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Frans Lanting: Location Photographer

Frans Lanting has been hailed as one of the greatest photographers of our influential work appears in books, magazines, and exhibitions around the world. decades he has documented wildlife from the Amazon to Antarctica to understanding about the Earth and its natural history through images that passion for nature and a sense of wonder about our living planet.

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The intimate colours in this image such a baby blue, pink and a hint of orange create a warm and relaxing atmosphere for the audience and emphasise a confident piece. The colours also highlight the purity and simplicity of the landscape, but also add to the beauty of the sea and cloudy sky. The photographers viewpoint is in front of the image but at a distance, making the audience spectators of the landscape. The light source in the image is coming from the sun behind the clouds, creating a soft illumination to the image ahead. The light is evidently strong and lights up the rest of the image, revealing everything clearly to the audience. It is clear that the photographer is attempting to communicate and capture the innocence and freedom in nature. I feel the image explores the freedom of nature, and the opportunity in landscapes and nature itself. I like how the photographer has captured colour in this image because the colours in the sky are rare and have to be captured at a specific time and done precisely and effectively.

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