal ked about it. What I
will with our famil)" , and with our dau&hter , is that
,,e now hHe a m e",nt .tor)" to use, one that'> eM)" to ",member and
,isuaU)" ",Hent, when ,,e discu .. issun about ehan&e. It hIU '.tickinns'
in that it'> hard to fo, "
_ P<ro.z. 1'11.0.
Pwou>< D!ucr0>., $n=>. Pw.ricn
111M frc DDu.'"I> LEa.'''G
"In this fMt -paced ,,orld, with piln of data and written material, this
book is a b",ath off""h air. It is .imple and to the point, e M)" to ",ad,
and filled with man)" ideM that ,,e can aU appl)". I found m)" mind
,-.,t)edin& on the past on one P"&e and thinkin& about the futu,"" on the
next ."
_ ElMAn> 0",
Cillo .... '"
Is Melting
C/u"'lIi"ll and S1JCCdi"ll
Undo- Any Conliitions
John Kotter
Holger Rathgeber
S,. Marlin>, Preu ~ w York
OE ... '''' .. '' '''' 11''''''. Cop)"riht b)" John and
fo,"",,ord cop)"riht 'll b)" Sp<n""r Johruon, M.D. All rihts
,-....,rH d. in the Stat ... XO part of t his book
rna)" u=l or ",produ"""," in an)" without
p<rmission in the """, ofbriri quotations in cririCll.I
artic1 ... or ,..,,ie w . For information, add,..... St. Martin' . Pr=, '75 Fifth
Xe w York, X.Y. !Oo'o.
www.l tmar
jnl .oom
Librar)" of Con&,..... ClI.talo&in&-in-PubliCll.tion Data
John P. , '94 7 -
Our is ehan&in& and .uOCffdin& an)"
conditions/ John
and at St. Martin' .
ISII..>';-, 3: 978-0-3 ' 98-3
ISII..>';-, 0: 0 -3 ' 98-X
,. O,..anizatiom' . O,..anizational ..... 3.
I title

Firlt in the Stat ... b)" John and
the t i tle OuT lal>n!l 15 Changi"" and S1Jccadi""
UndO' Ad!:O'..., Conditions
B)" Johruon, M.D .
.... uthor of Who MOH d M)"
Coauthor of The One Minute Man 1I.e r"
On the .urfa"", this ,,onde rful book to be a . imple fabl e that is
e M)" to read and unde,..tand. But that is jmt the tip of the p,,,,e rbial
Workin& with John i:atte r , at the Harnro Bmineu School , 1 learned
that he know. mo,"" about ehan&in& o,..anizatioru than an)"one,
an)"whe",. Leade,.. and man1l.e,.. around the ,,orld hHe his hilthl)"
book, /Lading and hHe disc",e red. that his Eiltht
Ste ps is the bnt wa)" to e ruu,"" a .uoc<uful o,..anizational ehan&e.
Whatd.,... thathHe to do with mo>tofu.'
Well, with Our l""be,.. Is Meltin&, e,e r)"one ,,orkin& in an)" kind of
o,..anization-and that is mo>t people-ean now disc",e r how to u.., the
.... me Eiltht Ste ps, and e njo)" mo,"".uoc<u in thneehan&in& timn.
Proinsor i:atte r and his equall)" e",ati,e roauthor Hol&e r ltath&eber,
le t u. _ how a &roup of in ad,e,..., conditioru, IUe the .te ps,
=min&1)" without knowin& it .
Whe the r )"ou ,,ork in a bmineu, or the bu.ineu ofHfe, e,erJone from
CEO'. to hilth >ehool .tude nts, can &ain from what each takn from this
.tor)" .
.... ),ou ru din& what follow. , ),ou rna)' want to Mk )'ou,...,lf,
" What is my and how can [ u.., what in the .tor)" ?"
And .harin& it with othu. ),ou ,,ork with . Mtu aU,
thin .. u.uall)" turn out is on the .... me
Is Melting
H.ndle the of .... 11, and y ... e.n pl'Ollpec &really.
Handle It poorly, and you put younelhnd at rist
All too often and 0TJ:anw.ho ... don' t _ need fo, .
don' t co'I"OCII, ;dent ily what to do, or . uccessfully mal<e it happ<n,
or make ItJllct . School . ntemodon' t . :>atiorudon' t .
w. ha,, ItudiO<! the chilli.,... of chan,. for dKadu. kno .... the
t .. po Into .... hlch "er)" . mart _pl. fall. W. know thelt.po thll t Cltn
IIlIUN ,roup IUccess. And ,,'e will .ho .... you .... hat " ,. ha I'e found.
Our method lisho..-in., much mON than <eIHnl ..-ith the
method that h .. helped mON _Ie I.UD o'e. the centuriti thAD "OJ'
other "nsle technique: the fabl .
rabies CIIn b& powerful becallK they .. ke "noIIl, ... "fuUD., aDd
thN.tenln, 'Ubjecb .Dd mu. them .pp ..... ch.ble. hbl .. CIID
be memor.ble, unlib 10 much of the inform.t;o" that bombards w
today and iI forsot t." tomorrow. "'" CIIn n[mulate th"'Jht, t.aeh
imponant Iessoru, and monrll" an1one_youn, or oId_b> """ th_
I.,... .... In ... r modern, hiJh tech ... orld, we CIID e .. ily forset thil 'imp].
profound truth,
fable that follow ........ i ... by John I:olle"', a ...... rd ...
rnear<:h On how ,ue<:eoful tha,... ,..,ally hap"",,,. All of UI encounter the
bailc lIIues In the ltorr. Fe .... of ill .ncounter hl,hly flI"ectil"' WII)". of
dealln, " 'ell with thOM isou .. .
If you know much .bout the in whIch "'e hi'" pllcod our
lto.y_AntarctiCll_you110ft that Ilk for our Ii not .. aetlr lIS
you would find it On a :>atiooal Gm&rAphic <Iocumenta.y. r abla a,.., lib
thU. If Y'" thillk a tuD .tory with illu"'a!>"n' mull b& for
child,..,n, you'll won _ this book is .bout ,..,al -life problerru that
frmtrate nearly e,-eryone in or&anizations.
For ,..,ade,.. who ,,ould prfl'er to be&in by le.rnin& about the history of
this book, its intellectual underpinninv, the Ei&ht Step chan&e method,
or exactly how this fabl e can help you .uOCffd in an er a of chan&e, ,,e
h.,.e placed that materilll after the .tory on P"lte , 28. If that donn' t feel
needed now, jmt find a comfortable chair and ,..,ad on.
Our Iceberg Will Never Melt
On"" upon a time a rolon)" of WIU H,in& in the f"""n
.'lntaretic on an nur what ,,e call toda)" WlUhin&ton.
The had thu" for many, man)" )"u,... It WIU
b)" a ",a r ich in food. On its .uria"" hu&e walb .now that
&He from druMul wintu .torrru .
.... for b.ack IU an)" of the rould the)" had alwa)".
on that "This is our home, " the)" ,,ould )"ou if )"ou rould
,,orld of i"" and .now. The)" ,,ould abo .... )" , quite 10&i=11)"
from " and this will alwa)". our
the)" a wlUte of kilb. in the colon)" knew
the)" to huddle to $0 the)" had to
on u ch The)" Hke a bi& famil)" (which , of rou,"""
can both &ood and
The birds trul)" buutiful. .... , the)"
the la,.. ... t of of .'lntaretic animals that _m
to ,,ur
T,,o ' ixt)"--<i&ht in the rolon)". One WIU
and much like the You ,,ould probabl)"
dneri!>e him IU ' cute" or unl .... )"ou dislike
animals. But WIU from moot in one
important wa)".
TItil iI Fred.
He iI wo.ching

w .. unmually curious and
for c",atu,.... in
. in"" thue w .. no othu food in .'lntaretiCll.. I .... and
the and the .u mo",.
othu much of time with and ",lab'ft.
w .. a&ood hmb.and and but he ""'iali=ll .... than
He offby hi"""lf to take notft on what he had
You mi&ht think that w .. an odd bird, the wrtof
not want time with. But that wlUn' t ",ally
w .. ju.t doin& what ri&ht to him . .... a ,....ult, he w ..
Ncomin& inc", .. in&!y by whathuaw.
had a br iri""", full of .. , and ronclu.ions.
(Yes, a briri""",. This is a The information WIU i nc,""lUin&! y
disturbin&. The information WIU to cry out:
The Iceberg Is .Melting and .Might Break
Apart Soon!!
An that in to man)" ,,ould a
the ... if it the in a
.torm. Man)" of the and birds ,,ould .u",l)" d ie. Who could
"'J. what all the ,,ould Like all unthinuble
W1U no plan for how to with .uch a
did not panic But the mo,.., he his ob>u,ations, the
mo,.., he
kne w he had to do But he was in no po>ition to make
an)" or d ictate how othu hould act. He WM not one of
the of the colon)". He wasn' t a ",n, or of one
of the of the colon)". And he had no track """,rd M a

also how Harold had
he on"" that home W1U mo,.., fr ...
no in tu ... Harold to IUSemble ",me
His riforts with:
" Harold, )"ou ,..,all)" do ,,orr)" too much. HaJ"e a ,,!uid, )"ou1l

" Fr ... J ump up and down Harold. HaJ"e fift)" of u. jump up and
down at the ",me Do<-> an)"thin& Huh"
' Your a,.., f1Ueinatin& Harold. But the)" can be
in four wa)" . You _ , if one make. the MSumption ... "
Some birds ",id nothin&, but the)" to t",at Harold
The ehan&e was .ubtle, but had _n it. It was not a
ehan&e for the
found h;"""lf
What Do I Do Now?
The colon)" had a Council. It was also the Group of
b)" the Hud (The ... had name for the
&rou p, but that'>
. .. n"" was one of the bos=. She was a tou&h, practicall>;ro who had
a ,..,putation for thin&> She was also cl"", to the colony,
unnke a few who .... mo,"" aloof ..... ctuall)" ,,11 of brd
of look a bit aloof, but the)" don' t all that wa J ..
F,..,.j that , ... n"" ... ould 1 .... to dismiu his .tor)" than
mo,"" ",n;or $0 he ... to "'" , ... n"" , ... n"", he
did not haJe to an
F,..,.j told of his .tud;n and his conclu.;oru. She carflully,
thou&h, frankly , .he ... ;f F,..,.j was haJ;n& ",me wrt of
Problems with the wife?
Earing tOO much squid
with high mercury levels?
&ut .. _'\1 i"" .'\1i"", .he did not i&no", lrutud, .he .... id,
.kepticaUy, " me to the pb"" th.t you think mo>t durl J" .how. the

