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Teacher Candidate: Kristi Charlton Content: Science Living & Nonliving Things
Step 1 DESIRED RESULTS A. Utah State Core Curriculum Standard Utah State Core Science-Kindergarten Standard 4: Li e Science. Students !ill gain an understanding o Li e Science through the stud" o changes in organisms over time and the nature o living things. #. $nduring Understanding%#ig &dea Through care ul o'servation !e can learn a lot a'out the things around us. Living things have uni(ue characteristics that set them a)art rom nonliving things. C. Conce)ts #" the end o the unit* students !ill: C+. Social Studies +.+ ': $,)lain ho! )eo)le change over time. C-. Science 4.+ a: Construct (uestions* give reasons* and share indings a'out all living things. .. S/ills #" the end o the unit* students !ill 'e a'le to: S+. 0eading 1oundational S/ills 2.c: 0ead common high- re(uenc" !ords '" sight 3e.g.* the* o * to* "ou* she* m"* is* are* do* does4. S-. 5easurement and .ata 2: Classi " o'6ects and count the num'er o o'6ects in each categor". S2. Creative Arts +.2: Use a variet" o media & materials to create dra!ings* )ictures* and other o'6ects. $. $ssential 7uestions%8uiding 7uestions Can & use the scienti ic method and m" ive senses to hel) me o'serve the !orld around me9 :o! do & /no! i something is living or nonliving9 :o! do )eo)le change over time9 Can & classi " and sort o'6ects correctl"9 Can & re)resent an idea or eeling in a )icture9 Can & correctl" read and identi " m" sight !ords9 Step 2 ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE C+. Students !ill com)lete the ;<hen & !as little= 'oo/ to sho! ho! the">ve gro!n overtime. The" !ill illustrate t!o things that the" used to 'e a'le to do !hen the" !ere little and t!o things that the" can do no! that the" are 'igger. Then using their 'oo/s* students !ill role )la" ho! the">ve gro!n. C-. Students !ill use the scienti ic method and their ive senses to com)lete the ;:o! .o & ?'serve 5" <orld9= !or/sheet to descri'e !hat the" see* hear* smell* and touch in the !orld around them. S+. Students !ill demonstrate that the" can identi " and read the sight !ords &* is* it* and and '" raming them on the 'oard during a class activit" and '" circling them on their song sheet during an individual activit". Students !ill then demonstrate that the" can read the sight !ords &* is* it* and and '" )ointing to the !ords as the" sing the song It Is Living. S-. Students !ill demonstrate that the" understand the di erence 'et!een living and nonliving things '" sorting and counting living rom nonliving things. Students !ill demonstrate one to one corres)ondence as the" count. S2. Students !ill use inger-)aints and their hand)rints to create their o!n @er" :ungr" Cater)illars. Students !ill share their com)leted creations !ith the class. Step 3 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES & LEARNING ACTIVITIES: C+. 0ead the 'oo/ When I was little '" Aamie Lee Curtis. Then using the 'oo/s ormat o <hen & !as little and No! &* students !ill create their o!n When I was little 'oo/s. The" !ill illustrate t!o things that the" used to 'e a'le to do !hen the" !ere

little and t!o things that the" can do no! that the" are 'igger. Then using their 'oo/s* students !ill role )la" ho! the">ve gro!n. C-. 0ead the 'oo/ What is a Scientist9 '" #ar'ara Lehn. :ave students create a telesco)e out o an em)t" toilet )a)er roll. Then using the scienti ic method* their ne! telesco)es* and their ive senses ta/e the students outside and have them e,)lore the !orld around them. :ave them com)lete the ;:o! .o & ?'serve 5" <orld9= !or/sheet to sho! !hat the" sa!* heard* smelled* and touched !hile the" !ere e,)loring. S+. The students !ill learn the sight !ords &* is* it* and and '" learning and singing the song It is Living. S-. 0ead the 'oo/ Whats Alive?BSort and count living rom nonliving things. S2. 0ead the 'oo/ The Very Hungry Caterpillar '" $ric Carle. :ave students use their senses to create their o!n @er" :ungr" Cater)illars. 1or their illustrations the" should onl" use inger-)aints and their hand)rints.

Ada)ted rom: 5cTighe* A.* & <iggins* 8. 3-CCD4. Understanding y design! "nd ed. Ale,andria* @A: ASC..E Ains!orth* L. 3-CC24. Unwrapping the standards# A si$ple pr%cess t% $a&e standards $anagea le. .enver* C?: Advanced Learning Fress.

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