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Demonstration and mechanism of Brudzinski and Kernig sign. What are meningeal signs?

They are signs of meningeal irritation (i.e., meningismus), produced y hemorrhage, tumor, or inflammation. They are primarily three! (") nuchal rigidity, (#) Kernig$s sign, and (%) Brudzinski$s sign.

What is their mechanism? & refle', and thus in(oluntary, attempt y the patient to pre(ent stretching of ner(es that pass through inflamed meninges. )ence, they represent a defensi(e mechanism.

What is Kernig$s sign? The in(oluntary resistance offered y patients to passi(e e'tension of the knee from a position in *hich hips and knees are fle'ed.To test for it, fle' the hip and knee on one side *hile the patient is supine. Then e'tend the knee *ith the hip still fle'ed. )amstring spasm results in pain in the posterior thigh muscle and difficulty *ith knee e'tension. +n se(ere meningeal inflammation, the opposite knee may fle' during testing.

What is Brudzinski$s sign? The refle' fle'ion of the hips and knees to*ard the chest in patients *hose necks are eing fle'ed.

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