Th.t "Vb",, - W1U not on the .uri."" of the the
.nd its h.rd to _ , but .nd
this to .'\1i"". She .nd not the mo>t
ofbirds, .... id, " Fine, fine, Loot'> &0. -
a", "ulnuable the)" lup into the wa tu
l..,paro ..,als and whal ... hide to catch ca,..,l .... biros. Without &oin&
into an)" &raphic ju.t .... )" that )"ou ,..,all)" don' t
want to be cau&ht b)" a whale or l..,paro ..,al. So wh.,n F,..,.j and
. .. li"" jump! into the ..,a, the)" carflul.
the .uria"", F,..,.j out fissu,"", and dur .)"mptoms
of cau-'. b)" ,"'li"" W1U at how .he had
to i&no", th...., 'i&ru.
,"'li"" to follow F,..,.j 1U he into a la,..e hole at a
. idewall of the i""be,... Throu&h a canal a few the)" . wam
into the hurt of the i"", ,..,achin& a 'paciou. ca,' e
,"'li"" to look 1U if .he totall)" what .he was ..,.,in&, but
w .. 'p<eialty, not the of i""be,.... F,..,.j .... w the
look. So the)" to the .uria"", he
To make a lon& .tor)" .hort_
[""be,... a", not like i"" cubes. The be,... can hHe cracks iruide
canals. The canals can Iud to la,..e air bubbl ... ca, .... If the i""
cracks can be to watu, which " 'ould
pour into the canals and ca, ....
Durin& a cold wintu, the narrow canals with wate r can f"",,,,,
quickl y, trappin& iruide the ca, .... But 1U the &.,...
and the in the ca, ... will also f""'Le. Beeause a
frffl:in& liquid dramaticall)" in an i""be,.. could be
a few minut ... , ,"'li"" be&an to ..,., wh)" F,..,.j WM '"
The of the could be. "
This was most definitely not good.
. .. li"" was thou&h . he didn' t . how it " lrutud, . h"
quntion quntion"
. [ to think ,bout wh,t )"ou h,,-e . hown me, ' . he told him, " ,nd
quickl )" tal k with, few ofm)" mind was ,l""d)"
plottin& 'W')""
"[ will )"our MSistan"",' . he told )"ou to be
to _ ,nd the .'I.itu, . hort pam", . he
.... nd be th,t",me birds ... on' t w,nt to_ ,n)"
W1U no the onl)" who "'w the for
disMtu" He w1Un' t the onl)" who , ",rue of to do
,bout the
WOr>e- He did not _ ,n)" ",lution" .... nd he did not much like the
w,)" ,"'li"" h,d ",id be and ",me birds ... on' t w,nt to _ ,n)"

The ,wful .... ntaretic was onl)" t ... o months 'W')""
Problem? What Problem?
Durin& the few da)"., . .. Ii"" aU of the
Council, includ;n& Louis, the Hud She
to &0 on the journe)" .he had with Mo>t to hu. But
the)" W1U ,"'Ii"" ha"in& a personal perhaps
with marri ...
;';one of th"", with whom ,"'Ii"" .poke an)" about the
;duof.w;mm;n& into a bi&dark ..... few Council not
Hnd time to . .. Ii"". The)" ",;d that the)" bu. y with
important The)" dulin& with a rompla;nt from a rathu
loud bird that pen&u;n W1U mak;n& fa"", his hack (a
",mewhat ronfu.;n& issue .;n"" pen&u;ru cannot make fa"",) .
The)" also .hould 11Ut
t,,o or t,,o and hot issue for th.,.., who
and th"", who did not.
,"'Ii"" Louis, the Hud to ;m-;te to the
to p,.....,nt and hisronclu.;oru.
what )"ou hHe told me about him, 1 am ""rta;nl)" ;ntu ... in
what h1U to "')"'" the ",;d--<l;plomaticaU)".
Louis did not, time for a b)" this
unknown pen&u;n who had brlo,"" to the &roup of
But ,"'Ii"" W1U ,..,m;nd;n& boss that they had to take
",me risks, ' wh;ch )"ou hHe done aU )"our That WllS
mo,"" or 1 .... , and Louis WllS to hur ,"'Ii"" "'J' so thou&h
moti' ... p,..,tt)" ob,;ou.).
The Hud ... rd to im-;te . . 'lJi""d;d.
In p,..,paration for his with the
wr itin& a in which he " 'ould &i,' e ,tatistics about the ,hrinkin&
, iLeof their home, the canals, the caH" filled with wate r , the number of
fissur'e'> ob"iouil)" camed b)" meltin&, and>o on. But whe n he IUked a fe w
of the olde r me mber> of the colon)" about the Group of Te n, he lurned
T,,o of the birds on the Lu de r>h;p Council lm' ed to dehate the
nlidit)" of an)" ,tatistics. And the)" lm' ed to dehate for hour> and hour>
and hour> and hour>. Thne t,,o " 'e,,, the mo", "ocal ad,' ocate->
lobb)"in& for lon&e r meetinv.
One of the Lu de r>h;p Council me mber> " 'ould u,m, l1)" b .ll IUleep-or
at lelUt come awfull)" cl---.durin& a lon& with ,tatistics.
His ,oorin& could be disrupti,' e.
Anothe r bird WIlS , ' e r)" uncomfortable with number>. He tried to hide
his feelinv, u,uall)" b)" nOOdin& his hud a &",at deal. All the hud
nOO-<lin& te nded to anno)" >orne other me mber> of the &roup, which
could Iud to had moods and bicke r in&.
At lelUt t,,o othe r Council me mber> made it p",tt)" clear that the)"
d id not like to be TOW much of an)"thin&. The)" '""w it IU their job to be
doin& the TELUNG .
.'>ite r much thou&ht, f red chose an approach to the upcomin& meetin&
that WIlS d i{fe",nt from his ori&inal plan.
a of It WM four by {;,e
and made of ",al i"" and .now. The construction WM not for
( ... . in"" he had no hands, and oppmable thumln).
he WM done, kne w it WM not perfect. But , ... Hce thou&ht it
WM a c",ati,e idu and &ood to the
to the
The ni&ht brio,.., the and his t he to
the tum which , was on the
hi&h ... t mountain of the Halfway up the hill, the &rumbHn&
me why I'mdoin& this" was one of the kinde r
from his
If could &mnt and &roan, thu" ,,ould hHe pl" nt)" of
The n" ,t mornin&, the Iud" ,.. " .,,'" al,..,ad)" . tandin& around the
moo"l wh" n F,..,.j arri,..,d. Some " .,,'"" " n&1I..,.j in a H,"l)" dd .... t" . oth" ,..
look.,.j mJ. ti{;.,.j .
.. n"" introduc.,.j F,..,.j to the &rou p.
Louis . tart.,.j the m""tin&, M the Hud p.,n&uin Illwa)". did. " F,..,.j, ,,e
want to h" ar about )"our disco," r)". F,..,.j bo,,.,.j ""P"Ctfull )". He could
",rue from Louis and ... me m" mJ,.,,.. of the &rou p. oth" ,..
=m.,.j n" utrlll . .... few made little .,(fort to hide th"ir .k" pticism.
F,..,.j &ath" ,..,.j his thoulthts-.and cour1l.e-.and th" n told the . tor)" of his
disco," rJ. He " ,plain.,.j the m" thods he had de,;,.,d to . tud)" th"ir hom" .
He dnerib""'- how he had found the d" t" rioration, the canals, the bilt
",p<=d ca,e fuU of wat" r-.aU of which had to J,., cau-'. b)" m"ltin&.
Corutantl)" F,..,.j u-'. the moo"l to ori" nt his audi" n"" and illu. trate his
points. A.11 but one of the Lud" ,..hi p Council mo,.,.j cl"",r to
the moo,,].
Wh" n F,..,.j ,..,mOJ.,.j the top half of the . tmctu,"" to . how t he bilt ca,e
and " , plain its disMtrou. impact , )"ou could ha,e hurd a . nowflake
falHn& on the &round.
Wh" n the d" morutration WM compld.,.j, th","" WM . ;]" n"".
, ... n"" . tart.,.j the discmsion b)" "'Jin&, "I "'w aU this wi th m)" own
eJn. The ca,e fuU of watu is hult" . 1t'''Cltr)". [",w aU the oth" "'iltru of
dntmction that mmt J,., cau-'. b)" the m"ltin&. We cannot iltno,"" this
.... few nood.,.j.
One of the Council was an bird
;';0;';0. ;';0;';0 was ,....poruible for .
t,,o th..,rin as to the ori&in of his One was tha t his . ,..,at
had ;';0..,0. th..,r)" was th at his ti,..t
,,oro. as a bab)" p<n.uin not "Ma" or " Fa," but ";';0, ;';0. u
;';0..,0 was to for wron. in his
but this bmin .... about the was t<lO much for
him. He .poke up, ba,..,l)" able to control his ' 1 hue ,..,.ularl)"
to this .roup about m)" o],..,,,atioru of the climate and its
on our he "'id . . .... 1 hHe told )"ou brio,.." p<riod. of
durin. warm a,.., common. Durin. ,..,turru
to normal. What he "'w, or he "'w, is nothin. new. is no
,..,,,,,,n to ,,orr)" ' Our is ",lid and .tron., and can withstand .uch
f1u ctuatioru' -
F.ach from ;';0;';0 came out than the hut. If p<n.uiru
could fa"""", which the)" can' t , he ,,ould hHe fa"""".
Maybe ..
I should bad. up
befor he erplO<b"
;';0;';0 ",w that the .upport of ",me of the wa. turnin& in
his fHor, he to and ",id dramatically:
"Th'" jumor bird "'J"' ice h", that canal" But malll><
h=n 1" He "'J"' the canal will fr"ffLe this and trap the in a
bi& But malll>< wont' He "'J"' the in the c,,,"e will fr"ffu" But
malll>< will not' He "'J"' frffl:in& watu alway. in But
malll>< iIL"s wrong' And if all he "'J"' turns out to be true, is our
i""be,.. ",ally", fra&il e that frffl:in& in a c,,,"e can b",ak it into
.mall How do "'" know what ilL ""liS'" not ftJ5t-<J
tMo'1l' 11"t1d 5p<rulation' Fmrrrwngmng"" -
:>;0..",,0 at the othu., and th",w what he WIIS a
knock-<lut punch:
Four of the birds nodded. One =med to hHe Neome lIS mad lIS :>;0..",,0 .
. .. H"" .hot an look that basicall)" .... id: thin ..
a", fine (which .he knew WIU not true) , )"ou can handle this (which WIIS
not at aU clur), now jmt &0 ahud and ",pI)" calml)" (which for hu
... ould hHe difficult . in"" .he wanted to """,am, ":>;0:>;0, )"ou
nitwit ' '').
h ... itated, ..,.id, " Hon ... tl y, no. 1 cannot &i,e )"ou
:>;0, 1 am not .. 00 pe=nt .u"'. But .hould our b",ak into
man)" it will in it is dark both day and ni&ht,
the .torrru and winds m. ke u. moot Wouldn' t
m.ny, m.n)" of u.
T ... o of the birds .tandin& nur =med He looked in
di"",tion and ..,.id, " Wouldn' t it happen?"
th.t moot of the Council .till to
Ali"" &He :>;0..",,0 h.rd look .nd ..,.id: " lm,..ine p"",nts who
loot child",n. lmO&ine romin& to u nd ",kin&, ' How could
this hHe h.ppened' Wh.t .... )"ou doin&' Wh)" didn' t )"ou this
It WIU )"our job to the colon)" ' > Wh.t ... ould )"ou
)"n, >orr)". We h.d hurd th.t mi&ht a proble m, but the
information WIU not .. 00 pe=nt
She pau=! to . ink in.
That ,,e had .uch a ,,ould not That it w .. not
appropriate to act until ,,e .. 00 .u","
"'&ain, .nowfl. kn could .lmo>t be cr .. hin& onto the around.
IIenuth . .. n"" w .. '" .n&r)" .he to take
the i"" .nd throw it .t ;';0;';0.
Louis, the ch.njte in the &roup'. mood. He
",id, ' 1f F,..,.j is corrt, ,,e onl)" h.,.e the ",m.inin& t,,o months
until be&ins to ",.ct to this th",at. "
One of the "'id, ' We to form"
from of this tum to .nal)"u the . itu.tion .nd look into possible
",lutions. "
M.n)" of the birds in
one of told the &roup, ' Yes, but ,,e mu.t do
possible ", th.t the colon) '. routinn ", intact. Our chicks lot
of food now to &row, .nd ,,e to .,.oid confu.ion. So, ,,e m=1 this
until ,,e h.,.e out. &ood ",lution. "
, ... n"" clu,..,.j hu throat loudly, .poke with t_ l)"
,,e h.,.e . formin& .nd tr)"i,,& to protect
our colon)" from new. is wh.t ,,e norm.ll)" do. But this ... jar,
fm" from. norm.l
The .t The um .. quntion on mind
w .. : ""'" SM goi"" wilh Ih ... h"" of
, ... n"" "'id, ' We mu.t call .....,mbl)" of the colon)"
.nd com-in"" .. m.n)" .. possible th.t is We mu.t
of our .nd fammn on our . ide '" th.t ,,e h.,.e
ch.n"" of findin& ",lution th.t m.n) will .cpt ."
;';orm.ll)" beh.,.e in qu ite . m.nnu, np<ei.ll)" if
the)" .'" Council . ittin& in But now. few
... n =mbly,, ... the risk is ... ... ne,e r hHe " e ... ' . . , a panic.,.'
. "no, no, no.,." ."and what " 'ould " 'e .... y?"
Worrying them is
VERY bad! 1----
It was not a p,..,tty 'iht.

