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media blog analysing the codes and conventions of the thriller genre films to be analysed: Seven Typography Two

o different types of fonts are used for the seven film poster. This text uses a sans-serif font, this is most likely to be or a font close related to Times New Roman. i think a sans serif font has been used to convey importance, because presumably Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman are the most important characters in the film. not only that but to the viewer of this poster the text really draws in your attention the use of the capitalisation of the font keeps the viewers attention fixed and focused to the font. the font also contrasts with the movie titles font. The two set of texts are placed in the top corners of the film poster, one set to the top right centre third and the other set to the top left centre third. Bth texts have been placed at the top of the poster to again show how important both actors to the film its to assure viewers these actors are present. also at the time of this movies relase both brad and morgan were t the height of their filming careers peole would be going out to watch any film that featured either of them. so you could say for promotional purposes these text have been placed where they are to show viewers that two great actors are featured in this film. as a viewer knowing the two actors are in this will assure that they watch. boh text consist of the names of the leading actors in the film, these being Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. The actors surnames are enhanced in size, slightly bigger than their first names. The text are aligned to the centre of their position. The texts are in white to contrast against the background of the poster. cleverly the text are placed above the actors images this may have been done to establish to the viewers the appearance of both the actors characters within the film.

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