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Depth Of Field.


What consists of it?

There are three main things you have to be aware of before taking a good quality depth of field image. They are ;

Focal Length Distance From Subject


Aperture is the size of the hole In the camera

A large F number means a small width hole E.GF/16= Non blur background- Small aperture hole F/1.2= Blurred background- Big aperture hole THE SMALLER THE NUMBER, THE MORE BLURRED BACKGROUND.

Focal Length

Focal length is the size of zoom

The closer the zoom the shallower depth of field (Blurred Background)

Distance From Subject

Distance from subject is basically where you stand from the thing that you are trying to take a photo of. E.G;

If I was taking a portrait of someone I would stand nearer to them in order to get a good quality Image with a shallow depth of field.

This photo demonstrates a shallow depth of field. This was created by turning the aperture specialised f number to a small number.


This image does have a reasonable depth of field. However it could be changed to improve it. How?

By improving the photo on the left I zoomed in with the lens. This helped the camera to take a better photo because it had more of a clear focal point. Due to this the dslr was able to blur more of the background out; creating a shallow depth of field.

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