this a secret!
"I hHe an ide .. , ' F,..,.j .... id Cll.utiouily. ' Would you &i,-e me a fe w
minutes, pIe"",' 1 " 'on' t be lon&.
The othe r> .... id nothin&. F,..,.j took that to be a J ... --<>r at lelUt not a no.
He mOJed as qu ickl y as pouible down the mountain, found what he
wanted, and climbed hack up. The Group of Te n birds ,,'U" jabberin&
on"" 1I.&ain. The y .topped whe n F,..,.j arri,ed with a &1 ... bottle.
" What'> this?" .. . .. Ii"".
"I don' t ",an)" know,' F,..,.j "'id. "M)" found it one
w .. up to the of our It looks like i"", but it is not made
from i"". " He on the bottle with the ti p of his " It'> much
than i"" and if you , it on it , it warrru up but it donn' t
,,e eould fill it with watu, the hole on top, and pia"" it in
the cold wind. tomorrow ,,e can ifit is b)" the fo"", of the
.. it f""'Ln.
F,..,.j paused .. the ""t of the &rou p wa)" throu&h the 10&ic
He ... nd if it donn' t b,..,ak apart, )"ou .hould
not rmh ahud andeaU an =mbl)" ofthe rolon)" "
. .. li"" WM Risky, .he thou&ht to hu..,lt, but is this bird
or what"
it WM a trick but "'w out .... nd malbe it ,,ould
.top aU the foolishn .....
Louis, the Hud at :>;0.."",0.
Louis made his He told the it be
... nd the)" did.
Louis put into the He it with a fish bone that WM
ju.t the ri&ht . iu. He &aJ"e the bottle to Budd)" , ,, and bo)"ishl)"
handsome to like and tru.t .
... nd the)"
WM olwa)". willin& to .tick his out if thou&h it
ine,itabl)" made him So he did not particulorl)" that
The mornin& Budd)" climbed up the hill, "U the
lookin& down at him. he the top, one of the birds
Budd)" the It was clurl)" from ice that had
&rown too bi& to fit
Budd)" told
The birds for holt on hour . . .. n t,,o ",id that the)"
to act. One of the t,,o, of rou,""" was :>;0.."",0. ' You rna)" be onto
he "'id, but.,,
He was mo,"" orl ....
Louis "'id, ' Loot the know ,,"e will hHe an ....,mbIJ . Do not
the topic
The colon)" '. birds curiou. about the ,..,,,,,,n for the ....,mbl)". But
. .. n"" made .u'"" the Council
.hut_ which built up a bit of and
an the adults up. Mont of the tal k was about normal life
is fat. Too much fish, too little
.... hh, now lfuJI is an .tor)". "
Louis the to and qu ickl )" it mu to . .. n"".
, ... n"" told . wim with the man)" .iru of and the
c,,,e with his of the and
wh)" he thou&ht the)" in dan&u. Budd)" told the .tor)" of
the &1 ... ..... nd Louis, as the ..... ion b)" "'Jin&
that in his opinion the)" had to act , and thou&h he was not .u'"" how, he
was the)" ,,"ould find a ",lution.
B)" the time had a chan"" to _ the and the bottle up
cl=, to ask both and , ... n"" quntioru, and to hur more from Louis,
the had mo>t of the mornin&.
The birds th"", who normally to
anythin& by "'J'in& yes, but .... " The rompla""nt "''''''' that all is
ju.t to drain into the , .. t """an.
Louis, and . .. li"" ""rtainly not awa", of it _ prof=ional ehan&e
they not_but by rompla""ncy and incrn,in&
they had the ri&ht tint in ""'in&
the rolony.
the broke up,
I never really
liked Fred,
now I know why!
So enough with
the talk. Let's do
StOp complaining
about missing
lunch. THINK!!
Harvey. be real.
Wimer is only a
few mondu away!!
Oh boy.
Boy. oh boy.
I mean boy.
\.. ,.h Ix'y. oh boy.
I Cannot Do the Job Alone
The mornin& a of:>;o..""o' lid up to Louis. ins ClI.n ilide
on .tomachs, thou&h it looks bizar", to humans. He .UU ... ted that
1U the Hud it W1U Louis'. DUTY to ",he the
b)" hi"""lf. ' That'> what do. You a", a &,..,at You
no The bird il id (one mi&ht "'J' awa)".
pen&uin .UU ... ted that Louis the to the J' oun&
birds who the on i"". Louis pointed out, that th"",
birds had no credibilit)" in the colony, had no known lud" ,..hip iI,ill.,
and a few not The b ird makin&
this .uu ... tion "'id, ' So what'> )"our point?"
Louis thou&ht about what he .hould ClI.lled . .. Ii"",
Fred, Budd)" , and a pen&uin named Jorn...n to a spot on the
north,, ... t . ide of the Jordan W1U known 1U the Prof.....,,." . in""
he W1U the cl=t the Council had to an If a
located on Jorn...n ,,ould ha" e a
of the facult)".
The Hud "'id, ' The colon)" a ofbirds to &u ide it
throu&h this difficult period. I ClI.nnot do the job I the t;" e of
u. a", the bnt tum for the task ahud.
,"'Ii"" nodded '" ili&htl)". Budd)" looked con-fused.. Fred W1U
.urprised that a mo", junior pen&uin, W1U But the
Prof.....,r W1U the t;,..t to .peak.
' Wh)" do )"ou ma ke the .... umption that the t;,-e ofu. ClI.n s uOCffd?" he
Louis nodded in his normal ,"'Ii"" hid irritation. If
.he had had a watch , which .he didn' t , .he ,,ould haJ"e lookin& at it
while tappin& foot.
" It is a ",,,,,,nable qu ... tion," the "'id. " Look a t the {;,e of
us, Prof.....,r. D<fine the Make a list in J <lOr mind of
u ch of our .t",n&tlu. o.du"" an to )"our own qu ... tion.
Louis this wa)" , he WIU .p<akin& to the
Jordan off toward the horiron. If )"ou could ha,., hurd the
thou&hts fIlUhin& throu&h his p<n&uin brain, the)" ,,ould haJ"e
Hke this:
Louis. Enou&h to be ..... bit
:';ot b)" alm",t an :';0:';0
and the ... Smart (but not an hU'J"" i&ht).
. .. H"". Practical. ...... Mak ... thin .. happ<n. Do.-.n' t ea,.., about
.tatu. and t",ats the Impouible to intimid ate, so don' t
tr)". Smart (but not an
Budd)". Bo)"ishl)" :';ot the >li&ht ... t bit ambitiou .
and (ma)"be )"our wife Hk ... him too much). not
F,..,.j. ..... m1l.Lin&l)" euriou. and :';i""
be. k. data to ju<le his I.Q.
Lo&ical (actually, 10&ical). ,..,ad. b)"
qu ... tioru. Xot the moot "",;,.1 ofbirds, but wh)" " 'ould
anyone want to be a ""'i1ll bird'
Thu., if the is .... . .. n"" is 8, Budd)" isC, is D, and [
am E, .... + B + C + D+ equals a .tron&&roup.
The Prof.....,r to Louis and "'id, " What you "'). is ,..,"
10&ical. "
8udd)" confu=!, M he did. He ,..,all)" the
Prof.....,r, but he Louis. , ... n",,'. irritation a bit IU .he WIU
on"" 1I.&ain the Hud WIlS the Hu d
F,..,.j couldn' t im1l.&ine what on in the Prof.....,". But n ke
, ... n"" and Louis, F,..,.j ",rued the)" on the ri&ht track. He also
to be " 'orkin& with this &roup of ",nior birds.
The)" the ,..,.t of the da)" The WIlS difficult
at ti,..t:
"I b)" what our home is .hrin kin& u ch yur, ' the
Prof.....,r ",id at one point. " [ on"" ,..,ad that a bird namM Vladiwitch
. .. n"" twi"". Loudl)". While .tarin& at Louis, .he "'id,
"Ma)"be " 'uhould con""ntrate on what " 'e a", &oin& to do tomorrow. '
8udd) ",id softly, "I'm .u'" Mr. Vladiwitch WIU a ni"" bird. "
The Prof.....,r that wm>ne was joinin& his
if it was onl)' Budd)".
Louis think it ,,ould if ,,e all cl.-d our
for a lIefo,.., the Prof.....,r rould qu ... tion the nlenn"" of
e)"e cl"'in&, the Hud .... id, don' t ask wh)". an
old bin!'> .uu ... tion. This will onl)" ""lui,.., a
The one the cl.-d e)" ....
Louis .... id, " With )"our e)" .... hut, point a of
h ... itation, aU did w. "Xow op<n )"our e)" ... , he told
Budd)" , the Prof.....,r, and . .. n"" all in t dirtions.
Budd)" >1i&htl)" upward toward the .k)".
. .. li"" ",ruin& the The Prof ...... r "'id, .... h ,
)"n, f1UCinatin&. " '" >lihtl)". 8udd)" was Ios.t.
The Prof ...... r "'id, You _ , for u., .... + 8 is additi,-e-that is to "')",
mo", cap>lble than t ,,o indi"iduab b)" if .... and 8 can
,,ork .. a tum. ,,e to Louis'. task .. indi,iduab. He did
not "')" ,,e couldn' t ,,ork could not tal k or touch u ch
You _ , flotbottom'. th>r)" of &roup.,,
The the .p<h b)" raisin& his win&,
",)"in& ' Would an)"one like >quid for lunch ?" This .topp! the
prof ...... r , wh= &rumblin& .tomach .. il)" trump! his brain. 8udd)"
"'id, ' What a &,..,at idu.
LOVE >quid, th= ",a c",aturn that come in . Un ran&in&
from .. la,..e .. a bu._like Juln morutu in 20,000
Undo- Sro_ to than a mou..,. But the tin)" >quid '" b)" the
p<n&uiru a", trick)" little de,il . The)" will .hoot a
ofblack ink at a p""&'tor and r.oom awa)". So in a one "Iuid
one p<n&uin matchup, the >quid can .. il)" win. ha"in&
this many, man)" J"un 11.&0, had found a ",Iution:
hunt >quid in &roups.
Louis jump! into the ",a fint, quickl)" b)" the .
. -.Jthou&h p<n&u iru ,,obble awkwardl)" b.ack and forth on land_lookin& a
bit like Charlie Chaplin_ in the the)" mm-e with
. kill and &ra"". The)" can di" e a third of a mile the .urfa"", .ta)"
for up to minutn, and than a
h 5 0 , OOO indi"idual cap>lbilitin do not a
>quid catch.
The fint >quid the)" actuall)" <'<Cap!. But >oon the
p<n&uiru to ,,ork
.urroundin& the lunch. food for was found,
for the Prof ...... " . la,..e
Mtu a ",tisfyin& Louis a discOlsion that ra,..,ly on
the meltin& icebe,.. or what the fi,-e of them to do next. Instead
he focused on life, ones, and their and d,..,arru. They
forhou n .
The Prof.....,r was to j Olt tal k .bout life without . tmctu,""
around the com-e=tion to &i,-e it ",me RIGOR. So he kept h is beak . hut
and let his analytical brain ,,ork qu ietly. Meltin& icebe,... Fred finds it.
Tou&h ..,11 to a complacent &rou p. Gon to . .. li"" fi n t. Show. her the
problem. The i"" model. The bottle. The &rou p meetin&. Complacency
reduced. Louis picks &rou p to &uide the rlfort. Inte""tin& m. keup.
Turnin& non tum into tum with >quid and tal k .
. .. 11 ratheu tran&e, but foscinatin&.
The next mornin&, Louis kept them to&ether. He ,,ould h.,.e a
month to turn the fi,-e birds into a cl"",-knit tum. But he did not h.,.e a
month. So he did the bnt he could, and within t,,o day. the pen&uins
certainly much I .... like indi"iduab pointin& in
Louis had la,..ely in takin& the d ifficult but
.....,ntial . tep of pullin& to&ether a tum to &uide the chan&e.
The Seagull
An . .. li"" 'UU ... the)" ..,areh rapidl)" for ",lutioru to
b)" W kin& to in the colon)". The Hud
was not .u'"" that tal kin& to was the bnt next "nd
the Prof.....,r did not"", the point. But " eorutructi,e
di>cu .. ion, ,"'li""
One bird_ who had the hurt of a oilman_ uu ... the)" driU a
hole from the .urla"" down to the c,,,e to out and p ...... u'"". This
,,ould not ",he the mo,"" of the but it mi&ht
home from durin& the wintu. This
driU-a-hole was briefl)" di>culSed be{o,"" the Prof.....,r out
that with 1111 268 birds awa)" 24 hour> ada)" , the)" ,,ould b,..,a k
throu&h to the c,,,e in Jur>.

