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Name:_____________ November 8th- 14th , 2013

Fa#i$y Ti% : 6 a# $ord 'ames! 9ave #our &hi d sound out the $ord as #ou &han'e it from mat to fat to sat: from sat to sa' to sa%: and from sa% to si%! S%e$$in& !ord : run, fun, bu', under, &ut, nut, hu', ru', %ut, but 'ha$$en&e (ord: resour&e

November 12th + .s! ,re#er out +-ub November 14th - <i d&at ;ssemb # November 14th + 6E- )vent 174 %a$ %rints2

Friday/Saturday/Sunday Nov. 8th, 9th, 10th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! "ou ma# read a stor#, ne$s%a%er arti& e or a ma'a(ine arti& e! 09790 *Project: )'' *ha en'e + ,ue Nov! 14th *-unshine .ath// Monday Nov. 11th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! *0se ea&h s%e in' $ord in a senten&e! 1use atta&hed ined %a%er2 Tue day Nov. 12th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! * .ath: 3o%i& 4-1 * .ath: 3o%i& 4-2 !edne day Nov. 13th, 2013 *Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! *5rammar: 6a'e 37 *6ra&ti&e: 6a'e 74 Thur day Nov. 1"th , 2013 * Return home$or8/ 6arent si'nature: _______________________

*;nother 'reat $ee8 at <indsor 6re%arator# ;&adem#// seuss andin'!$eeb #!&om

)eadin&: 3his $ee8 in readin' $e dis&ussed man# different anima s and their habitats! <e read man# nonfi&tion stories about the different anima s that ive in the )ver' ades and the Red-)#ed 3ree =ro' $ho ives in the Rainforest! <e a so read about 6rairie ,o's/ ,id #ou 8no$ the# have se%arate rooms in their homes >ust i8e us/// 3he# have a food room, s ee% room and nurser#/ <e s%ent this $ee8 ta 8in' about irre'u ar % ura nouns i8e mouse?mi&e and &hi d?&hi dren! <e a so $or8ed on $ords that have the ?th? and ?sh? b end sounds i8e %ath?math and fish?shi%/ Math: <e have moved on to 3o%i& 4: -ubtra&tion =a&ts to 12! 0sin' $hat $e 8no$ about doub es, $e &reated subtra&tion %rob ems! @ 8no$ that 4 A 4 is 8, so 4 ess than 8 18-42 is 4/// Science: @n -&ien&e, $e have moved on to 0nit 3: )arth Resour&es! 3here are man# different natura resour&es $e use from the )arth i8e: and, $ater, air, % ants, and anima s! <ith the 8no$ ed'e $e 'ained, $e &reated an )arth Resour&e ste% boo8 to remind us $hat $e use some of )arthBs natura resour&es for/ <e breathe air! <e use $ater to trave , drin8 and $ater % ants! <e use % ants to eat and ma8e thin's i8e 8et&hu% or %a%er! <C<// Socia$ Studie : 3his $ee8 $e s%o8e about t$o Native ;meri&an 3ribes! 3he *hero8ee and the @roDuois/

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