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Paulo Ross B.

Sison 2009 21855 May 28, 2013 (Tuesday)

THE RELEVANCE OF THE JV SOTEJO LEGACY IN NURSING TODAY Julita Villaruel Sotejo has been a name imbibed to the minds of every student, faculty, and staff that walk the hallowed corridors of the UP College of Nursing but have we ever asked ourselves who is this woman who has been the catalyst of change in the field of nursing in the country? More than the information we can gather from her memorabilia hall, have we used our clinical eye to see beyond the hardships of what we have entered and marvel at the work that she started? The fulfillment of Sotejos dream of a school of nursing in the premiere University of the Philippines in the form of our beloved College is a concrete evidence of her principal value, and that is her dedication to improve the practice of nursing. Fast forward to sixty-five years and individuals molded under her wing have been more than front-liners in ushering the practice of nursing in the modern era. This only shows that Sotejos passion for nursing practice has been kept ablaze by those whom she inspired. Being one of her students and a new graduate of the College, the core values of Integrity, Nationalism, Caring, Excellence and Love for Learning are fresh within me and I will keep it so when I enter the field of practice to set the mark of Sotejo; manifested by a nurse that has the hands to help, mind to think through and a heart that truly cares.

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