bird 'UU ... the)" find a ;';0 no
c,,,es, no f;.su,.... , ju.t in wa)" Hl that
child,..,n and &randchild,..,n ,,ould haJ"e to fa"" a crisis like
this 1I.&ain. if the)" a
,"'li"" was not around to hur this.
Anothu idu: mOJe the colon)" toward the ""ntu of
AntaretiCll. the i"" is and . . 'I.1thou&h none of the
had an)" idu of the . iuof the than one and a
half tim ... the . iu of the States' --<>ne hU'J..,t bird "'id,
" Won' t that take u. a lon& wa)" from watu' How

One on the Council 'UU ... c,..,atin& a ",rt of
out of kiUu-whale and it to &Jue the
" r",,1 ti&ht. " He that this ,,ould not ",he the mo",
of but it mi&ht
an and hi&hl)" of the colon)" 'UU ...
that the)" tr)" new. you .hould do what did
he found our Wal k around, your eJ ... and
minds op<n. lie euriou . " The Hud rO&niJ:in& the for a
approach , 1I.&rd. " Loeh tr)" it ," he "'id, and", the)" did.
The)" ,, ... t. The)" ",w wall> of .now. The)" saw famm ...
doin& thin&> famm ... do. The)" about
and fish. The)" to birds who to .ha", ....
an hour or "', F,..,.j, in his t)"picall)" ""'p<etful wa)" , "'id:
" Up
was lookin& at a ... ull. Sin"" normally thu" a", no ... ulls in
.'lntaretiCll., th" y all . .'l.mall, whit", f1yin& Probably
" Faseinatin&,' ",id th" Prof.....,r. "I hH" a th<ory about animals that
fly. You __ " !lefo", h" rould rontinu", ,"'Ii"" him on his .hould" r.
H" had lurn""'- in th" prior t,,o day. that ,"'Ii"" tappin& him lik" that
munt " you' ", " ond,,rful , Prof.....,r, but pI" ..., .hut up,' which h" did.
" What is it?" ask""'- Buddy.
"I don' t know,' "'id, "but a bird ClI.n' t fly {o'""""'" r. It mu.t hH" a
home on the &round. But it'> >0 cold
The)" ,..rd. If the ",,..u11 tried to H,e with it ... ould ..
hard .. a rock in I .... than a ...
Fred "I ,uPP">" it could be Io>t, but it don not
_m to be afraid. What if mOlin& from one to .. w ..
ju.t the wa)" it H,ed' What if it'> a ...
Budd)" "'id, "I'm >orr)" , but what a", you tal kin& about'"
The ,....ponded to Budd)" b)" ",)"in&, . impl )" , " We a",
thinkin& about the possibilit)" of a new and wa J.
The)" tal ked for hour> and hour>. If .... But How ... ould .... . . ,
:-';0, you _ ." Yn, but ... e could." Wh)" not . . ' Ju.t ma)"be."
Budd)" .. " So what do ... e do
The Hud "'id, " We to think this throujth carflu11y.
The Prof.....,r "'id, " But qualit)" of thou&ht is mo", important than

. .. H"" " Fir>t ... e to lurn mo", about that f1)"in& bird,
and now. '
write on. the)" all to ",areh for the "'1lull.
had in him a bit of Holmes, the famous
So within a half hour, the)" found the "'1lull .
. '\1i"" to Budd)" , " Sa)" to the biro. "
In the warm and ,' oi"" that came natur ally, Budd )" ..,.id, Hi.
This is .'\1i"". " He pointed at ' That's Louis, and the Prof.....,r.
I' m Budd)". "
' Whu" do )"ou rome from' " Budd)" ",ked. ... nd what a,.., )"ou lookin&
The "'1lull its distan"", but did not fl)" awa)". Finall)" h e ..,.id, "I'm
a scout. 1 fl)" of the clan lookin& for ,,"e mi&ht li" e
The Prof.....,r to ",k qu ... tioru_ usriul qu ... tioru, thou&h he did &0
off on OOC/Uionall)" (Ill wa)". brou&ht back b)" You-i:n<>w-Who).
In ""'porue, the "'1lull told the of his clan'. nomadic
He tal ked about what the)" ate (which , frankly , wunded to the
like just about an)"thinz). He .poke of what it was like to a
scout. he to turn blue and hHe trouble he ..,.id
&ood-b)"e and fl ew away.
The Prof.....,r and Budd)" not totall)" rom-inced th" t what wllS
appropriate for "'1lull. rould possibl)" ri&ht for " We' ,..,
"The)" fly. " ' We ut f,....h fish. " ' The)" "",m to ut,

