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Appendix A Sample Survey Questions Student Survey This survey is to help us understand how you feel about the

grades and grading policies of your teachers in your classes. The information you provide is confidential, so please answer honestly and to the best of your ability. Thank you for your participation. Please mark the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: 1. I can explain why I receive specific grades in my classes. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

$. Teachers give me the opportunity to retake test in my classes. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

%. Teachers give me the opportunity to redo assignments in my classes. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

&. 'y grades fairly reflect my achievement. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

(. I earn the grades I receive. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

). 'y behavior during class should be part of my grade. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

*. The effort I put into my work should be part of my grade, not +ust having the right answer. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

,. -lass participation should be part of my grade.

trongly !gree #isagree


"ot ure



.. 'y attendance should be part of my grade. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

1/.Practice 0homework, assignments, class work1 should be part of my grade. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

11.The amount of improvement I show on pre and post tests should be part of my grade. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

1$.Tests should be the primary basis for my grade. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

1%.'y academic achievement should be the only thing considered in figuring the grade. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

1&.I should receive a / for missing work. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

1(.If I turn an assignment in late, I should receive a reduced grade for this late work. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

1).If I do poorly on a test or assessment, I should be able to redo or retake the test or assessment for full credit. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

1*.2xtra credit or bonus points should be available to raise my grades. trongly !gree #isagree !gree "ot ure #isagree trongly

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