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IDENTIFICATION Name: Place of Birth: Date of Birth: Place of reside ce: Natio alit!: Father: Mother: Pho e: E"mail: Martial #tat$s: NIZEYIMANA Serapie Nyaruguru District, South Province December 12, 1 !" #icu$iro District, %atenga Sector &'an(an &)&AN%*A +aurent NIYI,E%E#A Anastasie -.2/0102!"!! 0 serapi0123yahoo45r Marrie(

EDUCATION BAC%&ROUND '(()"'((*: )niversity stu(ies at #iga6i Institute o5 Science an( ,echno6ogy -#IS,147acu6ty o5 Science, Department o5 App6ie( Mathematics option o5 statistics4 A+ard: Aca(emic testimonia64 '((,"'((-: Secon(ary Schoo6 at %4S &)NY8M9YI -A2:+eve61, A+ard: A(vance( %enera6 ;erti5icate o5 Secon(ary E(ucation in Math:Physics4 ,**."'((,: &unyombyi Secon(ary schoo6 /Tro c comm$ 01 ,**'",**.: Primary e(ucation at 2iram3i Primary Schoo64

4OR% E5PERIENCE 7rom 12th <une to no' 'or$ in &'an(a 9iome(ica6 ;enter =I> Division as Intervie'er4 7rom 22thMay to 2th <une 'or$ training on &'an(a AIDS In(icators an( =I> Inci(ence Servey201" in &'an(a 9iome(ica6 center-&9;14 7rom2/th 8ctober 2010 to 2!th 7ebruary2011 'or$ in Nationa6 Institute o5 Statistics o5 &'an(a as Intervie'er in &'an(a Demographic =ea6th Survey -&D=S1 7rom1/th<u6y to"0th August 2012 'or$ in Nationa6 Institute o5 Statistics o5 &'an(a as Intervie'er in ?th %enera6 ;ensus Popu6ation an( housing4 7rom <anuary 2010 to (ate@ 'or$ as ,eacher o5 Mathematics at #arugan(a Secon(ary Schoo6 in %A#EN#E District4 7rom August to 8ctober, 200 In(ustria6 attachment in app6ie( Mathematics at E'asa Nyabugogo branch as (ata entry an( ana6ysis agent4 7rom 7ebruary to Apri6 200/ 'or$ in NS=I+I:#I>) ,ea to measure the area using %PS4 PER#ONAL #%ILL# 6 A##ET# +anguage@ Eng6ish, 7rench an( #inyar'an(a4 ;omputer s$i66s@ Microso5t:*or(, Microso5t:EAce6, Po'er:point, SPSS, S,A,A, Internet,PDA,%PS,B 7OBBIE# AND INTERE#T#: EAtensive rea(ing 5or a ne' $no'6e(ge4 ,eam 'or$4 &ea(ing boo$s an( internet research:%oog6e4

REFERENCE# 14 =A9YA&IMANA <aen Damascene@ =ea( ,eacher at #A&)%ANDA Secon(ary Schoo6 -02!!? C/114 24 NDAN%)ZA Denny@ ,eacher at #IS, -02!/01 ! 14

"4 Dr #A&AN%*A Desire @Dean o5 7acu6ty o5 science at #IS,-02!!?/2"!C1 I certi5y that the in5ormation given here above is true an( honest6y presente(4

NI2E8IMANA #era9ie

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