"Of rou,"", ,,"e' ,.., .'\1i"" ..,.id with mo,..,
di plomac)" than u. ulll. ' That muru ,,"e can' t just rop)" th.,m. But the
1 can almost..,., how ,,"e mi&ht We'd lurn to mo,"e around. We
,,ouldn' t . tIt) in one pla"" We ,,ouldn' t tr)" to fi x
We ,,ould ju. t fa"" up to the fact that what . u. tltins u. cannot
&0 on
The Prof.....,r .. ked d=ru of quntioru. Louis ",id little bu t thou&ht a
&,..,at about the discmsion and its impHcatioru .
. .. H"" "'id, "1 wh)" wm>ne didn' t think of this idea .. >ron ..
,,e ,..,aliLed that our w ..
The Prof.....,r "'id, "Su,..,l)" som>"" in the colon)" did. It is ",."lo&ical.
The Prof.....,r turned his hud to the ri&ht. Whathe ",w was:
M;t.ybe we should
pray 10 "Roland the
Round," the belo....!
founder of au.
the Prof.....,r thou&ht, ma)"be not.
The "'id, H,in& one wa)" for", lon&, w h)" .hould it
be to think of a whole new wa)"
The Prof.....,r ",aliMd that no one had a ",Hd th>r)" about wh)"
home was He had MSumin& that and
mmt ha,e occur'"""'- dowl)" a lon& But
what if that
What if had Cll.u=\ the But what could
that pouibl)" be' Should he ha,e his to to ke mo,""
time and be mo,"" in thinkin& about i""be,..
But W1U '" little
quntioru disturbed the Prof.....,r &",atlJ . But that
he ",markabl)" the dreurrutoncn. He
the had in c",atin& a ,ision of a new futu"" and one that
He was be&innin& to _ how the)" could c",ate that
futu",. He was (oddl)") that Louis, Ali"", f '"""'-, and Budd)"
thinkin& the ",me way.
A ......... ooIo<>y ..
Frot, ...;th ..., 6xod ...,.".,
W. "'" Irarn r.-
~ . . . . .
Getting the Message Out
The followin& day, Louis for a at noon of the
colony . .... you ,,ould at this point, nurly
,,ould be 1I.&ain no lunch for the!y d ... l<oparo
An Prof.....,r the mornin& p,..,parin& a >ort of
97->lide p,-....,ntation for Louis to use in communicatin&
,ision. The Hud the which WIU
&aJ"e it to Buddy. .tudyin& the Profeuor'. ,,ork,
Buddy "'id, I'm >orry, but I'm a little l<t. Louis he had
become .tuck. Buddy told him it W1U on .lide . .. li"" .hut ey ... and
did b,..,athin&
The 1I.&ain at the p,-....,ntation by the
Prof.....,r. It WIU, in its way, beautifully But Louis thinkin&
about how difficult it ,,ould be to the colony his
How do you tal k to birds who anxious,
tradition bound, or
he to try thou&h it could
be risky. He did not like risk, but."
Louis be&an the colony'. """mbly by "'Jin&, 1U ,,e
this "'" will_ it is mo,.., important than
to who "'" ""'. "
WIU until >om<one "'id, "Of cou,"",. "'id,
. y .... .
;';0..",,0 was in the middle of the tr)"in& to fi&u"" out what
was afoot. It was not ob,iou. which he did not
Louis ... nd do ,,"e .tron&I J )"alue ' Yn," ",id a
d=n or '" of the birds .
... nd do ,,"e ha" e a .tron& ..,,..., of ,....poruibiHt)" , too?" It was hard to
a,..ue with that. It had true for ' Yes," man)" now

... bo,e all , do ,,"e .tand for and the lOJ' e of our Joun&?" ...
loud ' y ... "
The paused. ... nd th...., and
,alu ... to a of ia'"
",me not particularl)" bri&ht birds, cau&ht up in the J .... -)" ...
,..ain about to "'J' ' Yes," . .. H"" ' ;';0" She was
quickl)" b)" the Prof.....,r, and few of the birds.
man)" p<n&uiru a ";';0, no, no" to ....
' ;';0," Louis ,..rd.
The birds .tood .till, all lookin& at the Hud Some didn' t know
that he could .p<ak '" fo,.wullJ--.and '"
"I'd Hke )"ou now to to Buddy,' Louis ",id dramatic
" He will )"ou a .tor)" that u. to think of a new and
So Budd)" to the ..,,..ul1'> .tory: ' He is a >cout for his clan.
He the turitor)" to find &ood pia"", for his colon)" to mOJ"e
lmagi"", an fru' whnn..". IiU 10 You ""', man)" ,
man)" )"urs ,..0, the)".
Budd)" told what he knew of the histor)" of the ..,,..ull clan, of the wa)"
the)" now, and of the bird he had BuddJ' wasn' t of it, but
he was the had man)" qu ... tioru. Some of the
birds with the idu of a f1)"in& animal. Some jmt
to know of what the ",,..ull had "'id. man)" . ide
discmsioru, ... about "frdom" and a nomadic .. The
birds qu ick to "'" the ,ision without it

Louis the &0 on for a he his throat
loudl)" and for the noise he told the ero,,"d,
with com-iction, "This is not who ,,"e an. It is onl)" ,,"e now
In...,. We a,.., stron&u, and mo,.., capable than the ",,..ul1>. So
wh)" can' t ,,"e do what the)" ha,e done, and We a,.., not to
this of i"". We can it behind u . Loot it to the size of a fish.
Loot it b,..,ak in to one thou",nd We will find pia"", to H,e
that ,,"e will mOJe ,..ain. We will ha,e
to put ourfamm ... at riskfrom the wrt of " "., fa"" toda)".
;';0;';0'. blood p,..,..u,.., hit , 60.
8)" the the if you could ha,e carflull)" the eJ ...
of the ero,,"d, you ,,"ould probabl)" ha,e that:
30 of the colon)" could"", a new wa)" of H,in&,
com-in"""'- the ,ision had and
30 di& ... tin& what the)" had hurd and _n;
' 0 but not ho>tile; and
' 0 like Xo..'o, this WM all absurd.
The Hu d to hi"""lf, .ood for now,' and '"
he the . . .. li"" .rabbed Buddy, and the Prof.....,r, and
"'id, " Follow !lein. birds, the)" did "'.
She quickl )" lat ... t idu: to rome up with do.",.. to be put
on " We to ,..,mind the birdsofwhat the)" hH., hurd, and
",mind TH E T\l.fE. The this morn in. WM brief. Some
ofthe rolon)" not The m<'SSae is radiClll. We much mo,..,

Budd)" aloud, ' Will '" man)" be anno)"in. to ",me of
our ,"'li"" ",plied, a choi"" a few anno)"ed birds
and a i""be,.. with """,amin. on it , I'd
ch""", anno)"ed. Put that wa)" ."
But with the of ",me of the mo,", c",ati,-e birds-40me of whom
younltu than F,..,.j-they quickly ltot the hanlt of it .
day for a p<n&uins came up with new do&ans and
put on around the the birds
could find no mo,.., pia"", for the . .. n"" .uunted the y put
to the mo>t popular and producti,-e fishin& &rounds.
Sounds a little odd, but ( , ) p<n&uins can clurly
no (3) p<n&uins look for fish , they
cannot cl"", eyn, if they",.., annoyed.
The dr amatic Louis'. ,,e a,.., not an Buddy'
about the ",,,.uU, and , ... n ",,'. countl .... i",,_te ,.. to
haJ"e the dni,..,.j Many birds, thou&h farfrom aU, came to and
a=pt what they had todo.
Communicatin& the new "ision of a nomadic life, of a ,-er)'
futu"" was for the moot part ,..,marlulbly .u=fu1.
The rolony had taken .tep for ward. You amId tell ju.t
by watchin& the birds.
Good News, Bad News
Thirt)" to fort)" birds to ,,ork in .mall &roups to plan for the
of KOuts, the mappin& of trips to find new and the
10&istics of mm'in& the colony. Louis WIU cautiouil)" optimistic.
Good: .'\Ithou&h ",me birds .till an. iou. , .. m amon& the
co,.., &roup of to &row and &row.
Good: a d"",n birds in
KOuts_ the job oflookin& for a new home for the colon)".
the &roup WIU mo>tl)" made up of adol...".,nts who l.-.s con""rn for
findin& a new than for puttin& mo,.., into Ii, ... that
,id.., &am ... and ;.;ik ....
Not 100 &00<1: ;';0;';0 and a few of his to
.torrru and cur",nts. Man)" p<n&uiru i&no,..,.j
butfarfrom all.
.... few of the J' oun& p<n&uiru h a"in& >ClI.rJ'
d",arru. .'\Ii"" into the .he found that the
had an affinit)" for t he child",n
horror .to";: ... about &hlUtl)" whal ... huntin& J' oun& pen&uiru. The
ni&htma,.... cau..,.j much uproar amon& the pa",nts, includin& ",me
who pouible candidat ... to Ncome KOuts. Wh)" WIU the
&ood natu,..,.j tuchu c",atin& this
Not a t all , but u r t a i n ly not Some
of the Council thou&ht the KOuts ,,ould a boss.
the)" to lobb)" for the role of of the Scouts, ir ,.;:tatin&
conflict amon& the Council
And finally , thu" was."
V" I"Y tn>ubl inll: ne\n : p.,n.uins n"""'- a lot offood to buil d up fat for
th" wintu. Som""n" point.,.j out that th" difficult tMk of nplorin. th"
,."st t" rritor)" around th" i""]"',.. ... ould lu,'" th" scouts with
insuffici"nt tim" to fish. This probl" m WIU mad" much ... 0"" ],.,eau.., of a
lon.-.tandin. tradition in th" colon)" that birds .ha,-.,d their food with
th"ir child,..,n, and OXLY with th"ir child,..,n. XO adults eaulI:ht fish for
oth" r adults. It . impl)" WIU not don" .
The .,(f""t of the .ood new. at fi,..t out ... " i&h.,.j the bad. But th" n Xo.."",o'.
antics, an.ious child,..,n, an.i" t)" amon. the p",..,nts of an.ious child,..,n,
infi&htin. in the Lud" ,..hip Council, and the f"""'-in. -th,,->c<>uts probl" m
],.,.an to ta ke th"ir toll.
Xo.."",o and a few of his fri" nds '""w the olntacl.,.. and .... ,,'" " noour ... .,.j.
Ma)"]'" if the)" ... ork.,.j a little hard" r ."
Amanda WIU one of the moot " nthmilUtic and hard ... orkinll: of the birds
in the .roup of plann" ,... She ]"'He,-.,.j in the "ision of a ne,.. wa)" ofHf" .
She ... ork.,.j fourt""n-hour da)". to h"lp make it a ,..,alit)". But th" n h" r
husband, unn" ",.,.j b)" Xo.."",o'. pronoun""m"nts, d" mand.,.j that .he .top.
Lon., difficult com"" ,..,.tions " nsu.,.j. Th" n hu child'. ni&htma,..,.
],.,eame '" chi1Hn. that .he found h" ,.....,lf hlllf the ni&ht
t" ndin. to the little bird. Wh" n .he h" ard about the f"""'-i". -th,,->oouts
probl" m, h" r le,-"I of frmtration ou!:&rew h" r initial " . cit"lJl"nt. F""Hn.
po ... " rl"'" to d,,1ll with foren ]"')"ond hu control, .he to .kip the
plannin. m""tinp.
And .he WIU not alon" .
B)" Thur>daJ' that ... ""k, th"", oth" r birds .... ,,'" al", m;"in. the
m""tinp. B)" Fr iday, that num],.,r had .rown to " i&h t ; b)" Saturday, to

