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Bird Bills and Food!

HUMMINGBIRDS have a needlelike bill and extendable tongue

specialized for probing tubular owers for nectar.

JAYS are omnivorous birds equipped with a general-purpose bill and can consume
many things, including acorns, fruits, seeds, eggs, and young birds.

WOODPECKERS have specialized strong, sharp, pointed bills for

excavating nest hollows and a long barbed tongue for extracting wood-boring insects.

NORTHERN CARDINALS and nches have heavy,

upper bill and split by grinding the lower, sharply edged part of the bill.

conical bills for cracking seeds and removing the kernel. The seed is held in the grooved

CHICKADEES and wrens have small, sharp bills for pecking insects,
such as aphids, from foliage.

CROSSBILLS have distinctive crossed bills. The elongated upper and

lower bill tips cross over each other like shears and are used to force pine cones apart while the tongue extracts the seed.

SWALLOWS have small, weak bills that open wide to catch insects
while they are ying.
Check out the new book Gardening for the Birds for more information. Available everywhere books are sold.

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