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1. Age of the worker o Below 20 years o 21-25 years o 25- 30 years o Above 30 years

2. Gender of the worker o Male o Female


!"er#en$e of the worker o Below %months o % months - 1 year o 1 - 2 years o Above 2 years

&. 'orkers o"#n#on abo(t the )ob o *eavy work load o +ong ho(rs of work o ,oor work#ng $l#mate

5. -(rat#on of the leave taken by an em"loyee #n an month o 1 day

o 2-3 days o &-5 days o More than 5 days

%. .s the em"loyee attend#ng the da#ly d(ty on t#me/// o 0es o 1o


m"loyees o"#n#on abo(t balan$#ng the#r "ersonal l#fe w#th the "rofess#onal l#fe o 0es3 they $an balan$e o 1o3 they $annot

4. 'orkers o"#n#on abo(t the effe$t of absentee#sm o 5a(se work stress o -elayed "erforman$e o +ead to overt#me o +ess t(rnover o All the above


m"loyee sat#sfa$t#on level w#th relat#onsh#" w#th the s("er#or

o *#ghly sat#sf#ed o 7at#sf#ed o 1e(tral o -#s-sat#sf#ed o *#ghly d#s-sat#sf#ed

10. m"loyee o"#n#on for long absen$e o Fam#ly "roblem o ,ersonal "roblem o 8el#g#o(s matter o 7o$#al obl#gat#on o 1one of the above

11. Are the $o-workers hel"#ng #n the work of an em"loyee/ o 0es o 1o

12. -oes the em"loyee have met w#th any a$$#dent wh#le do#ng the#r work// o 0es o 1o

13. 'orkers reason for leave o 7#$kness o +a$k of #nterest #n )ob

o ,oor work#ng $ond#t#ons o +ong work#ng ho(rs

1&. m"loyee o"#n#on regard#ng work env#ronment o !$ellent

o Good o Fa#r o ,oor 15. 9he workers tho(ght regard#ng the work "ress(re on the )ob o 0es3 there #s a lot of work "ress(re o 1o3 there #s no work "ress(re

1%. 9y"e of work "ress(re the em"loyee fa$#ng #n the organ#:at#on o For$ed to do work o .m"ro"er env#ronment o 7tr#$t s("erv#s#on

12. .s the $om"any "rov#d#ng ade;(ate n(mber of leave to the em"loyee when they ask o 0es o 1o

14. 'orkers o"#n#on abo(t the fa$tors to red($e the absentee#sm o .n$rease #n n(mber of hol#days o Better work#ng $ond#t#ons

o ,rov#d#ng non-monetary benef#t o Better "erforman$e a""ra#sal

16. 'orkers level of awareness regard#ng the#r absent from the#r work o 7trongly Agree o Agree o 1e(tral o -#sagree o 7trongly -#sagree

20. 'orkers o"#n#on abo(t )ob enr#$hment $reates red($t#on #n absentee#sm of em"loyees o 7trongly agree o Agree o 1e(tral o -#s-agree o 7trongly d#s-agree

21. 'orkers o"#n#on to red($e absentee#sm o Ada"t#ng )ob rotat#on o <ob enr#$hment o 5o-ord#nat#on w#th $o-workers o ff#$#ent s("er#or

22. m"loyees o"#n#on on the mot#vat#onal fa$tor avo#d#ng tak#ng leave o Good em"loyee relat#ons o 'ork env#ronment o 8e$ogn#t#on of the work o .n$ent#ves and bon(s based on "erforman$e

23. 9he s(ggest#ons that $an be "rov#ded by the em"loyees to the management to red($e the absentee#sm #n an organ#:at#on.

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