The bird ehai";n& th.,.., plannin& to .top the outflow of
with a of the facts. lal>n!l "",mng . .\1"",
Hac"" a good c"ision. n"", for impk"",n'aoon. The 10&ic was
And it had no on the droppin&
. .. n"" '""w that man)" of the mo,"" birds ....
b)" the mountin& olntacl .... " We ha,e to dul with this,'
.he told Louis, " and quickl )". He ,..rd.
Budd)" , the Prof.....,r, Louis, and , ... n"" discu.-d the . ituation,
what to and ,..rd upon what role u ch of
... ould play. Such quick W1U not a'i&n of
panic, but cl.,.., to it.
"The &ods a,"" mad," he told ero ... d ero ... d. "They will ",nd a
&i&antic killu whale to ut all our fish. Its mouth will bite our
into and eru.h our ehild",n in its awful jaw . It will c",ate
fi,e waJ' .... We mu.t .top this no,...,,..., about ' nomads'

Louis :-:0..,0 1Uide and told him (truthfull)") that ...
fo""""tin& ... ould mo,"" important in the futu,"" and that the)"
to add mo,"" to approach.
:>;0..",,0 an&ril)" around to and found the Prof.....,r WM
al",ad)" bnide him.
" Did )"ou the article b)" HimHsh on trauma?" the Prof.....,r
"I it WM in the late 196<. " :>;0..",,0 ran. The
In a d irt way, Louis also with th.,.., lobb)"in& to
of the Scouts.
It WM a short, firm disemsion. "f: nou&h'" he told
Budd)" 's major role in the plan WM to tal k to the tuchu.
The bird with the
that had choice of the . tori ...
he WM ",adin. to the child",n.
" With aU the chan.e, . he told him, nurl)" ",bbin. , " the colon)" rna)"
not a It, it ... ma)" not a who is a bit too
old to adapt. '
She WM u_t. Budd)" wos . he . topp!
. p<akin. , he told hu: "Xo. The little birds will to lurn rna", in
a " 'orld that will be ...... will be rna",
important. '
",bbin. Budd)" to . p<ak of the nsential role of
>chooHn. aU the chan ..... "I am he
with . in""rity, " that )"ou can lurn wha t is
You a,.., a tuchu. If )"ou to make and
1 know )"ou'll do it became )"ou ca,.., '" much for the little
p<n. uiru.
He WM ",,,..u";:n . He WM He calml)" and . in"",..,l)"
his m....,..e 1I.&ain and 1I.&ain. She '" and happ)" that . he
to kiss him.
It wos a trul)" touch in.
The actioru b)" Louis, the Prof.....,r, and Budd)" _ with . till b)"
F,..,.j and . .. H"""-'I.U had an
XoXo no new mischiri (thou. h he ""rtainl)" to). XD
he the Prof.....,r wos ri&ht I>nide him, tal kin nd
tal kin. and tal kin .
" .... "'. ,.....ion of . i. ,.,.; ... hM . hown ...
" If )"ou don' t . top foUowin. me, " XOXD "I'm . oin. to ... '
"Yn, J ..... Xow pa)" particular to this point. The ,..,. ,.....ion ...
.'>ite r chat with Buddy, the kinde,..arten teache r he r
youn .tude nts to&e the r to teU the m tal ... of huoic action to help othe,..
unde r difficult and ehan&;n& dreurrutan"",. She found ",me .,..,at
.tori .... She told the m with e nthmi .. m.
She that the colony ,,ould be he ron to de al with ne w
ehalle n& ... , and that anyone, includin& the younjtntofthe m , could help.
Thutudents lOH d i t .
The number of acti,-ely ,,orkin. ;n the co", roup had
from thirty-fi,-e to But now, .. obstacles to ehan&e
... e'" !>ein& ,..,moHd, M fe,,"e r and fn"e r of the rna,"" e nthusiastic birds
" "e,,, or po" eel .... , the numk,.. be&an to
rise 1I.ain.
Louis that the y " 'ould around fifty birds to do aU the
" 'ork that had to be completed quickly. He didn' t hHe fifty yet , but at
the t",nd WM in the riht dirtion.
SaU)" Ann WM ju.t a mind WIU with
aU the new .tori ... of huoic action. While waddlin& home f rom >chool,
.he ",w . .. n"" . ..... do the)" don' t know any .he
this important bird and "'id, ", cu.., How can
a . .. n"" .topp! and at hu. with the
the mood of the colony, and the .he
1>0.",1)" hurd the quntion. The it. [rutn.d of ",)"in&,
"Ju.t &0 home to )"our , ... n"" told )"ou could ma ke )"our
p"",nts that the Hud np<eiaU)" in
catchin& fish the >oouts, )"ou ,,ould a true huo. "
"That'> a[]?" the little one with aU the hop<ful of the
The day, the child to hu and .he had man)"
..... nd from those discmsioru, an was born ofhow the child",n
could the colon) make a nomadic life a ",alit)". The
a few ",&ular classn_broke a few ruln-.and
&i,e the idu ",me .tructu",. It came to "Tribute to Our
Da)" . "
Some p"",nts nu,ou. about aU this acti,it)". Makin&
the child",n, was in the colon)".
But the chicks it.
The Scouts
Louis the)" ,,ould and quickly, that riforts
the riht track. So his W1U to 1Uk a . mill,
&rou p of and hihl)" >couts, coordinate
and ",nd off to ",areh for new
' The colon)" to "'" projtr= 1U >oon os the
told ... nd ,,e mmt do con""inble to the >couts
de,jse the mUM to .... We one ofth"", birds
to ",turn and 1U f1Ut 1U one missin& bird will c",ate
mo,"" and make :>;0.."",0'. warninv mo,""
the)" don' t to pick a new ju. t find u. a few pouibil iti .... "
The >couts o,..aniMd and lrit the da)". had ch"",n
The)" . tron&, briht, and hihl)"
11fe was boring.
This is FUN.
The tou&h ... t . in&le facin& the colon)" WIU &athuin&
f,....h fi<h to the and hun&r)" >couts the)" to
The)" ,,ould u ch a hu&e offi<h
to pounds ,,orth which , a can ut at
one . ittin&.
WIU that old tradition in the colon)" in which birds ( , )
food with ehild",n, food OXLY with
So who ,,ould catch fi<h for the >couts'
Into the ,oid of practical ",lutioru came little Sall)" .'lnn, the
with "Tribute to Our Day" idu.
The Da)" ,,ould include a a
band, and a flu The unu.ual price of adm;"ion: t,,o fi<h
The Joun& birds the f ... ti,e da)" to pa"'-nts . .... )"ou
mi&ht im ... ",me adults could not quite &rlUp what the)"
hurin&, ",me did not like the idu much at all , "nd ",me not
awa", that >couts had left the man)" proud of
ehild",n for e",ati,e in a time of
Still , pa",nts a bit awkward. ' You don' t .ha", food, with
)"our ehild",n" WIU a old and ... tradition. So the
made it clur that the)" ,,ould be um,,,,,,ly
unl .... ( , ) pa",nts came to Day, "nd u ch
and brou&ht t,,o fi<h IU the <=t of adm;"ion .
.... "",n IU a few pa",nts announcin& that the)" ,,ould
brin&in& fi<h , the)" mu.t also. Social p"""u ", ,,orles IU
in coloni ... 1U in human coloni ....
Loui< Da)" to roincide with the time the >couts
to ,..,turn. From urI)" in the morn in. until late in the
the WIlS an 1Utonishin. 'u=. The .amn, band,
and .,..,at fun for But the climu came at
the 1U the birds for the >couts.
;';0.."",0 half ,,"ould make it hack. " Whale food," he told 1U
man)" 1U ,,"ould to him. "The foob will l<t ." Some birds
huds, so he "'Jin. it . ;';0;';0 W1U ..... He
that da)" than he had in )"u,...
Some in the colon)" quite apart from ;';0.."",0', a ntics. Some
,till .bout the clairru All of which the
of the da)" mo,.., dromatic.
'in&1e >cout one the althou.h " few
like the)" at duth' , door, .nd one WIlS hurt . . .. li"" W1U
waitin. with a c,..,w to ca,.., for .n)" injur)". Which the)"
did .
. '\lm<t 1U soon 1U the >couts the)" to .mOJ:in. taln
.bout the about ,wimmin. Ion. distanC<'>, and .bout new
the)" h.d .round the birds.
the)" so hun.r)" , the >couts quickl)" and h.ppil)" .te the
fish th.t the p<n.uins h.d to the fair. as the)"
,tuffin. Jou could _ th.t m<t of F,..,.j',
.bout wh.t the)" h.d the)"
S.U)" .... nn and little .,.e the >couts ribbons to.o .round b)" the child,..,n, the ribbons to
i"" with the 'imple inscription, HERO.
The cro,,"d The >couts (or .t 1U much 1U
p<n.uin can
Louis for the child who h.d put in motion the ludin. to
the f ... ti,e d.)". In front of the colony, he "'id, .... nd this is for our
Joun .... t huo." He S.U)" .... nn the bottle which h.d
wmewh.t ,in"" ti,..t ,hown to aU the birds. The cro,,"d
appl th u.i .. ticaU , ..
The child .mall of joy. p"",nts up with
. . .. n"" w .... happy ... he Ctluld in
Dis.cuions late into the ni&ht, the child",n had
put to N<I. Many in the colony to amaud at wha t the >couts
told it w .. .,.id a or third Moot of the birds
who of a nomadic life found ... keomin. I ....
Birds who .. tic mo,.., .. tic . . ,,&ain,
try in. dreurrutancn, the colony had a important
F,..,.j and the Scouts had in c",atin. (what one MII. ... -wundin.
bird win. ' It w .. a bi& win.
:>;0.."",0 w .. in 'i&ht. He to haJe m,..icaUy
by >couts ,,urin. r ibbons to
The Second Wave
The mornin&, Louis a of the KOuts. The Prof.....,r
WIU also
' What did )"ou lurn' " the Hud the birds. " What
did )"ou that miltht bilt in &ood able to
durin& the and cl"", so that our ehild",n
and can
The KOutsdi>cu.-d what the)" had found. The Prof.....,r quntion
quntion quntion to distin&uish opinioru from faets. His .t)"le
did not make him popular with an the birds_he could not hHe ca,..,.j
l .... _but it WIU
Mtu the Day, mo,.., birds to amon& the
WHe of KOuts, thou&h w k of a . in&1e miltht
taxin&. Louis eh"", a tum from amon& the ,olunt_ ,.. and ",nt
off to promisin& pouibiHtin b)" the fi ,..t WHe of
Man)" of the in the colon)" now much 1 ....
Some birds .till had """rntioru, man)" of which
rationlll ..... few of the jmt b)" natu",.
But what about
thls ... and um ...
really difficult .
Wdl, nobody said
it would be easy!
. '\Imoot noone was - paJm. an)" attention to ;';0;';0 an)"mo,"" .
. '\Ii"" was .... in up the mo
the Lu de,..hip Council rom 1 _ h of the 'mrk. Some on
pam t at the)" did not hHe time to deal
with all the ;.su ... that arisin . . .. li"" out thllt half
traditional Council .. ir ,..,lennt. " [J iminate
.he ",id bluntl). Louis did .
.... t one point, the Hud 'UU ... that the ri&ht
mi&ht be to dow down. But ,"'li"" ,,ouldn' t hur of it .
' We a", corutantl)" at risk of our cour ... Some birds a",
al,..,ad)" .uu ... tin. ,,e wait until win tu. if ,,e are .till ali,e,
the)" will "'). the danjtu was and that an)" ehan.e is not

