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LECTIA IV VORBIREA DIRECTA SI INDIRECTA Vorbirea directa: John said: She is not at home" Vorbirea indirecta: John said

she was not at home. Pentru a trece o propozitie de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta, trebuie respectate o serie de reguli. 1. Atunci c nd verbul din propozitia principala este la trecut, ceea ce se int mpla in ma!oritatea cazurilor, in propozitia secundara se schimba timpurile dupa cum urmeaza: Present past Present per"ect past per"ect Past past per"ect #uture "uture$in$the$past %&. ' (e said ) am ill". (e said he was ill.
o o o

(e said ) have been wor*ing hard. (e said he had been wor*ing hard. (e said ) was ill". (e said he had been ill. (e said ) will do the e&ercise". (e said he would do the e&ercise.

1. Se schimba pronumele, in "unctie de sens.

%&. (e said: She gave me a boo*". (e said she had given him a boo*. +. Se schimba o serie de cuvinte in "unctie de sens.

%&. toda, that da, ,esterda, the da, be"ore-the previous da, the da, be"ore ,esterda, two da,s be"ore tomorrow the ne&t da,-the "ollowing da,

the da, a"ter tomorrow in two da,s. time ne&t wee* the ne&t-the "ollowing wee* two ,ears ago two ,ears be"ore now then this that these those here there %&. (e said: ).ll be at home toda,". (e said he would be at home on that da,. (e said: ) am going to do this traslation tomorrow". (e said he was going to do that translation the ne&t da,. /. #razele conditionale sunt trecute la vorbirea indirecta in modul urmator:

tipul 1 devine tipul +: ")" it rains, ) will sta, at home." (e said i" it rained he would sta, at home.

tipurile + si / nu se schimba: ")" it rained, ) would sta, at home." (e said i" itrained he would sta, at home. ")" it had rained, ) would have sta,ed at home." (e said i" it had rained he would have sta,ed at home.

1. 0erbele modale would, should, ought to, could, might ram n neschimbate la vorbirea indirecta. %&. (e said: ) might be late" (e said he might be late. Modalitati de introducere a propozitiilor secundare in vorbirea indirecta

1. Afirmatii: cu that 1care se poate omite2 %&. (e said: ) am ill". (e said 1that2 he was ill. +. Comenzi: cu in"initivul 1a"irmativ sau negativ2 %&. (e said 3o out". (e told me to go out. (e said 4on.t go out" (e told me not to go out. /. Intrebari %&ista doua tipuri de intrebari: generale si speciale. )ntrebarile generale sunt cele care incep cu un verb, iar raspunsul poate "i da sau nu. %&. 5here have ,ou been6 ).ve been awa,, on holida,. )ntrebarile generale se introduc cu if sau whether 1daca2. %&. (e as*ed me i" ) li*ed music. )ntrebarile speciale se introduc cu cuv ntul interogativ respectiv. %&. (e as*ed me where ) had been. )n cazul intrebarilor speciale trecute la vorbirea indirecta, trebuie acordata atentie ordinei cuvintelor din propozitia secundara. )ntruc t aceasta propozitie incepe cu un cuv nt interogativ, e&ista tentatia de a "olosi ordinea cuvintelor din propozitiile interogative, ceea ce este o greseala. %&. (e as*ed me: 5hat is the time6" 7orect: (e as*ed me what the time was. )ncorect: (e as*ed me what was the time. E ercitii cu vorbirea directa si vorbirea indirecta 1. Treceti urmatoarele afirmatii de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta (verbul introductiv este la trecut): Model: (e said ) will leave "or 8ondon tomorrow". (e said 1that2 he would leave "or 8ondon the ne&t da,. 1. 9he weather was "ine ,esterda,. +. ) saw this "ilm a wee* ago. /. ) will go shopping right now. :. 8ast ,ear ) spent m, holida, at the seaside. ;. ) thin* it.s going to rain tomorrow. <. ) don.t remember where ) have bought this dictionar,. =. ) am ver, bus, toda,. >. John le"t "or Sinaia two da,s ago. ?. ) went to %ngland two ,ears ago. 1@. ) am going to have a nap this a"ternoon. 11. )" ) have enough mone,, ) will bu, a car ne&t ,ear. 1+. )" ) had been at home, ) would have answered the phone. 2. Treceti urmatoarele comenzi la vorbirea indirecta (verbul introductiv este la trecut)

Model: (e said: 7ome inA" (e told 1as*ed, ordered2 me to come in. 1. 4on.t drive so "astA +. Bpen the door, pleaseA /. Cead the te&t, pleaseA :. 5rite me a letter when ,ou get to %nglandA ;. 4on.t cross the street on a red lightA <. De care"ul with m, boo*sA =. 4on.t smo*e so muchA >. 9a*e this pillA ?. 4on.t interrupt me when ) am spea*ingA 1@. Cing me up when ,ou arrive homeA 3. Treceti urmatoarele intrebari generale la vorbirea indirecta (verbul introductiv este la trecut): Model: 5ill ,ou be at home tomorrow6" (e as*ed me i" ) would be at home the ne&t da,. 1. 5ill ,ou help me, please6 +. 7an ,ou come to tea this a"ternoon6 /. (as the train le"t6 :. 4o ,ou *now what this word means6 ;. 5as ,our mother at home6 <. 4id ,ou bu, this boo* ,esterda,6 =. 4id ,ou drin* co""ee ever, da,6 >. 5ere ,ou at the librar, ,esterda,6 ?. 4o ,ou live in 8ondon "or a long time6 1@. 7an ,ou spea* %nglish6 11. 5ould ,ou li*e a ca*e6 1+. 7ould ,ou lend me a boo*, please6 4. Treceti urmatoarele intrebari speciale la vorbirea indirecta (verbul introductiv este la trecut): Model: (e said: 5hen did ,ou come bac*6" (e as*ed me when ) had come bac*. 1. (ow long have ,ou been learning %nglish6 +. 5hat are ,ou going to do tomorrow6 /. (ow long does it ta*e ,ou to reach ,our o""ice6 :. 5hen will ,ou be bac*6 ;. 5here will ,ou spend ,our wee*end6 <. 5ho is this man6 =. 5h, is it so dar* in this room6 >. 5hen did the rain stop6 ?. 5hich o" these ca*es do ,ou pre"er6 1@. (ow did ,ou travel6

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