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The way I feel

By Janan Cain

The Way I feel by Janan Cain gives kids example of instances where they would feel different emotions and what the emotion feels like. Suggested age group: 2-8 Topic: General Emotions Activities While reading the book pause after each emotion. Hold a mirror and have the children mimic the emotion. Ask children what makes them {Happy, Sad, Etc} Before reading the book show the pictures to the children and have them guess what emotion the picture is displaying. For children who can read, photocopy just the pictures or cover the words. After each page have children draw a picture of the emotion. For younger children, give each child a piece of paper and ask them to draw (Angry).

Emotions Activities

Sing the So many feelings song Where is (happy)? Where is (happy)? Here I am. Here I am. I am very (happy). I am very (happy). Yes, I am. Yes, I am.

Emotion memory. Play the game memory with cards of different emotions. Have children identify the emotions. Symbol emotions Have students describe themselves using symbols instead of words, for example
use a rainbow to show you are happy; a raindrop to show you are sad. Have pre cut shapes and objects and let children make a collage.

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