It was a.ood point.
The waJ"e of >couts found an i""be,.. that m itable for a
numberof,..,...,ru. It w .. :
with a tall .nowwall to protect from the ic)" .torrru .
on a route with .mall i""berv or i"" alon.
the wa)" to .i,e the )oun .... t and old ... t p<n.uiru ",me ,....t durin. the
journe)" .
The ,..,turnin& KOUts proud, and happy. The "",t of
the colony was proud, and happy
8y this the cho,"" of &athuin& fish for KOUts was al",ady
to =m like a part of the normal Many birds
It was aU astonishin&.
The Prof.....,r was ",ked to = mo,"" the newly found
of i"" and .now. He was not about this t",k. He was
and the journey to the new was not a .hort But
aftu a chat with Louis (and a not '" chat with , ... li",,), he
announced he was ",ady to accompany a&roupofKOuts .... nd he did.
Munwhile the colony WM bu.)' with othu importo..nt, thou&h
routines, like c",atin& new little p<n&uiru.
Pete, did you
miss our iccberg
when you were
I missed you,
on May the 12th, jmt brio,"" the ,tart of ... ntaretiCll." win tu, the
birds mm"e to new It was not a too"",n.
The mm"e was chaotic at timn .... tone point, a few (,<n&ui ru l",t
and was a panic. But th"", birds found way back to the
and for the mo>t part, aU as as one ctluld ho(,<.
the colon)". to his he did not allow his pride to >!ide into
Budd)" the the the
franti c, and prohobl)" had birds fall in 10" e with him
(but that'> anothu .tor)").
noone could think ofa ",lution to a new
in to displaJ' his
The Proie>s<>r his new .tatus in the colon)". He found, oddly,
that he the admiration ofbirds he thousht had no brains at all .
. '\1i"" to on thr"ff houn of a MJ.
-"nd ;';0;';0 doom until the
The The colon)" had new home w ..
the bnt fishinssrounds in unfamiliar the winds
boun"""'- off walls of i"" in wa)" . But the not ..
larse .. the anxiou. birds had
The ",...,n, the >couts found a .till i""be,.., and with
richu fishinssrounds. -"nd thouSh it w .. to .. ", that the
colon)" had to and .hould .taJ on
new the)" didn' t. The)" "1ain. It w .. a critiClll
not beeomins compla""nt "1ain and not up .
.... )"ou misht im"1ine, the p,..,paration for the """,nd mm"e w .. 1 ....
traumatic than the fint.
The Most Remarkable Change
You miht " ",,,," think our .tor)" is But it isn' t
Some birds to tal k .bout how the)" h.d now found the
.nd ...
Trodition di .... h.,.d Cultu,"" eh.njt ... with 1U much difficult)"
in roloni ... 1U in human rolonin .
. .. n"" rom-in"""'- Louis to up the L ... Council. He W1U
,..,luctant to do .n)"thin. th.t ,,ould .how dis""p<et for birds who h.d
h.rd for )" ... ,.. to .nd ",ne the rolonJ. M.kinjt the mm ...
while the dinit)" of.U WIlS not BuU .. n"" w IlS
.nd , ... n"" WIlS )"ou know .
.... tou.h ",lection p= WIlS for >couts. The)" .1",
mo,"" fish ..... nd .tatu. within the rolonJ' up
The Scoutin." 1lS. new ""Iu i,..,.j .ubject
in the curriculum.
The Prof.....,r took 1U ehiri ,,uthu fo""'"'tu ..... bit nluctant .t
fi,..t , he pou,..,.j ' ,..,.:1 into the ,,ork .nd came to lm' e the job.
F,..,.j W1U to ",ne on the Council 1U Hud of the
Scouts. He WIlS hono,..,.j .nd
Budd)" W1U of mo,"" important join. He
.U down, but the L ... Council find candidatn.
His of .mbition came to _n IlS .,..,at humilit)". The birds
Today, the rolonJ' mm .... round n ke nomads. M",t h.,.e it.
Louis the .randfather fi&u", for the whole colony, and
his f"", time mo", than he ..... now >1i&htl)" mo",
. .. li"" took his pia"" os Hud l'en.uin .
.... time on, the colon)" It .",w and . "'W. It mo",
at handlin. new at in put from what it had
from the
Louis the colon)" '. He wos
1I.&ain and 1I.&ain b)" the Joun.u birds to the .tor)" of The
G,..,at ..... t fi,..t he wos ,..,luctant, fearin. that he ,,oul d wund like
an old roastin. about past .uOC<'>S<'>_ ,..,al or But
he ",w the importan"" of the chiclu_ in lIS
and fun a wa)" os he could-.about the .teps the colon)" had
He about findin. that the wos how
the)" ! ) of in the colon)" to with a di{fcult
put a earfluU)" .roup in cha,..e of .uidin. the
3) found the "ision of a futu"" 4)
that "ision w ,,ould unde,..tand and a=pt it, 5) 1U
man)" olntacl ... to action os W1U practical, 6) wme wrt of .u=
quickl y, 7) let up until the new wa)" ofHfe wos firml)" ...
and, 8) finaUy , that the chan .... ,,ould not b)"
.tubborn, haro-to-die traditioru .
.... lthou.h Louis ",id w in his of the dor)" , he
the mo>t ,..,markable chan.e of aU W1U in how w man)" of the
colon)" had .rown 1 .... afraid of lurnin. the .teps
to make an)" la,..e adjmtment to new dreurrutan",,", and
to lupin. into a and futu,..,.
The Formu-Head-l'en.uin wos particularl)" amazed at what the
doin. to the colon)" ..... nd for that, he aU
the mo,..,.
The End
(of liIL 510'1/, n o l l ~ !>ook)
Changing and Succeeding ... can be fun, but IU with the dory, li ... in
),ou . ct producin& mo,.." 1 .... ronfu'ion,
.t,....., .nd of bein& in rontrol throu&h
wh.t is &oin& on .round )'ou.
Some p>ple h.,.e minds th.t p= our tale .utom.tically,
findin& u=l b)" the birds, thinkin& .bout own
in li&ht of th"", and _in& optioru
for. futu,..,. But includin& th"", can from
mo", rorueiou. thoultht, discUlsion, and &uid.n"".
_pIe from softw.", to ... , to pasto,..,
hi&h school to ,..,ti,..,... h.,.e rorueiouil)" u=l the l'en&uin .tor)"
to . chie,"e wh.t the)" w.nt .nd wh.t o,...nizatioru
The p= is one ),ou can .dapt to ),our own dreurrutanon.
n,..t, ,..,ad .nd on the .tor)". You mi&ht find it u>el"ul to ,..,ad it
mo", th.n on"". You ,,ould be .urpri=! how much is pacb d into our
.hort .
.... k )'ou,...,lf qu ... tioru th.t.", 'UU ... di"",tl)" b)" the .tor)": Am 1
li"in& on i""be,.. or .n i""be,.. th.t rould
i""berv rome in d=ru of for .... : product lin ... th.t .'" Oin&, schools
th.t .'" beeomin& ir ,..,lennt, """'ion th.t .'" in qu.lit)" , ..... that m. k ... inc,..,lUin&!)" little new
wh"", is . inkin& into the """.n. Who . ,.., the Xo.."oo
.round Who.", the . .. lion .nd F,..,.a, Who.m l'
This can be b)" of
on .u=ful a br ief .um-mar)" of which is on the thr'ff
pa& .... You can for u ch of the Ei&ht how our
what the)" )"ou can look, b)"
at what )"ou and )"our o,..anization hHe doin& or a", plannin& to
The Eight Step Process of Success-
ful Change
Set the Stage
1. C",ate a of
_ the for chan&e and the impor tance of actin&

