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Preliminary Task Evaluation

What I liked
The dialogue was simplistic but it also gave a clear understanding to the viewers. It was short and to the point and tension developed as we went from shot to shot, especially cutting from rthe two boys talking, to the girl walking. The use of non-diagetic sound was an additional effect and I think it helped build more dramatic tension to the scene and between the characters. The Match On Action was successful with the girl opening the door. The 180 degree rule was successful in the conversations between the boys The Shot Reverse Shot was used to our advantage, again giving more tension as the girl came through the door.

What I Disliked
The actors that played the girls should have been the same to seem more realistic. The place where the girl walks into should have been in the same room to where the boys were filmed. The boy coming up the stairs should sit down before we cut to the next camera shot. The music at the end was too dramatic The scenes are cut slightly too short, so the audience pay attention to that factor more than enjoying the piece of film.

My Conclusion
I would have liked to have used more depth in the dialogue for example, giving the audience more information on the boyfriend, and therefore gives the audience more sympathy for the character. I would have liked to use more of the 180 Degree rule, as to show more of my understanding of the technique, as at the moment I have just shown a simplistic version of the rule in over-the-shoulder shots.

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