Pull the Guidin& Tu m.
Make .u,"" i. a &roup &uidin& the chan&e--one with
. kills, communication. abilit)" , authorit)" ,
anall tical . kill>, and a >en", of
Decide What to Do
3. the Chan&e Vision and
C1arif)" how the futu,"" will be from the past, and how )"ou
can m. ke th.t futu,"" ",.lit)".
Make it Happen
4 . Communicate for .nd 8u)" In.
Ma ke . u'"" .. man)" .. possible .nd .=pt the
,ision .nd
.. many possible .., that th.,.., who want to make
the ";sion a ruHty can do..,.
6. Produ"" Wins.
C,..,ate ..,me ";sible, 'UOC<"S><"> .. won ..
7. Don' t Let Up.
p,..,.. and f .. tu aftu the ti,..t 'UOC<"U<"S. lie ,..,l" ntl .... with
initiatin& ehan&e ehan&e until the ";sion ;s a ,..,ality.
Make It Stick
Hold on to the new way. of and make .u'"" they .uOCffd,
until they Neomutron& to ,..,pla"" old t r aditions.
The Role of Thinking and Feeling
Thinkin& diffe",ntl)" can help ehan&e and In .d to
Collect data, "m, l)"u it .
P"""nt the information 10&i=11)" to ehan&e thinkin&.
FeeHn& diffe",ntl)" can ehan&e MORE and Iud to e,en
The ehan&e how feel about a , ituation.
If you a", an analytical a formal anal,"is in four oolumru_ the
what the birds did, what you and your &roups hHe
doin&, what you do-ean be a of
,..,adin& and you d iscu t he . t o ry with who
hHe also ,..,ad the book. The discu .. ioru ClI.n be informal, in trainin&
pro&rams, '" a part of ,..,&ular .. , or with and
lan&u1l.&e (i""berv, , ... Ii"", ClI.n both facilitate
rommnication and make discmsioru of difficult topics I .... ronfmin& and
h", tau&ht u. that th...., wrts of di>cmsioru can
You t ool . to appl)" the I.....,ru in the For anyone
who lik ... .... books, lLadi"ll and H=rt of
can be u>e1'ul. Mo", information on u ch is found on p.>.&e
Toda)" ,,"e hHe tools. We will be _tin& .tori ... about what
P'<'ple hHe actuall)" done ", a ,"",ult of the for
facilitatin& a dialo&ue amon& P'<'ple who hHe ,..,ad the book, and mo",
.tmctu"",," trainin& at www.ouricfl>f!.l! iur!fltin . oom.
With the tools, the discmsioru, and the book, you fi n d new a n d
t o ad or find rom-iction to .ta)" the rou"" you a",
al,..,ad)" on. You find wa)". to initiate ehan&e b)" an or&anization
or &roup. You find wa)". to with the init iati' ... of othu . You appl)"
the In an)" """', you achie" e mo"" &ain mo", pride,
hHe mo", fun, of the _min&!,' .... that can
be b)" a ehan&in& ,,"orld, ma ke your or&anization mo",
.uocnsful , and I .... at risk.
Finall)"--.and this can be the bW ... t payoff of the yo u
ad i n con r t with o t he ro, became you hHe all read, and
di>cu.-d thuame tobIe, the ,....ults co.n be
Additional Resources: Books
The # , book of the
Additional Resou rces: Web Sit es
www .ou ricfl>f!'J iuufl t iD' . wm
Tools for makin& ehan&e Stori ... from P'<'ple who hHe u-'.
Ow- labn!l 15
www.tht hnrOOhanuwm
Information on "'" Hmrl of includin& a di1l.nootic
qu ... tionnai",.
Information aoout Dr. and his books.
If ,,"e hHe 9ne important l.....,n in the past
few yu,.., it is this. Council birds, the middle
p<n&uiuns, and the chicks a", aU on the .... me with
",&ards t9 it is am1l.Lin& what can happ<n, d ... pite
Y9U can u.., this approach 9utside the " "orlq>la",, too-in community
&roups, .ports turns, h9u .... of ,,"o,..hip, in {amm .... On"" you .tort
t9 think aoout it, you find a", or
,ulnuable t9 aU the pla"".
to ,,"e """'" to ama=! at how many
in 9ur rapidly chan&in& ,,"orld. We """'" t9
ama=! at how difficult th"", can t9 and But moot
of aU, ,,"e """'" t9 ama=! at the c",ati,e way. P'<'ple t9
jump ahud and futu,..,.. for .maU &rou ps, for
lar&e 0,..anizati9ns, and for ... p<,...,naUy.
The End
(UCLp'for rNdns wanN"lI utro
The Case for the Book
In 1996, John wrote lLading It w .. the # 1
book of the b)" .nd h ..
Neome the # 1 book in the past d=ade on the
of eh.n&e within o,...nizations . .... much ..... "e can the
frame-.."ork in the book is u-'. b)" mo,", mo,", thlln .n)"
.in&1e for with I.,..e eh.n&e., no the form:
e",.tin& mo", &rowth, impro"in& the qu.lit)"
of products or or ,..,.join& who d.,... what .nd how.
lLading w .. on """.NOh th.t .nd
the with hi&hl)" .u=ful ch.n&e
riforts. lLading talks .bout u ch of the in ",me d"pth.
Six J' u", with D.n follow-u p book, "'"
H=rt It w ... Iso. .nd .w.rd "'" H=n of
w .. on """.NOh th.t the
findinv from the ori&inal .tud)" .nd .n important new irui&ht:
_pIe .", I .... to eh.n&e .nd on data .nd
.nal)".is th.n on romp<1Hn& trump thinkin&.
"'" H=rt of this irui&ht with mo,", th.n t ... ",.1
.torie. from ... ........ nd ,..riou. branche. of the

Durin& this p<riod, l:attu Neame thllt the rate of
eh.n&e w .. onl)" &oin& to rontinue to &0 up. He .Iso Neame
th.t 90 p<=nt of o,...nizatioru ... i&norin& ,..,leJ"il.nt eh.n&e.
or ... tr)"in& to .dju.t in w')"' th.t ... not .. pi rations.
Too much time .nd mone)" w .. .p<nt to . chie,-e too with too
much pain .nd fru.tration.ll .round.
l:attu .Iso th.t duHn& with eh.n&e w .. Neomin& .n
inc", .. in&1)" important .kill for P'<'ple not onl)" .t the top of
o,..anizatioru, but up and down In the moot
.uOC<"SSful-ehan&e riforts nurl)"
crucial mlft in adapt to a chan&in& ,,orld. in the
,.".t majorit)" of the o,..anizatioru he moot P'Ople didn' t know
what to do, or top didn' t
want This ine"itabl)" to wasted rifort, pro",r
and mo,"" fru.tration.
He was irupired b)" awaro-winnin& boolu to
a .hort trainin& about a p<n&uin colon)" ( the of
/Lading has a pictu,"" of p<n&uiru). The was d"'i&ned for
use b)" ",nior and junior collaboratin& with
on that .UU ... ted the)" wr ite a book.
The ,"",ultin& p<n&uiru fabl e d",w on the in /Lading
and"'" H=r1 of on additional I.....,ru the au tho,.. h,,-e
lurned in the past few J"U'" about chan&e, on a th>r)" of
lurnin& throu&h .tori... and "isual .timuli (like
illu.tratioru), and from cur,..,nt knowle<\&e in and ,..,Iated
disciplin ... about how the human mind ,,orlu. The ,"",ult d.,... not
look like a t)"pical prof=ional book. It is a book that ClI.n "",m
at ti,..t &Ian"" .ill)" or dumbed down, but in fact is far from
Our &M1 in wr itin&OIlr Iabn!l Is was to draw on the incredible
of &ood .tori... to time-makin&
indi"iduals and &roups mo", in hand]in& chan&e and
producin& ,"",ults. One of the ... of a &ood .tor)" is that the)"
ClI.n indu"" action from a broad ran&e of in a mannu qu ite
from moot traditional prof=ional boolu. The autho,.. .tron&l)"
that the ,,orld much mo", action from a ran&e of
P'OPle-.action that is and irupired to u. all in
an of inc,..,asin& .
.... of the time of this printin&, ,,e h,,-e run a d=n with
the book. Some h,,-e focused on indi"iduals ,..,adin& the manu>cript,
",me on the use of the book in formal trainin&, ",me on
discu .. in& the manuscript with ,,ork &roups, and ",me on . impl)"
&i"in& boolu to la,..e of P'Ople in a company, a di"ision of an
o,..anization, or a department. The &M1 of the h1U to hHe a
all the atorru ,ibratin& on the .... me
which r a,..,l)" with a traditional ..... book that is
,..,ad b)" a limited of Thu. far, all the ha,e
.hown promisin& '""'ults.
an urI)" ,..,ader W1U ",ked what he thou&ht the book
For someone who has overseen several deliberate
change initiatives . ..
The book puts a .mile on )"our fa"".
It mak ... )"ou app,..,date how the .tmctu", of the .tor)" 10&iCll.ll)" la)".
out the ehan&e p= alon& with t)"piCll.I olntac1 ....
It foren )"ou to how much is imoh-ed and
how predictable ",me of the p= .teps a,..,....but that ,..,latioruhips,
and C01fl.fUXIc. ... nox .hould and
that ehan&e is
It .how. )"ou a low th,..,at tool that can u>ed to initiat e discmsion
around the p= for newI)" tearru. The abilit)" to
m er back to a humorou. aocount of a ehan&e p= like this can
defu.., ",me of the b)" turru that &et
cau&ht up in what the)" think onl)" the)" a",
It p,,,, id ... a tool to .timulate di>cUlsion, around innontion,
throu.hout an or&anization. lne'it.bly, the Hfeqcle brinv )"ou to
.tI!&nation and rompla""ncy. Wh)" not throw an in front of a
few now and then'
For someone who hasn't led or participated in a
pragmatic change initiative . . .
It puts a .mile on )"our fa"" Neo.Ule )"ou can with one or
of the p<n.uiru ri&ht awa)".
It . i' ... )"ou a quick but also pictu,.., of a
(and familiar) chan.e initiati,e in a di& ... tible format.
It )"ou _ )"ou,...,lf 1U one of the and Jou,...,lf 1U
an champion for chan.e-Neo.u", it anow. )"ou to the
... of what )"ou rna)" ha,e p,..,,iouil)" W1U
foronl)" the bos= with an the
It .how. that ,..,al pro ....... uqui,.... the participation of a tum,
whe,.., h1U an import.nt role (includin. )"ou) and
know. his .
And in aU = _ th"", who hHe throu&h a majorchan&e rifort,
th"", who hHe not, th"", at the top of and th"", who a",
not_ the book c",ate new and . kills, and (mo>t
importantly) new and ,"",ults.
That'> not a bad .ummary of our
The Authors
John is the and ehan&e &uru at Ha,, a ro ....
School. He is the author of books thathHe or hHe
Neome b usin .... Prof.....,r I:ottu &i' .... p<h ... and ..,mina,..
at Harnro and around the ,,orld. He li, ... in M"""chu..,tts,
with wife Xanc)" D<arman, Caroline, and ",n Jonathan.
is the &lobal man1l.u. He ,,orks for _ton
Dickinson, one of the ,,orld'. ludin& rompani ....
is from Frankfurt, He .p<nt his fj,..t prof .... ional
Ju", in ' \Sia. Sin"" 2004 , he h", in White Plai,.., Xe w York, with
wife J utta and "',.. and Benn)".

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